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Analyzing Indian Air Force Capability

Please end the comparison right here. Before you guys waste your time in comparison. They will be deleted.

I certainly agree that comparison to a specific air force would be counterproductive, however any AF capability has to set in the background of at least a theoretical potential enemy, and the state of the air war paradigm overall. It may be productive to spend some time on the ability deal with of a theoretical "Red Force" with say mid 1970's state of the art equipment and limited SAM capabilities? Or maybe just discuss the ability of aircraft and C&C to deal with those threats? Just a thought.
Gentlemen, no kind of offence is intended as I naïve to this technical complexity of Air war, but still your high profile statements are quite spontaneous and contradictory.

First of all tell me, how did you reasoned out the definition of Air Dominance with regards to MKI? In quite simple words MKI is Multirole fighter jet which can be optimized for both Air to Air as well, Air to ground as well as command center for all other second line fighter plane by virtue of its Long range radar.

According to you f-16+J-10+Mirage will be on offensive over Indian territory, but one thing I don’t understand how does this plane would evade vast array of Medium-end Air defense radar in the presence SAMs like series of SA variants and akash. Pls take note that I don’t even hold high profile SAM like S-300PMU, SPYDER SAM System cover prevailing over Indian Territory.

When MKI is on offensive, its most likely targets are some key airbases as well as command and control centers, but it is not that we will be send whole inventory of MKIs on offensive duty. As I mentioned above MKI even act as command center, which will vector all interceptors like MIG-21, Mirage, Mig-29s towards intruders because of its current high power radar configuration. Pls take note over here that I don’t even taken into account MRCA and Phalcons into equation.

You are the one to discuss something with.......

Dude thats what the thread is about Air Force capabilities.........

Its not about capabilities of IAF after MRCA ....... before MRCA 150 odd JF-17 will be in PAF inventory........ Consider that ......

Plus its not to compare PAF and IAF but about the capabilities of IAF ...

And dude it is not a video game like you play on PS2 or PS3 to select requied weapons or a Jet and go on ........ its about the designation of a Fighter in the Squadron for the Role it is restricted to and the Role it will be playing in war Scenarios........ For all what I know and people will agree that Su-30 is a Multi Role Bomber .......... Its a Strike aircraft and is nothing else....... Donot buy Phalcons then and Station 15 MKI's in sky.......:rofl::rofl::rofl:

You donot know anything about Air defence dude...
Please end the comparison right here. Before you guys waste your time in comparison. They will be deleted.


Web Master its not a comparison ........ Capabilities can only be judged by the comparison with other offensive and Defencive force ....... In this case PAF is the case .........
Pls elobrate your preposition of How does Mig-27 is outdated and outlived its life to be a real threat in AG ?

It doesnot has the means to Defend itself with Air Interceptors like JF-17..........

Donot start comparing JF-17 with MIG 27 but consider that MIG 27 in AG mode will be meet by Mr. JF-17..........
Stop with the dots already!

Like i said. We are analyzing the Indian Air Force capability as an air force, not how India will attack Pakistan or how Pakistan will attack India.

Stop with the dots already!

Like i said. We are analyzing the Indian Air Force capability as an air force, not how India will attack Pakistan or how Pakistan will attack India.


Ok i get the feeling.

But how is a capability judged?

By stating they have this and they have that.

Discussions always need creating scenarios :wave:
So the Discussion is on again ....

I said indian air force is weak in Air Defence... i.e. No Competent INTERCEPTOR

Don't tell about Future MRCA in 2012 etc. Prove me wrong as per the Fighter Stregth India has right now!

Thank You
You are the one to discuss something with.......

Dude thats what the thread is about Air Force capabilities.........

Its not about capabilities of IAF after MRCA ....... before MRCA 150 odd JF-17 will be in PAF inventory........ Consider that ......

Plus its not to compare PAF and IAF but about the capabilities of IAF ...

And dude it is not a video game like you play on PS2 or PS3 to select requied weapons or a Jet and go on ........ its about the designation of a Fighter in the Squadron for the Role it is restricted to and the Role it will be playing in war Scenarios........ For all what I know and people will agree that Su-30 is a Multi Role Bomber .......... Its a Strike aircraft and is nothing else....... Donot buy Phalcons then and Station 15 MKI's in sky.......:rofl::rofl::rofl:

You donot know anything about Air defence dude...

One can easily feel a kind of concern and anexiouness from your post even if you are so much confident about your AirSupremacy, Hey guy feel free to elaborate it in detail.

Before teaching people around here, go and learn how to comprehand a particuler statement. While explaining the airdefence capability of IAF Where did I taken into account MRCA and Phalcon?

First of all you are very funny personality. Hey Friend What happen all of sudden you have bring down the inventory of JF-17 to 150, as in your previous post you had elabrated 250 J-17.

Hey let me simplify your useless reasoning, Why do you even taking JF-17 into equation?
Why don't you take into account your MIG-15 or hack even K-8 Jet trainers against MKI? Since MKI is only an bomber and lacking in Air to Air capability and hence MKI would sitting duck.

Pls spacify your so called War scenario in front of us in details.
It doesnot has the means to Defend itself with Air Interceptors like JF-17..........

Donot start comparing JF-17 with MIG 27 but consider that MIG 27 in AG mode will be meet by Mr. JF-17..........

Offcourse Mig-27 doesn't have any means to defend itself against JF-17. Because by the time JF-17 get full inducted in PAF, our Mig-27's would be already be phased out and decorated and shining the entrance of Schools and universities. Now don't tell me you will be able to induct 250 JF-17 by 2015.
So the Discussion is on again ....

I said indian air force is weak in Air Defence... i.e. No Competent INTERCEPTOR

Don't tell about Future MRCA in 2012 etc. Prove me wrong as per the Fighter Stregth India has right now!

Thank You

We can't prove you wrong, since you are already living in excessive denial and posting some contradictory as well as spontenous statement.
We can't prove you wrong, since you are already living in excessive denial and posting some contradictory as well as spontenous statement.

Can you explain Contradiction in my Posts ?.

Statement is correct as per my knowledge the role of your Airforce Jets and if i am wrong prove me wrong that Indian Air Force can defend its skys..

I posted earlier that Indian Airforce is a threat to South Asia as an Offensive force but Defencive element is long neglected by India by Not replacing it Bisons.......
Can you explain Contradiction in my Posts ?.

Statement is correct as per my knowledge the role of your Airforce Jets and if i am wrong prove me wrong that Indian Air Force can defend its skys..

I posted earlier that Indian Airforce is a threat to South Asia as an Offensive force but Defencive element is long neglected by India by Not replacing it Bisons.......

First of all tell me in which kind of scenario you would like to know about IAF's defensive capability? I mean in terms of present strenght or future strenght. Since you have justifying your truth by taking into consideration PAF's future capability.
This has gone downhill fairly fast. Can we get back to the issue of IAF capability? Speaking of the phalcon, Which unit is getting tasked with operating the beasts? Who will be training them, the Israelis I presume? Does India have enough operators familiar with phased array radar to use and maintain the things?

It gets to be beyond surprise now---when a pakistani colleague wants to compare future PAF against present day IAF---I just wonder, is this the best mental excersize that pakistan has to offer. Has it become that bad that pakistanis have lost any concept of strategy and real time warfare scenarios----has common sense gone out of the window.

As I have stated many times before---nations fight battles with the equipment they took possession of yesterday. Any comparison that has to be made has to done with what we have in hand and not what we are going to get 5 years down the road. So, can we do that please.
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