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Analysis: Pakistan relying too much on China against U.S.

ISI is not under the command of interior ministry n rehman faggot malik.Nor such a high ranking guy would be sent to india if a few indians died just to satisfy indian gov n its public.

If you want to be accepted by comity of nations and not be a pariah then I suggest to show some compassion.
Makes one wonder, who gets the strategic advantage out of destabilizing China-Pakistan border :coffee:

China is a responsible nation unlike India it will not and should not fall in to the American war on terror Crap.What India did was to try and create the link between Kashmiri freedom fighters and AL CIADA.

That bid failed so they initiated their own action 26/11 and blamed it on LET.

Anyways Pakistan has no strategic interest in Xinxiang, those people have more in common with central Asian republics than Pakistan.So the USA of believed the India version of story and banned LET, the thing is USA is making enemies with people who want nothing to do with America!!!!Thus they label all Taliban as terrorist but America survives on its military industrial complex killing people where ever she finds them..

Even while Pakistan is engaged in Afghanistan in peaceful talks America is bombing the very same Taliban who are negotiating. This very arrogance of the Americans will crush them from within.

So china should be careful not to label every 1 a terrorist and our friend ship should be made stronger than ever before in last 50 years.

At least China, Pakistan have friends what friends do India, USA have?? That’s why friend ship is important than being made a fool for som1 else’s war!!!!!

If you want to be accepted by comity of nations and not be a pariah then I suggest to show some compassion.

Last time I checked, Pakistan was a legit state, recognized worldwide and considered an important player on the global stage.

Don't know about you, your avatar justifies your baseless claims.
I sometimes wonder what qualifications these supposed analysts have to make these comments. Pakistan and India are very good freinds and its the west and their well wishers along with india who keep trying to look for an angle to be critical of this relationship.:china::pakistan:
you guys are at wits end .. any body can have a photo session with US president...it does not mean they are sponsoring terrorists. You have to have evidence on the ground to prove that. I am not one of those who fall for conspiracy theories which invariably fall by the wayside when are debunked.

You have a valid point that China is your best friend, why you would harm your neighbor?.. all I can say it that some extremists in your country do not kowtow to your diktats.
this means u can have this kinda photosession with US president and also everybody from Pakistan can have....????:azn:
All you indians here saying that Pakistan are supporting Uighur terrorists need to get your heads examined.

I know that Pakistan had made many stupid mistakes in the past, but this would be stupidest of stupid.

Do you really think Pakistan wants to be isolated from the international community knowing that the only reliable friend we have left is China, and knowing that our past allies (Saudi Arabia and United States) are running to our enemy, India.

Do you really think Pakistan is that stupid to mess up this very valuable friendship? If Pakistan does want to mess up this friendship intentionally by supporting Uighur separatists, then I will stop calling myself Pakistani and stop supporting Pakistan. I dont think any country is that stupid to want to be isolated and lose the only 1 reliable friend they have left.
I sometimes wonder what qualifications these supposed analysts have to make these comments. Pakistan and India are very good freinds and its the west and their well wishers along with india who keep trying to look for an angle to be critical of this relationship.:china::pakistan:

Fix your statement. Pakistan and India were never friends, we are enemies. Pakistan and China are very good friends for more than 60 years.

:pakistan: :china:
China is a responsible nation unlike India it will not and should not fall in to the American war on terror Crap.What India did was to try and create the link between Kashmiri freedom fighters and AL CIADA.

That bid failed so they initiated their own action 26/11 and blamed it on LET.

Anyways Pakistan has no strategic interest in Xinxiang, those people have more in common with central Asian republics than Pakistan.So the USA of believed the India version of story and banned LET, the thing is USA is making enemies with people who want nothing to do with America!!!!Thus they label all Taliban as terrorist but America survives on its military industrial complex killing people where ever she finds them..

Even while Pakistan is engaged in Afghanistan in peaceful talks America is bombing the very same Taliban who are negotiating. This very arrogance of the Americans will crush them from within.

So china should be careful not to label every 1 a terrorist and our friend ship should be made stronger than ever before in last 50 years.

At least China, Pakistan have friends what friends do India, USA have?? That’s why friend ship is important than being made a fool for som1 else’s war!!!!!


Actually no country in the Muslim world supports the Uighur movement and dont ever raise the issue, except for maybe Turkey. In the past, Turkey tried to raise the Uighur issue in the OIC but then Pakistan said that it was China's personal internal affair, and China is a friend of the Muslim world, then the OIC quickly dismissed the Uighur issue. Even Central Asian countries are not too bothered about the Uighur issue.
compare money given to pakistan by the US and China... all of you delusional theories will be obliterated
China praises Pakistan, downplaying risk of rift | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

China praises Pakistan, downplaying risk of rift
BEIJING: China’s Foreign Ministry on Wednesday praised Pakistan as a firm partner against terror and religious extremism, playing down the risk that ties could be strained by an attack that Chinese officials blamed on militants trained in Pakistan.

The ministry’s statement was its first response to the attack in Kashgar city in China’s far western Xinjiang region on Sunday, when a group of Uighur men killed a restaurant owner and waiter, and then hacked to death four people.

The Kashgar government said the attack was organised by members of the separatist “East Turkestan Islamic Movement” who received arms and explosives training in Pakistan.

But the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ma Zhaoxu, said his government stood by Pakistan, in comments apparently intended to quash any notion of a rift over the attack in Xinjiang, where members of the Uighur minority have protested against Beijing’s control and the Han Chinese presence.

“Pakistan is an important front in the international fight against terrorism, and has made an outstanding contribution to battling terrorism,” Ma said in a statement on the ministry’s website (????????????????).

Ma did not mention the Xinjiang attack in his comments.

“China and Pakistan are friendly neighbours, and we have developed healthy cooperation in the anti-terror area,” he said.

“China will continue strengthening cooperation with Pakistan” in fighting what both sides deem to be dangerous extremism, added Ma.

China has long treated Pakistan as a counterweight to the influence of India and its ally, the United States, and Pakistan has in turn increasingly turned to China as a counterweight to US power.

On Monday, the Pakistani foreign ministry issued a statement offering “full support” to China after the attack. Pakistan shares a border with China, and Uighurs, including opponents of Chinese rule, have fled there in the past.

Analysts have said that the role of any militant members of the “East Turkestan Islamic Movement” in the attack is unclear, especially because the group appears so weak.

This should be sufficient to shut up all the indians. China is our close ally and inshallah none of this propaganda will come between us.
compare money given to pakistan by the US and China... all of you delusional theories will be obliterated
compare damage/interference done to Pakistan by US and China..all of you delusional theories will be obliterated
Why are Pakistani members being so overtly defensive an jumping the gun? No one is saying that Pakistani state is sponsoring terrorists in China. No one. Only thing is that lawless regions of your bordering areas to Afghanistan and northern side are susceptible to become training grounds for these anti-China terrorists. It doesn't mean that anybody is accusing you of being part of this mess. When your territory is potentially used for such attacks, naturally there is concern that you have to ensure at least for your friend.

Sheesh... call it defensive...!
do the intelligence agencies from both nation share information? I would say they do. enough? I'm not sure.

China's claim those Uighurs are trained in Pakistan can not be baseless as we have to investigate thoroughly, enough thoroughly.

It's the only brother in the world we live, whom we count on.

by the way, those information has to exclude noises, especially from some other party, which has strategic interest in the region. we name it, "You Know Who". and it's not India.( So please don't jump in)
why is afghanistan not blamed when terrorists from afghanistan kill some people, but pakistani state is blamed when terrorists from FATA kill some people??,,,,,,discrimination?
"We cannot allow Pakistani territory to be used for any activities against any neighbor, especially a close ally like China," said Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Chairman of the Pakistan-China Institute.
Oh? I've heard this sentence a gazillion times before, emanating from the Pakistani Establishment! But there are still 42 Jihadi training camps merrily operating across the border! Jihad is the only employment opportunity for the unemployed in Pakistan where the PA is using these bozos as cannon fodder against India! It's cheap but a failure. These Jihadi yahoos are expendable, so it doesn't really matter how many are butchered by Indian security forces!

China is just using Pakistan as a buffer against India to protect its Southern Flank. There'll be no love lost if Pakistan's strategic importance is diminished vis a vis India. It will be dumped like a hot potato. And this is what Pakistan doesn't understand. All this talk of being an 'all weather friend' which is 'higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea' is all hogwash!

In geo-politics there are no permanent friends - only permanent interests.
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