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An intolerant educational system made me indifferent to the death of non-Muslims

Naughty Kid on the block.
hey krait
:wave::tongue: hw r u?:police:
You don't have a mind to put anything into ! :whistle:

Yes...yes @levina it is true - Hes gone half-mad because of his undying love for that 'special someone' I told you about & the other half was always working on half-power so you can well imagine what the brain-overload did ! :unsure:
haan bhai sirf tu hi intelligent :(
Which brings us to the second point again - I don't recall reading anything about perpetual victimization of Muslims nor of Hindu Subjugation nor anything of the sort so where is he getting those 'references' from ? Certainly not the books I've read or most others on PDF !

Am I saying that such literature doesn't exist ? No....it probably does ! But assuming that its being taught in XYZ Board in Pakistan doesn't equal its being taught in Pakistan !

I'm sure you'd be asking yourself the same question were you going through Krishna Kumar's Prejudice & Pride : School Histories of Freedom Struggle in India & Pakistan !
Again, the research done, not just by one author but many, all with citations, and a high number of the books cited were used in Punjab.
You don't have a mind to put anything into ! :whistle:

Yes...yes @levina it is true - Hes gone half-mad because of his undying love for that 'special someone' I told you about & the other half was always working on half-power so you can well imagine what the brain-overload did ! :unsure:

(i want to give u a petname...but ur name...uffff...its soooo long)

We will wait till @Ayush finishes his exams.(13th dec to be precise)

And then we can give some gyaan on that matter.
Btw i heard u toooooo had a "special someone" in ur life.:whistle:
Again, the research done, not just by one author but many, all with citations, and a high number of the books cited were used in Punjab.

I've gone through all 150 or so pages of them (assuming that you're talking about the SDPI Publication) & I can see the citation !

Referencing does not equal Objectivity !

I respect the work & the input that went into - It has something to teach us...a lot in fact !

But I don't agree with the Conclusions made - For me, they don't add up !

For Example - I don't think that the mention of Mujahid or Jadujahid equals an Incitement to Violence especially when anyone with even a rudimentary grasp over Urdu would know otherwise never mind the Theological implications of it, if any & thats a big 'if' !

Yeah Yeah, I know....not every Muslim think like that but the funny thing is that, when it's about non-Islamic religions, Muslims don't generally like to speak up...
...like when the Buddha status were being destroyed in Bamyan(Afghanistan)....none of the 59 Muslim countries of the world condemned it officially...
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I've gone through all 150 or so pages of them (assuming that you're talking about the SDPI Publication) & I can see the citation !

Referencing does not equal Objectivity !

I respect the work & the input that went into - It has something to teach us...a lot in fact !

But I don't agree with the Conclusions made - For me, they don't add up !

For Example - I don't think that the mention of Mujahid or Jadujahid equals an Incitement to Violence especially when anyone with even a rudimentary grasp over Urdu would know otherwise never mind the Theological implications of it, if any & thats a big 'if' !
The rest - starting from Hindus worship in tiny dark places while Muslims worship in big open lit spaces to Hindus connived this or that.

And a dozen other such brilliant anecdotes meant only to deride the minorities!
Its american actions which makes things easy to understand actually...
Judging actions without honestly evaluating their context is a pretty severe deficiency, whether doing so is founded in education or in culture.
come on , don't bring your indian mind set into this thread -
Oh, are CNN and Fox News responsible for your prejudices here, too?

Leviza, I can't bring myself to believe that you take these attitudes of yours seriously or that you believe in them. I think you're lying to us, wielding insults as tools to bash critics with because you can't counter with anything better.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I've been seeing a lot of this lately. One Pakistani, a newly-minted law professor in D.C., justified his deceptions with the tweet, "I will take intellectually dishonesty over justifying lawless state sanctioned murder of brown and black folk". (That is, he knows something is lawful but invokes racism to justify arguing otherwise.) I wonder if he'll get tenure?
Judging actions without honestly evaluating their context is a pretty severe deficiency, whether doing so is founded in education or in culture.
Oh, are CNN and Fox News responsible for your prejudices here, too?

Leviza, I can't bring myself to believe that you take these attitudes of yours seriously or that you believe in them. I think you're lying to us, wielding insults as tools to bash critics with because you can't counter with anything better.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I've been seeing a lot of this lately. One Pakistani, a newly-minted law professor in D.C., justified his deceptions with the tweet, "I will take intellectually dishonesty over justifying lawless state sanctioned murder of brown and black folk". (That is, he knows something is lawful but invokes racism to justify arguing otherwise.) I wonder if he'll get tenure?

well your pre-assumptions without anyone saying it lead to what i was referring too in my last post..

Just so you get it properly by saying CNN, Fox News etc i meant media :) now am i right by saying you again 'thick american mind' which i know you will again put in as insult but what i do if you cant take the proper meaning out of simple stuff ?

I respect your difference of opinion, but do you really think that all of Pakistani institutes are doing this ? i have tried to give you examples of USA school shooting incident of innocent to picture that it can happen anywhere even in your well educated country...

hence, my point it very clear from the first post of mine that this writer is wrong in generalizing by his own thoughts and maybe he ha some intentions of getting some kind of benefit out of it as these days bashing Pakistan, Pak Army is a trend setter in USA and pays high as well ...and in Pakistan too with the American NGOs working in the region ...These NGOs are the Question Mark as well ... but lets leave them for some other day
I personally think its got more to do with the upbringing, the environment you have at home than the education system. A child who grew up in a "liberal" environment will think differently compared to someone who grew up in an "extremist" household.
And this guy is caring more about people dead on 9.11 but not about the dead people in Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan as they were muslims??

what a brain washed guy he is ...

One must understand that innocent people killing is not justified in any form. any one doing it is wrong, USA is also doing it in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan... Please write a blog post for that innocent killings as well or do you think they are not humans as they are not Americans?

He was that boy who celebrate the fall two towers(9/11).Just read that blog
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