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American thumbs down for Pakistan

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If you had tried not to be moronic, you had earned your comment for commenting citing of heads by Muslims and not for person standing on American Flag and not supporting it.

STOP blaming others,
Your own Leaders are responsible for those deaths, There is a Reason Why ''Drone Strikes'' Starts !
Nato Do Not dare To enter in Iranian or Even Syrian Airspace but it's different in case Of Nuclear power Pakistan ?

Keep giving More Excuses For YOUR failures
STOP blaming others,
Your own Leaders are responsible for those deaths, There is a Reason Why ''Drone Strikes'' Starts !
Nato Do Not dare To enter in Iranian or Even Syrian Airspace but it's different in case Of Nuclear power Pakistan ?

Keep giving More Excuses For YOUR failures

I would agree with your assessment. Our leaders both political and military are to be blamed for this. We are complicent in these drone strikes. One just took place today i believe killing 17 people.
What else can you expect from a nation where 99% out of 180 million population is angry with America's policy of drone strikes in Pakistan?

Sir, You said right, mostly public & mob acts like you said.

It leaders/think tank class of nation who should guide mob with realistic vision. Pakitsan shearly need a bunch of good & visionary leaders.

Dont you think same 99% of population should understand that all the mess is because of blunder of own policy makers who made US feel cheated as ally & also brain-sh*t hidden forces which fosters terrorism in their territory which are threat to two decade long US efforts & Tax Payer's money.

Something must be definitely wrong with the country where Ex-PM Nawaz says that he had no idea of Kargil before it started.Now PA/ISI says they dont foster/support terrorists & non-state actor who is going to believe it when your own PM turned out to be fool.

Your own leaders, ISI,home grown & fostered terror elements like Haqqanis send hate-prone signals & threating messeges to world & in return you want everyone to hug you back.Unbelievable.
Yeah, you got us good! I'm not on the East coast like you...are the Pakistani Legions there yet? When do we sign the instrument of surrender?

Pakistan is not a strong country to match US firepower, but I guarantee you they will not lie down and play dead either. Pakistani Military will protect their vital interest as you saw when they blocked Nato route for seven months till the US blinked. On this issue you and I will just have to agree to disagree, dear.:pakistan::usflag:

What he is pointing out...well, let's give an example...I put up some pictures of dead children from Africa...and claim they are christians killed by pakistani Taliban...it's misleading.

You know that is a cop out because there are Western Sources that have documented hundreds of Civilian Casualties in Pakistan from the Drone attacks.
Pakistan is not a strong country to match US firepower, but I guarantee you they will not lie down and play dead either. Pakistani Military will protect their vital interest as you saw when they blocked Nato route for seven months till the US blinked. On this issue you and I will just have to agree to disagree, dear.:pakistan::usflag:

Naw, we don't disagree. Pakistan showed some guts and took it as far as they could. If it was 24 American soldiers, I would have demanded as much. Now let's move on, we apologised, not sure why it wasn't sooner. (I'm sure there must have been a reason) Hopefully the Pakistani Army will show as much guts in confronting those who would fragment your nation.
Standing on one's flag or burning is still peaceful demonstration to show their anger.

Compare these two images and pick which is less offensive.




If you had tried not to be moronic, you had earned your comment for commenting citing of heads by Muslims and not for person standing on American Flag and not supporting it.

No doubt, People died in Drone aare definitely more offensive any good human will condemn such killing of innocent kids & women.

But dude, this is what happens when you ask others to clean your mess.You have one of the greatest standing armies in world, potent air-force & well trained inetlligence.

Why dont your nation takes responsibity of cleaning home grown terror breeding centre & elements?? why does pakistan needs military support,economic aid & foreign elements to clean mess in its own boundaries??

Pakistan should prove & assure the world that it will not let its terrority being used as breeding heaven for terrorist then drones will automatically stop.This is what india demanded in last decade, this is what china wants now & US being your big brother has taken direct action unlike india & china.
Cutting heads off? That's not our little trick, that's a Muslim game. We SHOULD try it tho...oh...and I'm gonna cry myself to sleep because some goat-herder stepped on a poorly-painted American flag. (can he even read the signs at the protest? Unlikely!)

Is cutting people's head off any more barbaric than blowing up babies into smithreens ?

Pick your Poison, my friend..
Wouldn't the Pakistanis' SH!T THEMSELVES if we started jumping around in the streets chanting 'Death to Pakistan' and burned Pakistani flags and all the rest of the goofy stuff that they do towards the U.S. ?

I Think you american Shitted alot including you, remember those occupy wall street protests across US and burning of american flags inside america by americans. I understand Pakistanis do goofy things but it really is awkward idiotic when your up-coming presidential candidates and senators are passing goofiest moronic comments on muslims including the funniest famous bomb the Mecca.
Burning Pakistani flag would be less offensive than killing our countrymen and soldiers in uniform. So your "what if" is "already being done" and no you haven't made Pakistanis $hit themselves. Burning flags is nevertheless a way of protesting and this is still better than knocking heads off or burning infants, pregnant women and children in the name of peace and suspects. So let $hit lie with the country who deserves it more.

How come you people don't make this much noise when YOUR OWN PAKISTANI MUSLIM BROTHERS behead your soldiers, blow up your hospitals, blow up your market places, throw acid on the faces of your women.

How come you don't make this much noises when YOUR OWN PAKISTANIS butcher THEIR OWN HAZARA SHIA COUNTRYMEN??

Or are all of these problems also caused by evil America and Zionist israeli mossad?

I've been to Pakistan and the things i saw, the INHUMANE behavior of the people there leads me to believe that it is Christians who are perhaps more "Islamic" in action and principle than my fellow Pakistanis.

NEW YORK, July 6 (APP): An American expert on South Asia has urged the U.S. to devise a long-term strategy that would balance American security requirements with Pakistan’s development needs as pressure would no longer work on Islamabad. “Open conflict with Pakistan was not an option. It was time to roll back the pressure,” Vali Nasr, a former senior State Department official said in an opinion piece posted on Bloombeg news services’ web site on Friday.Nasr, who is now dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, wrote that the U.S. apology over the Salala incident means an end of Washington’s campaign to “bully Pakistan into submission.” “The Pakistanis held firm in their insistence on an apology. Officials at the Pentagon thought the case didn’t merit one,” he said. “However, the main implication of the apology, a triumph of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over both the White House and the Pentagon, is that it ends the experiment of the U.S. trying to bully Pakistan into submission,” added Nasr, who is of Iranian origin and is also so a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution, a Washington-based think-tank.
Ok, so we've read this stuff a thousand times already. Most of it has been written by foreigners sitting in their ivory towers a million miles away. Now here's something written by someone who knows Pakistan much much better than them. Read on....

LAST week I heard of a cellphone app developed by a group of young Pakistani developers called Angry Imran: similar to the incredibly popular Angry Birds, Imran Khan&#8217;s head is launched off a catapault to destroy the heads of other Pakistani politicians &#8212; Asif Zardari, Yusuf Raza Gilani, Nawaz Sharif, Altaf Hussain &#8212; in the various cities of Pakistan.

When you finish them off successfully, the jalsa crowds roar and Imran&#8217;s voice shouts out, &#8220;Tabdeeli aa gayi hai!&#8221; Kudos to the CreatiXe team who have given us a badly needed laugh in difficult times (and good for Imran Khan who is said to have found the game &#8220;quite funny&#8221;).

I thought of this game while travelling through the UK and meeting many expat Pakistanis in different cities &#8212; London, Leeds, Newcastle &#8212; because all of them had one question on their mind: are things changing for the better in Pakistan? And they looked at me, fearful of what I was going to tell them, and I surprised myself with my own answer: yes.

So my response was met with by both cynicism and surprise. How, when all they hear is terrible stories coming out of our country about the corruption, the ineptness of the government, the blatant flouting of the rule of law by all members of society, is Pakistan changing?

The answer is complex, but I believe that Pakistan has finally woken up to reality. For decades we&#8217;ve been living like sleepwalkers, asleep and unaware while our rulers led us from one disastrous reign to another. We&#8217;ve been sedated with a harmful political ideology, we&#8217;ve been restrained by the years of dictatorship and war, and we&#8217;ve been fooled into thinking ourselves indispensable to world politics, the darling of all the superpowers who can&#8217;t put a foot wrong. But over the last 10 years, we&#8217;ve had our eyes opened by the harsh conditions of a post-9/11 world, and no longer are we living like zombies, in denial and ignorance of the very deep waters in which we stand.

I see a growing awareness of the past: all the wrong steps taken over the last 60 years that have led us further and further into a labyrinth of our own making. I see a burgeoning youth, hungry for information and education, going to university and entering the workforce in exciting numbers. I see the Pakistani free press converging with the ultimate wave of information, the Internet, and challenging the political and societal narrative force-fed to us by our state and its decrepit, tattered information and education systems.

I see a powerfully aware civil society, ready to raise its voice against violations of human rights. I see a people who want answers and accountability, and a government system with functionaries who are slowly realising that it can no longer get away with disrespecting the people, no matter how hard it tries to do so.

I see an independent judiciary that is functioning with great confidence.

I see a lawyers&#8217; movement that rid the nation of a dictator without bloodshed, a revolution that was a shining example to the Arab Spring nations.

I see women fighting tooth and nail for their rights and refusing to accept the status of second-class citizens.

I see attempts to normalise relations with our neighbours.

I see dedicated activists trying to change laws, bringing balance and tolerance into our system, despite the attempts of the uneducated and the closed-minded to continue injustice in the name of &#8216;tradition&#8217; and &#8216;honour&#8217;.

But that&#8217;s not to say that all is rosy in Pakistan. Our political system is weak. The battle between extremism and moderation and liberalism rages on our streets, in our workplaces and schools, in our mosques and our homes. Our economy is an aeroplane that tries desperately to achieve lift but is only able to avoid crashing and no more than that. Egregious crimes are committed against women and religious and ethnic minorities every day.

Yet in this wild pendulum swinging between left and right, between one extreme and the other, is a sign that we Pakistanis are struggling mightily with our identity; we are trying to redefine it, having woken up to the monster we were becoming and realising that we didn&#8217;t want to become that particular spectre.

So with caution, I tell my expatriate brothers and sisters that yes, Pakistan is changing. It&#8217;s a slow process that may take generations, but at least we&#8217;re seeing the beginning of it now. It&#8217;s a revolution even if it doesn&#8217;t look like the ones we&#8217;ve read about in history books or watched on television. We&#8217;ll probably never eliminate all the evils in our society, or right all the wrongs of our history, or magically never make any mistakes again, but we&#8217;ll continue to struggle to tip the balance in favour of the right and the just.

The important thing is to continue to look our problems straight in the face, without denial or excuses, and work to defeat them, and never lose hope. And remember the words of Angry Imran, even if you don&#8217;t agree with his politics: &#8216;tabdeeli aa gaye hai.&#8217;


Pakistan is changing | DAWN.COM
How is replying to the previous post showing an anti-Muslim bent? If I don't cheer for that idiot...I'm automaticaly anti-Muslim? OK, fine. If you don't like burning Korans...you are an Islamic western-hating extremist.
This is so ridiculous.......even more worst than a shame from a person sitting in USA........I never thought that a normal American can have such kinda hate for other religions thats totally un-American......I guess U not American.......U shold takeoff ure American flags from ure name.....:smokin:
How come you people don't make this much noise when YOUR OWN PAKISTANI MUSLIM BROTHERS behead your soldiers, blow up your hospitals, blow up your market places, throw acid on the faces of your women.

But when those "OWN PAKISTANI MUSLIM BROTHERS" are using a territory occupied by USA to do all the crimes you mentioned. What should we say about that?

Oh this is also Pakistan's mistake. Right?
Wouldn't the Pakistanis' SH!T THEMSELVES if we started jumping around in the streets chanting 'Death to Pakistan' and burned Pakistani flags and all the rest of the goofy stuff that they do towards the U.S. ? :woot:

A few dozen in a country of 200 million does not makeva nation of flag burners.

The western media is always looking for negative images to project to the world, the flag burning Muslim is a favourite, but it's used to tarnish the image of hundreds of millions.
babies are not targetted.. its the cowardly muslim fighters who shield themselves with babies and women

You do realize that this is the same argument used by the 9/11 terrorists? That the financiers of the American war machine hide themselves in urban corporate offices.

No one gives a hoot in Pakistan for these loser oufits and authors who have sold their soul to the devil.

The American (and, to some extent, global) culture has been damaged badly by the post-9/11 narrative. Slowly, American society is starting to recover from the fascist mindset of the post-9/11 era that any dissent from the official narrative is tantamount to unpatriotic treason and supporting terrorists.

Ironically, American liberals are braver and more likely to challenge the US neocon propaganda than Pakistani "liberals" are.
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