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American documentary about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1958)

I'm critical of "One Party Rule" era of Turkey, but I criticize events in their context and timeline. Above newspaper pages are from a WWII era, so it's unfair to criticize those who were governing the Turkey. Even though Turkey stayed as a neutral country up until the end of war, war inevitably affected Turkey. It was a time of economic hardship and great food shortages.
I'm critical of "One Party Rule" era of Turkey, but I criticize events in their context and timeline. Above newspaper pages are from a WWII era, so it's unfair to criticize those who were governing the Turkey. Even though Turkey stayed as a neutral country up until the end of war, war inevitably affected Turkey. It was a time of economic hardship and great food shortages.

Germany defeated in WWI and demolished WWII
whereas Turkey didn't enter WWII
Now see the difference between Germany and Turkey..
Today still Turkey continue to eat the bread of Ottoman Empire..
Kemalist Regime slander the Ottoman Empire to cover up their own failure..
Germany defeated in WWI and demolished WWII
whereas Turkey didn't enter WWII
Now see the difference between Germany and Turkey..
Today still Turkey continue to eat the bread of Ottoman Empire..
Kemalist Regime slander the Ottoman Empire to cover up their own failure..

Don't you think that after the mauling that Turkey took at the end of WWI and the subsequent demoralization of the nation, Mr.Ataturk provided the Turkish nation something to believe in once more, something to aspire to, to work towards once more ?
Don't you think that after the mauling that Turkey took at the end of WWI and the subsequent demoralization of the nation, Mr.Ataturk provided the Turkish nation something to believe in once more, something to aspire to, to work towards once more ?

Yes Turkish nation believed him..
But he was abolished Caliphate, prohited Kur'an, Adhan and all islamic teachings after seizing power.. Many mosques were used as stables in the time of him..
Now see the situation of muslim world since 80 years..
Yes Turkish nation believed him..
But he was abolished Caliphate, prohited Kur'an, Adhan and all islamic teachings after seizing power.. Many mosques were used as stables in the time of him..
Now see the situation of muslim world since 80 years..

I don't agree with his policies regarding religion either but I've always thought of him as being sincere to his people and I respect him a lot for that.

Furthermore, he at least gave you guys something to believe in - a collective national consciousness. Take the example of Pakistan - we were created to preserve the Muslim ideology and have, as such, always gone out of the way to help Arab countries in each one of their wars with Israel only to find them cozying up to our arch rival - India. Afghanistan and Iran, our fellow Muslims countries, have been an incessant thorn in our sides and always sided with India. Now if you take away the concept of 'Ummah' - Muslims sticking together with one another - we loose the reasoning for our existence. At least, you don't have that conundrum. Now Muslims are awakening again to Religious unity from ethnicity or language based nationalism and maybe our coming generations would transcend those differences and stick together but don't you think that doing what he did, was justified or at least understandable under those circumstances.
Germany defeated in WWI and demolished WWII
whereas Turkey didn't enter WWII
Now see the difference between Germany and Turkey..
Today still Turkey continue to eat the bread of Ottoman Empire..
Kemalist Regime slander the Ottoman Empire to cover up their own failure..
Well Germany was already an industrial state before WWI whereas Ottomans wasn't.
Neither Ottoman State before 1923 nor Turkey (after inonuists a.k.a. Kemalists took over ) after 1944 were ideal. Both were corrupt. There was once a chance to transform Turkish State to an independent power, that was lost due to inonu's treacherous policies.

Amendment: actually Ottoman State between 1909 and 1918 was better ruled and organized, ittihat ve terakki party could have risen Ottoman Turkey far higher, if WW1 would not have happened.
Neither Ottoman State before 1923 nor Turkey (after inonuists a.k.a. Kemalists took over ) after 1944 were ideal. Both were corrupt. There was once a chance to transform Turkish State to an independent power, that was lost due to inonu's treacherous policies.

Amendment: actually Ottoman State between 1909 and 1918 was better ruled and organized, ittihat ve terakki party could have risen Ottoman Turkey far higher, if WW1 would not have happened.
Actually, Turkey between 1923-1938 was the highest level we have been able to reach after 1699...

In 1938, Turkey was one of the largest economies in this earth, Turkey was the fastest growing economy, Turkey could build herown civil and military planes, Turkey could build her own military and civil ships, Turkey was building largest railway route project of its time, Turkey was bulding her own rifles, cannons, and military equipments, Turkey could be able to do one of the biggest education projects of this earth...

Blaming Kemalism for power hungry politicians use of it to silence and control of nation is like blaming Islam for power hungry bigots use of it to silence and control people...

Edit: For Ottoman boot lickers... Ottmans were the topdog of Europe more than 200 years, They were a superpower around 350 years... But that doesn't change the fact that most of the Sultans was power hungry s'ssies who would rather live comfortably rather than try to advence the state and her people.

There were numerous Sultan who tried to make something out of the state but they were either killed or blocked by unprogressives... Selim III was one of the few sultans who cared about the state more than than their own comfort and even than his own life... and like other progressive sultans hewas klled... But generally, they were both cowards and inept.
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