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American documentary about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1958)

Thats the problem! For them west sets standard and they work hard to achieve that, feels proud of the brain wash leaving their own culture and history!

We didnt leave our culture or history, care to elaborate on that.
In my opinion it doesn't seem like people in Turkiye respect Ataturk it's as if they worship him. His picture is practically everywhere in the country, I heard his picture is in every public school classroom, the education system there is fixated on him and really force upon children to love him.

Ataturk is to Turkiye as George Washington is to the US. Though in US you will not see George Washington's painting in every public school classroom, or his paintings everywhere you go in public, there just isn't the obsession with him as there is for Ataturk in Turkiye.

I think the secular Turkish state knows if it doesn't constantly bombard the Turkish citizens with Ataturk messages and "propaganda" (for lack of a better word) then they feel that Turkish people would revert more to Islam or become more in tuned with their religion rather than Kemalism. So, there certainly is a deliberate systematic endeavor by the secular state to bombard and indoctrinate people about Kemalism.

Overall, this is more then respect and love for Mustafa Kemal Pasha, but it seems more like an intense obsession and almost idolatry.
no , ataturk is respected by nearly everyone in turkey except some , first ataturk wasnt atheist he was a muslim , hes mum was a very religious person but he changed the country but he was a muslim , 2. we come back and we see turkey again the strongest muslim country maybe if arabs never backstabed we would be in a different situation and there would be a muslim superpower with all the natural resources of the land before ww1
Silly of you you are comparing turkey with Bangladesh......... He has every right to say about caliphate as a part of Ummah..... Eva heard of khilafat movement ?? It is a movement against britain to save ottoman caliphate in which bengalis actively took part!

Okay i see.
guys , i understand there are 2 factions here who curse each other --- most of the discourse is in turkish and ive started to delete these posts as they are mostly abusive and/or not in english- What is the actual bone of contention among the 2 groups ? kindly post your POVs in this thread so i am at a better place to understand who is at fault during the mega cluttering of most of the turkish subforum threads. --- drop me an informing msg when any one of you reply to my post
In my opinion it doesn't seem like people in Turkiye respect Ataturk it's as if they worship him. His picture is practically everywhere in the country, I heard his picture is in every public school classroom, the education system there is fixated on him and really force upon children to love him.

Ataturk is to Turkiye as George Washington is to the US. Though in US you will not see George Washington's painting in every public school classroom, or his paintings everywhere you go in public, there just isn't the obsession with him as there is for Ataturk in Turkiye.

I think the secular Turkish state knows if it doesn't constantly bombard the Turkish citizens with Ataturk messages and "propaganda" (for lack of a better word) then they feel that Turkish people would revert more to Islam or become more in tuned with their religion rather than Kemalism. So, there certainly is a deliberate systematic endeavor by the secular state to bombard and indoctrinate people about Kemalism.

Overall, this is more then respect and love for Mustafa Kemal Pasha, but it seems more like an intense obsession and almost idolatry.

Same sh*t is happening in my country! school kids are given 'Father of the nation Sheikh Mujib' Drug .later they develop a sense that worshipping him is patriotism while criticizing him is act of treason...
In my opinion it doesn't seem like people in Turkiye respect Ataturk it's as if they worship him. His picture is practically everywhere in the country, I heard his picture is in every public school classroom, the education system there is fixated on him and really force upon children to love him.

Ataturk is to Turkiye as George Washington is to the US. Though in US you will not see George Washington's painting in every public school classroom, or his paintings everywhere you go in public, there just isn't the obsession with him as there is for Ataturk in Turkiye.

I think the secular Turkish state knows if it doesn't constantly bombard the Turkish citizens with Ataturk messages and "propaganda" (for lack of a better word) then they feel that Turkish people would revert more to Islam or become more in tuned with their religion rather than Kemalism. So, there certainly is a deliberate systematic endeavor by the secular state to bombard and indoctrinate people about Kemalism.

Overall, this is more then respect and love for Mustafa Kemal Pasha, but it seems more like an intense obsession and almost idolatry.

thanks A1Kaid really this is a perfect analysis about turkey and kemalism finally this ataturk saved our country but also he killed our muslim spirit and faith
In my opinion it doesn't seem like people in Turkiye respect Ataturk it's as if they worship him. His picture is practically everywhere in the country, I heard his picture is in every public school classroom, the education system there is fixated on him and really force upon children to love him.

Ataturk is to Turkiye as George Washington is to the US. Though in US you will not see George Washington's painting in every public school classroom, or his paintings everywhere you go in public, there just isn't the obsession with him as there is for Ataturk in Turkiye.

I think the secular Turkish state knows if it doesn't constantly bombard the Turkish citizens with Ataturk messages and "propaganda" (for lack of a better word) then they feel that Turkish people would revert more to Islam or become more in tuned with their religion rather than Kemalism. So, there certainly is a deliberate systematic endeavor by the secular state to bombard and indoctrinate people about Kemalism.

Overall, this is more then respect and love for Mustafa Kemal Pasha, but it seems more like an intense obsession and almost idolatry.

Ataturk is more than George Washington... He praticly recreated the nation... Have you ever read historical books about last decades of Ottoman Empire... People were misirable, poor, afraid, angry, hopeless and full with many negative feelings... In ther last years, they have seen that only thing that kept them as whole, religion, was fauls with betreyal of Arabs... Millions of Balkan refeguees without home, 1/4 of population has been killed in War... Did you know that it is the highest death rate in a war trough out the history. Every 1 out of 4 person was death... 2 out of 3 person was death at eastern Anatolia where Armenians live. (these numbers are numbers of muslims death) %60 of life stock was death, %45 of agricultural trees were destroted, %36 of agricultural fields were destroyed.

He gace the Turks that Islam did not. He gave them a reason to stay alive, ambition of a proud nation, a reason to not to be afraid anymore. When I think of what that solo man did for his people, that brings tears in my eyes. I am grateful to that man. I love that man for what he did and how he sacrifeced his own life, not with death but with his every second, sacrifeced for our people. I love him as much as my own late father and mother whom I still benefit from both their memory and property for my education. Not because of teachings in shoold but because I know that, I still benefit from that mans memory and work as much as I benefit from my own late mother and father...

So tell me, If I am more gratefull to this mortal man who I own as much as I own to my late father and mother that prophet Mohammed (s.a.a.w its for muslims who would be offended if I did not usethis) who lived 1500 years ago.

So I woulbe very happy if you don't talk about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk without his sacrifeses and works for our people, our nation and our country
Kemalism and idiolising him in Turkey is the sole reason why Turkey has been in the dark ages for many decades. As A1kaid has written, it is beyond loving him. His statues in every single school and of course his picture in every single school room. Whenever a person starts critizing some part of his policies (like banning azan in Arabic etc) they get bombarded with insults, as we have experienced several times in this forum. And those people who say that Turkey today is the most powerful muslim country, tell me, when did Turkey get this position? It was definitely not during the times of Ataturks party (CHP) or others. Turkey tripled its economy, boosted infrastructure, universities, hospitals, and overall the country, During an islamist party, the AKP.
Especially those people who call him the single savior of our country, what were the rest of commanders and leaders and soldiers functions i ask you. Kemal was just one of 5 commanders during the war of independence the others were Fevzi Çakmak, Kâzım Karabekir, Ali Fuat Cebesoy and İsmet İnönü. Yes, he played a very vital role, but the rest were also heroes.

But what happened after we beat the European powers? We implemented the exact same mentality even worse repressing Muslims in a country whose population consists of 99% Muslims. Hagia Sophia was turned into Museum by Kemal, The Azan in arabic was banned by him etc. As i said many other times, if those who defend Kemal has things they want to discuss about, do it with manners and respect. Don't come here with insults and other form of curses.
If there are Muslims repressed in Turkey, it's the Alevi and not the Sunni, you're obviously Sunni so frankly, no you are not suppressed.
Oh wait, I forgot you don't even live in Turkey. How can you judge that when you're just once a year in Turkey?

I was in my home town a few years ago during Ramadan and enjoyed a beer on the streets, no one complained. Last year the same situation but this time someone approached me and told me that it's harram and this and that, I told him to move on and move to Saudi Arabia. If there is a group suppressed then that's the secular folks, not Muslims.

We need another Atatürk who will once more clean up the country.
If there are Muslims repressed in Turkey, it's the Alevi and not the Sunni, you're obviously Sunni so frankly, no you are not suppressed.
Oh wait, I forgot you don't even live in Turkey.

We need another Atatürk who will once more clean up the country.

We are already cleaning the country of corruption and Zionists.
I really don't get why conservative Muslims are so scared or Jews. How can such a small group even bother you.
Cleaning up corruption for example is a good thing the AKP is doing, but they should also take a look at some projects where no tender took place and the son-in-law of Erdogan profited.
If there are Muslims repressed in Turkey, it's the Alevi and not the Sunni, you're obviously Sunni so frankly, no you are not suppressed.
Oh wait, I forgot you don't even live in Turkey. How can you judge that when you're just once a year in Turkey?

I was in my home town a few years ago during Ramadan and enjoyed a beer on the streets, no one complained. Last year the same situation but this time someone approached me and told me that it's harram and this and that, I told him to move on and move to Saudi Arabia. If there is a group suppressed then that's the secular folks, not Muslims.

We need another Atatürk who will once more clean up the country.

How can you even compare that experience with anything? There are not policies preventing you from drinking alcohol, but there are policies preventing women with hijabs entering universities. That is true repression, your experience is a personal discussion you had with a fellow citizen of Turkey. What can you do if that person thinks differently than you? nothing, but you can change laws so that women can enter universities like in European countries even if they wear the Muslim scarf.
Kemalism and idiolising him in Turkey is the sole reason why Turkey has been in the dark ages for many decades. As A1kaid has written, it is beyond loving him. His statues in every single school and of course his picture in every single school room. Whenever a person starts critizing some part of his policies (like banning azan in Arabic etc) they get bombarded with insults, as we have experienced several times in this forum. And those people who say that Turkey today is the most powerful muslim country, tell me, when did Turkey get this position? It was definitely not during the times of Ataturks party (CHP) or others. Turkey tripled its economy, boosted infrastructure, universities, hospitals, and overall the country, During an islamist party, the AKP.
Especially those people who call him the single savior of our country, what were the rest of commanders and leaders and soldiers functions i ask you. Kemal was just one of 5 commanders during the war of independence the others were Fevzi Çakmak, Kâzım Karabekir, Ali Fuat Cebesoy and İsmet İnönü. Yes, he played a very vital role, but the rest were also heroes.

But what happened after we beat the European powers? We implemented the exact same mentality even worse repressing Muslims in a country whose population consists of 99% Muslims. Hagia Sophia was turned into Museum by Kemal, The Azan in arabic was banned by him etc. As i said many other times, if those who defend Kemal has things they want to discuss about, do it with manners and respect. Don't come here with insults and other form of curses.

I don't agree with your statement about "Turkey became strongest muslim country only after islamist party came to power" that's utterly BS since it was NOT AKP who founded and builded the country from scratch, with all its institutions and, laws, economy, ideology etc. AKP just came to rule the country which already was there with its hardworking people and succesfull systems. Don't forget that it was Ataturk who started all of this, now to critisice it is easy since u didnt have to suffer and got all of it for free.
Kemalism and idiolising him in Turkey is the sole reason why Turkey has been in the dark ages for many decades. As A1kaid has written, it is beyond loving him. His statues in every single school and of course his picture in every single school room. Whenever a person starts critizing some part of his policies (like banning azan in Arabic etc) they get bombarded with insults, as we have experienced several times in this forum. And those people who say that Turkey today is the most powerful muslim country, tell me, when did Turkey get this position? It was definitely not during the times of Ataturks party (CHP) or others. Turkey tripled its economy, boosted infrastructure, universities, hospitals, and overall the country, During an islamist party, the AKP.
Especially those people who call him the single savior of our country, what were the rest of commanders and leaders and soldiers functions i ask you. Kemal was just one of 5 commanders during the war of independence the others were Fevzi Çakmak, Kâzım Karabekir, Ali Fuat Cebesoy and İsmet İnönü. Yes, he played a very vital role, but the rest were also heroes.

But what happened after we beat the European powers? We implemented the exact same mentality even worse repressing Muslims in a country whose population consists of 99% Muslims. Hagia Sophia was turned into Museum by Kemal, The Azan in arabic was banned by him etc. As i said many other times, if those who defend Kemal has things they want to discuss about, do it with manners and respect. Don't come here with insults and other form of curses.

How would you feel if Kaaba was turned into a Church by invaders? That man atleast turned Hagia Sophia into a Museum rather than a Church as it was...

For people just like you Neyzen Teffik wrote a beuatiful poem...

What are you to doing between me and God?

Who are you to ask me about my fast-Oruc

If you really don't want aything to do with Haram

Why are you asking scraf to open headed

Why does it interest you that I dring wine and raki

If I don't do any harm to you, I will drink

If two of us come to bridge of hair-sırat bridge- If I am honest, I would cross it even if I am drunk

Was it possible to pray when being prisoner

Every waking hour thank Atatürk

Because of the people like you

People will draw away from religion

Don't forget the stuation at times of occupation

Don't attack Atatürk without reason...

I cencored the poems colurfull language and two last part is all about insulting, so I am not going to write it... But ungrateful people like you really pisses me of.
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