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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

The entire World knows that US or NATO versions are more credible & trustworthy than Pakistani version.
So it appears that Pakistan was responsible for the death of it's soldiers.

Yes, just like the Iraqi WMDs were, & claims of Al-Qaeda Saddam links were :disagree:

Instead of trolling, can you answer these questions?

And the US just realized this was the case? Why wasn't this said before? And btw, what are the names of these officials, & what authority do they have of speaking on the incident?
Is it some kind of Joke going .... People are playing Innocent life.

First thing First
Cancel all their stay permit in Pak Soil.
Block all trasportation
Restrict their access
Tie Radio locator in their Ankle
As soon the date expire arrest them and bargain for some hard cash.
No need for further notices ,

just after 15 days arrest all amrikans and capture all equipments for research purpose , if they refuse to surrender bomb the base clear it and rebuild if again needed.
Yes, just like the Iraqi WMDs were, & claims of Al-Qaeda Saddam links were :disagree:

Instead of trolling, can you answer these questions?
Everything will be clear once the investigations are complete.
Generally whenever any officials speak to media bodies they request them to withheld their names;moreover US is yet to complete the investigations.

But as WSJ is a renowned media body it is generally thought that they have well placed & credible sources.
No one else is reporting it, so it could be sensationalist drama.
It will worsen the scenario. More blood shed on Border. Pakistani soldiers are not match of Nato forces (In technical terms). In bravery they can be better.

In technical terms Taliban are not even close to NATO & yet NATO is losing against them . IN battle best equppment does not ensure your victory , its Courage & will to fight,
PAF vs ISAF/NATO: short comings and reality

Now that that COAS has given orders to front line commanders to respond with full forces in case of any attack by isaf/nato. In any such eventuality isaf/nato will be backed by air assets both rotary providing CAS and fixed wing providing top cover. This is always is a nato/isaf SOP for all ground operations. But the fixed wing assets keep their distance until required.
If the forward positions are able to shoot down 1 or a couple of rotary elements using sams than for sure the ac providing top cover will be pressed into CAS role or even worse more ac could be called for CAS and the ac providing top cover remain holding their pattern covering the operational airspace.
Nato/isaf has at its disposal a large variety of ac in afghanistan, some of which are.

fixed wing attack fighter ac:
F-15, F-16, Tornado, Rafael, Euro fighter, harrier

rotary (attack):
ah-64 apachie, ah-64 apachie long bow, lynx

Against this formidable array of weaponry we have just one platform that can stand up against the fixed wing threat of nato/isaf and that is JF-17 thunder. F-7pg and the rose mirages with their air to air capabilities unclear or limited cant be entrusted to do the job day in day out.
Now my question that i put forward to the members is that is the Thunder good enough to stand up against any of these platforms in air to air combat. even more serious question is that is the Thunder certified for air to air combat yet, as last that we heard was that it was going through trial regarding air to air weaponry.
F-7pg have a limited bvr capability but with the arrival of awacs in PAF fleet can the bvr weapons be used to their full potential ?
The bvr capability of rose mirages?
As you can see i have taken the PAF f-16 out of the equation is because the IFF on board PAF f-16 will recognize the isaf/nato ac as friendly and that will be the end of the story for them. The same might be the case for rose mirages.

As the sh!t is about to hit the fan so we all need to be very clear as to where we stand.
So They are Forcefully Occupying The Base !! Any Reactions from Pakistan Foreign Ministry ?

Pakistani establishment knows punching above their weight is a bad idea. Nothing will come out of it. Few demonstrations, few fatwas and blasts etc etc etc.........and then business as usual.

A similar event in the recent history of Pakistan would be the Raymond Davis incident.
Obviously Pakistan.

I have no such preconceived notion, till now i find the NATO side on the defensive as they haven't given any official version of what happened. My question was only rhetorical, perhaps i shouldn't have posted it but i did. I did so because i wanted to know what posters with better knowledge than me would say on this new version of story.

Just you know, No i don't suffer from blind hatred for Pakistan or Pakistanis, just because right now we are and have been enemies (at times) and adversaries at other times.
its not enough , put equipments / installations to jam all their radio / frequencies and anti air defense systems. end WOT foreign war and all kind of its co operations , its waste of money and HR .
Is it some kind of Joke going .... People are playing Innocent life.

First thing First
Cancel all their stay permit in Pak Soil.
Block all trasportation
Restrict their access
Tie Radio locator in their Ankle
As soon the date expire arrest them and bargain for some hard cash.

The problem is that they can cancel all the permits they want - USA will only leave when they want to - permits or no. Pakistan cannot force the US out. Same with air space - they can tell US to stop violating Pakistani airspace (even that will take some backbone) but do you really think they will be able to enforce it (by that I mean shooting down the next UAV or chopper that flies into Pakistani airspace and refuses to leave)
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