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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

November 27, 2011
Pakistan Orders US Out of Airbase

Pakistan has ordered the United States to move out of an airbase on its territory, after shutting down NATO's two main overland supply routes into Afghanistan. Popular anger is mounting in Pakistan after NATO's killing of 24 Pakistani military personnel in a cross-border airstrike Saturday.

American forces have been given 15 days to vacate the Shamsi airbase in southwestern Pakistan, where the U.S. sometimes lands unmanned drone aircraft used to attack militants on Pakistani territory.

Pakistan ordered the departure a day after choking off the two main land routes for moving nonlethal supplies to U.S.-led NATO forces in Afghanistan.

NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen says Saturday's killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers by U.S. aircraft was a “tragic unintended accident.” He has told Pakistan's prime minister the attack was as “unacceptable and deplorable as the deaths of Afghan and international personnel.”

With a NATO investigation into the matter pending, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar telephoned U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to convey the “deep sense of rage” in Pakistan. She said the attack demonstrated “complete disregard for international law and human life, and... negates the progress made by the two countries on improving relations.” Clinton responded by saying she was deeply saddened, and promised to work with Pakistan on the issue.

Pakistan also is reexamining its decision to attend a major Afghanistan peace conference in Bonn next month, but has made no final announcement.

Retired Lieutenant General Talat Masood, an expert on Pakistan's strategic affairs, says the killings have dealt a severe blow to the already negative perceptions of the U.S. among Pakistanis.

“The majority of the people think that it was an aggression committed by the U.S. by design. The public sentiment has become very anti-American," Masood stated. "And, of course, it gives a big handle to the media to spread the nationalist frenzy.”

Pakistani television networks broadcast images of the soldiers' funerals Sunday. Soldiers' coffins were draped in the Pakistani flag and airlifted to their respective hometowns for burial.

Masood says a thorough and transparent investigation into why and how the airstrike took place may have a chance at soothing some of the anger in this country.

“I think if the investigation takes place in which Pakistan is taken into full confidence, and if the truth comes out that this was a gross miscalculation on the part of some of the intelligence people - and they apologize, and they compensate - I think it would make definitely a difference,” Masood said.

Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden used Afghanistan as a base to plan and execute the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. U.S. special forces killed bin Laden in a Pakistan compound earlier this year. U.S.-led NATO forces in Afghanistan have faced a constant challenge with the Pakistan border, which is frequently crossed by Pakistan-based militants.
Let us wait for the final report, shall we?

Either you are delibrately trying to be cute or simply playing with us.
Since who has decided there will or is an independent report being prepared? The report will be done by those that have an agenda and the only party here to reconstruct the events to suit and passify their actions.
Cheng - you are mature enough to know that time is precious in handling an international incident of this nature. Todays news is fresh in the memory - by end of next week they will hope for a dilution of whats happened. Sadly they are mistaken this time - we will not forget.
My opinion is you are the only person bearing a pakistani flag on this site that openly has a dislike for our nation. The public distaste of anything Pakistani is an unhealthy one. I pray the future is bright for Pakistan and things get a turn for the better. Please stop repetatively repeating where your loyalties lie because one feels the lady protesteth too much and we dont believe it anymore.
Why though? What were they trying to achieve? It doesn't make sense.

so does it make sense to attack on pakistan post and kill not 1, not 2, not 3 but 28 soldiers

you guys have already killed our 2 soldiers before, now how could you repeat the mistake if it was one??
Capt Usman Shaheed ...Age of his Daughter 2.5 month ...... :(

Very sad indeed.
Capt Usman Shaheed ...Age of his Daughter 2.5 month ...... :(

and what about thousands of pakistani mothers, fathers, sons and daughters who have been grieving on this, i mean long before this daughter lost his father, there are poor people will tragic stories like these

hopefully the family will get big big lands and compensation on their lose, but what about the poor pakistanis who dont even have any hopes of compensation

contrary to the matter, common pakistanis have not sworn to lay their lives, its the soldier duty to risk his life for that and for they recieve big pays and big compensations
and what about thousands of pakistani mothers, fathers, sons and daughters who have been grieving on this, i mean long before this daughter lost his father, there are poor people will tragic stories like these

hopefully the family will get big big lands and compensation on their lose, but what about the poor pakistanis who dont even have any hopes of compensation

contrary to the matter, common pakistanis have not sworn to lay their lives, its the soldier duty to risk his life for that and for they recieve big pays and big compensations

You can't blame them for it!

Civilians is a matter of the Govt. Your beloved PPP could not keep it's promises, and provide ample support to the affected.

The army does to it's soldiers.

Everybody feels sorry for everyone injured or killed in every incident like this, but that post was just dis respectful to the family of the Shaheed and the Shaheed himself.
I feel very let down by our civilian leadership. But thats nothing new we know them for what they are. If something a bit more tangible is not done on this occcasion of injustice by americans against pakistani people perhaps for example a permanent closure of supply routes I will lose faith in kayani. guys the fuel on those planes/helicopters used to kill our boys probably went thru pakistan to afghan. We need kyani to do something. If necessary we need ISI to launch an attack covertly which we can deny and avenge our fallen. After all ISI get blamed anyway even when there is no proof of supporting talban so they may as well get blamed for actually avenging our fallen.

That can prove to be very counter productive.How can u not know that if u retaliate straightaway they will get a pretext to kill more pakistani soldiers...
I just saw the coffins of 26 of my brothers draped in my flag.
By blood boils, My BP has shot up.. my eyes went wet, My fist clenched.
My "heart" wants LGB strikes on the Apache unit, their barracks.. their equipment.
My "Mind" however, lets me know of the consequences of such a move and how ill prepared we are to handle such.

But that is my mind.. it may not be thinking along the lines of everybody else.

But my heart does have a lot in common with a large section of my nation.

What your mind will think if they replicate such sort of attack within next 24 hours?

An Enemy will never attack you if he knows that befitting reply will come from the other side.We have never shown any spine and if we push our self back again and again I can guarantee you that more of our soldiers will be bombed to death in the future.A an that is the reality.This incident is the sixth of it's kind, means previously five time our soldiers are bombed to death and we have done nothing.

Nothing is simply what you are suggesting my friend
Why 15 days? 15 days is a lifetime in Pakistani politics. If I was in charge, pakar ke nikaalta. In 15 days the situation would turn.

Yeah, just like the Haqqani thing, everything will cool down after 2 days, and nobody will care about what happened, life will move on for those who matter, the ordinary would still have this embossed on their memory in black and white. The emotions will cool down, the media will shut up, and nobody will give a moments thought after 15 days that 'oa, amreekion nay base khali kiya keh nhn?'.

This people need to be kicked out ASAP.
US personnel should be arrested and interrogated and investigated.

This attack was coordinated with the US personnel in Pakistan. It was a mission of some sorts like the Osama raid which got intercepted.

If they can't do this, then we have a shame military and civilian leadership that itself should be given 15 days to leave Pakistan.
A year ago, a U.S. helicopter attack killed two Pakistani soldiers posted on the border. A joint U.S.-Pakistan investigation found that Pakistani troops fired at the two U.S. helicopters prior to the attack, a move the probe said was likely meant to notify the aircraft of their presence after they passed into Pakistani airspace.

Afghan soldiers called in deadly NATO airstrike - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times

---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 PM ----------

Americans are so happy trigger now a days they use their brain zero percent. Perfect case of Shoot FIRST, ASK QUESTIONS LATTER
sheikh rasheed on ARY says it was a a deliberate attack

This is sad. Condolences to the brave victims/families in PAK army.

Perhaps it was a mistaken deliberate attack. Nato/ISAF must have thought they were being fired on, perhaps they were by nearby taliban. Hard to believe NATO/ISAF would deliberately wipe out an outpost.

The Americans killed many innocent in Iraq, but mostly it was "the fog of war" or mistaken identity never did I see it done as a deliberate policy act.
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