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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Attack on regular pak troops isn't justifiable in any way. Rip to the dead. I say kick uncle sam on the butt. Take this issue to global level or somethn
Do Pakistan have a chance of surviving? Absolutely yes.

They are a nuclear-armed nation with the 6th biggest population in the world. Even if we're just talking about "conventional" capabilities, compare Pakistan to the tiny nations of Vietnam/Afghanistan who the USA spent decades on without victory.

Secondly, if there really was a nuclear crisis in the subcontinent, we all know that Pakistan is going to take down India with them.

Thirdly, most importantly... America has never once attacked a nuclear armed nation. They fear that the nukes will be lost to anti-US networks and end up back on American soil. They can prove me wrong, by finally retaliating against North Korea.

Exactly, kids here don't understand that when it comes to survival of a Nation, it can go to any extent, forget Nukes for a second and just compare the NATO-US forces in Afghanistan to what Pakistan has deployed alongside the Afghan border, we have more troops than more than 30 countries present in Afghanistan, the one who thinks that US and NATO can overrun Pakistan conventionally is in a wet dream.

Ground troops enter into Pakistan and world will see how capable we are in defending our homeland.
You are mis-informed.

All the 'stans' in the region are willing to let NATO use their territory for transit.

Uzbekistan Signs Transit Route Agreement
It seems they play along with Russia against China. It's so understandable move already there is a big problem between China and them such as east Turkestan.
Tell me Turk, why the hell is your country even in NATO in the first place, if you and your people hate America so much then get out because NATO is American run organization.:agree:
You should remind that France had left from NATO, then why did they come back again? Also there are a lot of nations who love to us such as Greeks, Armenians. If Turkey leave from NATO, do you sure that NATO countries don't make any btching in a possible Greek-Turkish war. Soviets has crashed but you are still have Russian bases in your country. Why?
Do Pakistan have a chance of surviving? Absolutely yes.
That depends on what is your definition of survival...so share it with us...

They are a nuclear-armed nation with the 6th biggest population in the world. Even if we're just talking about "conventional" capabilities, compare Pakistan to the tiny nations of Vietnam/Afghanistan who the USA spent decades on without victory.

Now that depends upon what is the definition of victory...How about if US actions are just punitary...who can stop those F-22's and B-52's from crippling Pakistan to its core???

Secondly, if there really was a nuclear crisis in the subcontinent, we all know that Pakistan is going to take down India with them.

How about India taking down China with her??? Absurd comments don't help in healthy conversation...

Thirdly, most importantly... America has never once attacked a nuclear armed nation. They fear that the nukes will be lost to anti-US networks and end up back on American soil. They can prove me wrong, by finally retaliating against North Korea.

Its foolish to attack Nuclear armed nations...Having said that when push comes to shove nations will go for it...Keep in mind US is blessed with geographical isolation and thus smuggling nukes is not as easy as it sounds...
even a single missile even if fired by mistake without letting us know can unleash a wall of fire which will turn india to hell of fire and nuclear wasteland


The more this sort of nuclear saber rattling is done, the more the international community will be determined to slowly starve the entire arsenal and the programs supporting it by economic strangulation.

Why bring this upon ourselves unnecessarily?

Now this is some sensible analysis!
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and even before that, didnt army denied the existing of shamsi airbase in the first place and tht drones flew from afghanistan

this army and government i can swear is making the common pakistanis fool, like they made us fool in 1971, they are also using media to fool us again and again

i pray to god this pakistan nation wakes up before its too late, if you know what i really mean

OK i have had enough with you , you have been doing tan tan tan for previous 7 pages & speaking against Army for no reason that you actually understand , You have no proof yet you accuse , You have no knowledge yet you comment like you know everything .

Do you even know what has happened & what will happen ? Let me Enlighten you .

If Army attacks NATO/US they will retaliate through Air strike on populated areas on the name of anti terrorism , more & more civilians will get killed and at the end you will again come here crying that Pak Army does not think what it does , it should have thought before attacking NATO/US.

You have been accusing Army of doing nothing Yet what have you done for this country , How much Taxes you & your family has paid ? how much rules do you actually follow ? do you even follow the simple traffic rules ?

It is so easy to sit in front of a computer & write all the BS you want , accuse whoever you want , do you even know the life of an Army soldier ? or how they fight or how much trouble they go through so patriotic gentlemen like you can accuse them ?

I will give you double the amount of what an Army soldier gets, are you willing to fight in their place ? if you are then contact me if you are not then Shutup & let the professionals do their work .
Even though I am not against the War in Afghanistan I say it's time for the US to leave,the earlier the leave the sooner their economy gets back on track and internally there is peace and satisfaction among the people.OBL is dead,Zawahiri is getting older now ,US has accomplished it's main goals in Afghanistan and with billions in dollars of foreign investments by different countries the fear of taliban taking over is something I disagree to because these very countries wont just sit back and watch if their investment's are being destroyed by insurgents.I say again it is time for America to leave for the good of it's citizens so that the country is back on track.
People need to overthrow the Government.

There should be a coup. Kayani should declare martial law, and hold elections in January. I am sure after this incident Imran Khan will win and he will stop this war OF terror and stop all NATO supplies permanently.

Zaradri was guilty of memo scandal, Army knows this, that is why NATO did this to prevent a coup and turn Pakistanis against the Army. There should be temporary martial law, and then elections. Zardari is working with the enemy to weaken Pakistan army and Pakistan.

The more this sort of nuclear saber rattling is done, the more the international community will be determined to slowly starve the entire arsenal and the programs supporting it by economic strangulation.

Why bring this upon ourselves unnecessarily?

Smart,good analysis man!This idea of lending nukes to rogue elements/firing nukes firsthand means the whole damn world is going to go against you,would you want that to happen.It's just like Hamid Gul saying attack Pak and see World War 3

The more this sort of nuclear saber rattling is done, the more the international community will be determined to slowly starve the entire arsenal and the programs supporting it by economic strangulation.

Why bring this upon ourselves unnecessarily?

Well, to just sound like a ordiary Pakistani on Lahore's street, I would say, WE GIVE A DAMN to the International Community and its hypocrisy.

The more this sort of nuclear saber rattling is done, the more the international community will be determined to slowly starve the entire arsenal and the programs supporting it by economic strangulation.

Why bring this upon ourselves unnecessarily?

Why dont you change your flag to both US flags. Why bend over and over to Amreekan government while they keep killing killing killing your people and your army.

Pakistanis should get rid of this slavery inferiority complex. If Americans believe 1 American life is more precious than 50 Pakistani lives then Pakistanis should believe that 1 Pakistani life is more precious than a 1000 American lives.

This slavery mentality of some Pakistanis like you is what is destroying Pakistan.
Smart,good analysis man!This idea of lending nukes to rogue elements/firing nukes firsthand means the whole damn world is going to go against you,would you want that to happen.It's just like Hamid Gul saying attack Pak and see World War 3

Trust me, he's right!
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