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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Why such mistakes only happen by NATO? Could one believe that highly sophisticated military machine like NATO cannot be clear as to where Pakistani posts are? Such advanced technology and information system and they confuse who is who?
These weren't even drones; these were real people in aircrafts with real targets. Are these operations that ill planned and impulsive? I'm not giving an opinion, I'm just saying think before you have one.. without biases. This incident just makes me wonder if they can go wrong here, how wrong/misjudged might the drone targets be?! I can't even bring myself to think about the civilian casualties that might have happened.

For one a mistake we may have or not made but you will agree we still got it right in Abottabad as per Gen. M himself. I am sad innocent men died and I am curious as you why it happened but unlike you I want the truth no GOP propoganda. They were asleep no they were fighting back? Whats the truth?
Bl[i]tZ;2328598 said:
Its official now

A spokesman for the NATO-led ISAF, Gen. Carsten Jacobson, said close air support had been called in during an operation with Aghan national security forces and ISAF in the rugged border area of the east of Pakistan, where the border is not always clear.

Source CNN

It's been on since morning.

There was a op going on, air support was called in, the helis came and chased the terrorists for some distance.

---------- Post added at 01:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 AM ----------

I am not talking about RPGs and small arms.. Anyway, do you mean RBS and ANZA can't shoot down gunships?

Where did I say that?
I would have to agree with the first part, regarding the NATO supply lines thing.

the second part is right too dude, what I say is tough but just look back in history and the answers are right there. History tells you a lot, just need to spend the time to study it. Current situations are all the result of past misgivings.
Pakistan to Reexamine Relations with US, NATO After Deadly NATO Raid

Pakistan says it plans to review its complete relationship with the United States and NATO in response to a deadly cross-border NATO airstrike early Saturday.

Pakistan says it plans to review its complete relationship with the United States and NATO in response to a deadly cross-border NATO airstrike early Saturday.Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani held an emergency meeting late in the day with top military and civilian government leaders in Islamabad on the incident.In a statement, the officials said "the government will revisit and undertake a complete review of all programs, activities and cooperative arrangements with US/NATO/ISAF, including diplomatic, political, military and intelligence."They condemned the NATO attack on two Pakistani military checkpoints in the northwest as "unacceptable."

They said the attack, which killed at least 26 troops and wounded 14 others, could not be described as a mistake.They also announced that Pakistan has closed all NATO supply lines through its territory to Afghanistan and ordered the United States to vacate a controversial airbase.The statement did not say how long Pakistan's border crossings into landlocked Afghanistan would remain closed to NATO. However, it gave the United States 15 days to shut down its activities at the Shamsi airbase.So far, U.S. officials have not responded to the statement.

Earlier, a NATO spokesman told VOA they were aware of the reported incident and are investigating.((REST OPT))Top NATO and U.S. commander in Afghanistan General John Allen also offered his condolences to families and loved ones of any members of the Pakistani security forces who may have died or were wounded.The United Arab Emirates leases the Shamsi airbase located in a remote southwestern part of Pakistan.

The U.S. spy agency, the CIA, reportedly uses the base for covert drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal belt, but the Pakistani military said in June that the United States does not operate out of that base.U.S. officials have said Pakistan's tribal belt provides sanctuary to the Taliban, which has been fighting for 10 years against U.S. troops in Afghanistan.The helicopter raid comes a little more than a year after a similar, less deadly operation in which U.S. helicopters killed two Pakistani soldiers mistaken for insurgents near the Afghan border. Pakistan responded to that attack by closing down one of its border crossings to NATO supplies for more than a week until the United States apologized.Ties between Washington and Islamabad have been unraveling since a covert U.S. commando raid in May killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden who was hiding for years in a Pakistani garrison town. Pakistan was outraged it was not informed beforehand and angered by what it saw as a U.S. violation of its sovereignty.Pakistan says it plans to review its complete relationship with the United States and NATO in response to a deadly cross-border NATO airstrike early Saturday.

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani held an emergency meeting late in the day with top military and civilian government leaders in Islamabad on the incident.

In a statement, the officials said "the government will revisit and undertake a complete review of all programs, activities and cooperative arrangements with US/NATO/ISAF, including diplomatic, political, military and intelligence."

They condemned the NATO attack on two Pakistani military checkpoints in the northwest as "unacceptable." They said the attack, which killed at least 26 troops and wounded 14 others, could not be described as a mistake.
They also announced that Pakistan has closed all NATO supply lines through its territory to Afghanistan and ordered the United States to vacate a controversial airbase.

The statement did not say how long Pakistan's border crossings into landlocked Afghanistan would remain closed to NATO. However, it gave the United States 15 days to shut down its activities at the Shamsi airbase.
So far, U.S. officials have not responded to the statement. Earlier, a NATO spokesman told VOA they were aware of the reported incident and are investigating.

Top NATO and U.S. commander in Afghanistan General John Allen also offered his condolences to families and loved ones of any members of the Pakistani security forces who may have died or were wounded.
The United Arab Emirates leases the Shamsi airbase located in a remote southwestern part of Pakistan. The U.S. spy agency, the CIA, reportedly uses the base for covert drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal belt, but the Pakistani military said in June that the United States does not operate out of that base.
U.S. officials have said Pakistan's tribal belt provides sanctuary to the Taliban, which has been fighting for more than 10 years against U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
The helicopter raid comes a little more than a year after a similar, less deadly operation in which U.S. helicopters killed two Pakistani soldiers mistaken for insurgents near the Afghan border. Pakistan responded to that attack by closing down one of its border crossings to NATO supplies for more than a week until the United States apologized.
Ties between Washington and Islamabad have been severely strained since a covert U.S. commando raid in May killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, who was hiding for years in a Pakistani garrison town. Pakistan was outraged it was not informed beforehand and angered by what it saw as a U.S. violation of its sovereignty.

Pakistan to Reexamine Relations with US, NATO After Deadly NATO Raid | News | English

Better late than never.

RIP to soldiers who defended the land.

The act if true is a viiolation of soverignity,integrity and mutual trust which should never have happened.

Complete BS, nothing will happen, normalcy will be restored in a month or so.

Or will it?:what:
Bl[i]tZ;2328598 said:
Its official now

A spokesman for the NATO-led ISAF, Gen. Carsten Jacobson, said close air support had been called in during an operation with Aghan national security forces and ISAF in the rugged border area of the east of Pakistan, where the border is not always clear.

Source CNN

I hope the blued part is a typographical error.
Nothing will change.

Kiyani Zardari Gilani will keep on working on old salaries.

Shame on you Mr Kiyani
Shame on you Mr Zardari
Shame on you Mr Gilani

Sharm Tum Ko Magar Nahi Aati

There will be lot of empty slogan chanting but nothing substantial.

NATO forces did this because they can. simple.

Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz
Major Mujahid Shaheed
Captain Usman Shaheed
Havaldar Mushtaq Shaheed
Havaldar Aslam Shaheed
Sipahi Imran Yousuf Shaheed
Sipahi Abdul Razaq Shaheed
Sipahi Mazher Abbas Shaheed
Sipahi Tariq Shaheed
Sipahi Nasir Mehmood Shaheed
Sipahi Mujibullah Shaheed
Sipahi Tahir Mehmood Shaheed
Sipahi Muheem Shaheed

Some of the martyred in todays incident. RIP
And what is that?

They will say the truth about what?

That the helis were of Taliban and not ISAF.

That no soldiers were actually killed.

That the post did not exist , rather it was just a tent?

Send the Journalists there, if you have nothing to hide after all its your territory?
ISAF Investigates Incident On Pakistan Border


ISAF Headquarters

KABUL, Afghanistan (September 30) – Early this morning, International Security Assistance Force observed what it believed was a group of insurgents attempting to fire mortars at a coalition base in the border area of Dand Patan district, Paktiya Province. An ISAF air weapons team was called to provide fire support and engaged the suspected insurgents' firing position, located inside Afghanistan along the border area. ISAF aircraft did enter into Pakistani airspace briefly as they engaged this initial target.

After the initial strike, the aircraft received what the crews assessed as effective small arms fire from individuals just across the border in Pakistan. Operating in self defense, the ISAF aircraft entered into Pakistani airspace killing several armed individuals.

Subsequently, Pakistan military officials informed ISAF that members of their border forces in the area had been struck by coalition aircraft.

ISAF and Pakistani forces are reviewing the operational reporting to verify the exact location of the two engagements and the facts in this case, and we will work together to fully investigate this incident.

Both sides have in mind that it is the insurgents, operating on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and violating the territorial sovereignty of both countries, that we are focused on fighting.

ISAF conveys our sincere condolences to the Pakistani military and the families of those who were killed or injured.

ISAF Investigates Incident On Pakistan Border | ISAF - International Security Assistance Force
eventually they will blame Pakistan for everything and get away with these murders..
a bunch of blood thirsty murderers they are
There is a big difference between insult and humiliation. and the 7th world largest ARMY with nuclear arsenals humiliated by NATO, NATO does such attacks deliberately to humiliate us.
The UN will do nothing. I can definitely see this event as a game changer though, the proxy & intelligence games will be in full force now, & this time, it's going to be a very bleak scenario for the troops in Afghanistan.

I hope you're right but there have been NATO strikes on Pak check posts in the past which have resulted in number of casulties and there have been strong protests and even blockade on supply routes but in the end Pak resumed it's support and cooperation with the US and NATO forces.

Though, the big difference this time around is the large number of Pak troops causulties. Where in the past it was mostly civilians or a handful of para-troopers. If some solid actions are not taken against this blatant attack, I do see feelings of resentment arising among Pak troops, even demorlization that high command doesn't have their back. That's not a good feelings to be had in the lower ranks.
Major Mujahid Shaheed
Captain Usman Shaheed
Havaldar Mushtaq Shaheed
Havaldar Aslam Shaheed
Sipahi Imran Yousuf Shaheed
Sipahi Abdul Razaq Shaheed
Sipahi Mazher Abbas Shaheed
Sipahi Tariq Shaheed
Sipahi Nasir Mehmood Shaheed
Sipahi Mujibullah Shaheed
Sipahi Tahir Mehmood Shaheed
Sipahi Muheem Shaheed

Some of the martyred in todays incident. RIP

May they rest in peace
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