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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

It's true that Pakistan does not have rich oil reserve but Saudi Arabia does. Just as the US would use its influence on the Europeans Pakistan should use her influence on the Saudis to counter any US move. Saudis depend heavily on Pakistan for security.

A diplomatic offensive from all quarters by Pakistan is needed. The Foreign ministry needs to step it up and get the ball rolling.
How do you twist the facts? IT WAS THE OTHER WAY ROUND

Although I support IRAN over the GORAs, the iranian students attacked UK embassy. UK expelled Iranian Diplomat and Closed their OWN embassy. Iran even APOLOGISED for the event! Iran apologizes for embassy protests - UPI.com

Iran never had an ambassador in UK to begin with. Britain had an ambassador to Iran and he was kicked out by Iran's parliament and later was thrashed by students. So I guess you are mistaken. The Iranian diplomats without any ambassador in UK were expelled in retaliation and it was not UK that initiated the process. I was talking about the ambassador, go and read my post.
pakistan army has always lied about america, american presence in pakistan and their bases. according to information minister america also has base in pasni balochistan and yes they are at helms in jacobabad ISPR still in denial
shame pakistan army
-ISPR will tell us that USA has vacated the base (which they won't)
-Members here will chant pro army slogans, #1 army in the world. #2 Airforce in the world bla bla (mind you, we got bombed for 2 HOURS and our airforce didn't move a muscle... 2 hours!! A passenger plane can go from Karachi to Islamabad in 2 hours..)
-Rehman Malik will come and say "No Americans are in Shamsi. I will resign if someone proves otherwise"
-People will blame zardari and things will move on.. Pakistan will still be an ALLY in WOT

Don't tell me that you are a greater skeptic than I am, but take my word for it, this time Zardari or his PPP government won't be able to get away with such an act. It won't be too difficult for their political foes to expose the truth to the public and then all hell will break lose on them. So, I'm pretty sure the PPP government won't try anything like that. Kayani has given explicit orders to his troops to retaliate if they come under fire, ask yourself why. Do you think Kayani has given this order willingly? No, not at all, it's all circumstances. Circumstances make dog eat dog.
As we can see Vcheng is banned from PDF which definitely points towards change of policy viz a viz USA. :D
He is just one thankless person who is delusion-ed by the luxury life of USA to the extent that he speaks bullshit about his own country and cant post a comment without a mention of the great country USA ... Check all his posts and you will find him going round and round in circles , never sticking to topic , loads of crap speculation , anti Pakistan crap and ofcourse the mention of the greatest country in the world USA - democracy , human rights and freedom of speech ... Hallucinating Vcheng in pursuance of the American dream :usflag:
He didn't ruin Pakistan's image. We ALL Pakistanis have already done that. He is merely stating the truth, which you find bitter.
Tell me, is there a LIE in his post? For 2 hours PAF was sleeping, COAS was sleeping and now he is issuing stupid statements which are not helping either..

They think they are playing a double game... sab ko baywaqoof bana rahay hain.. In fact they are ones being played..

Were you there when this was happening ? do you know the circumstances & the ground Realities ? Let me tell you No you dont . so stop believing every thing that is out in the media & sometimes think yourself too .

What do you think would have happened if PAF was scrambles to attack the invaders ? those Helis were just 1.5km inside Pak territory once they realize that jets are coming their way they would have quickly moved back in Afg PAF would have shot them down there is no question in that but it would have been inside Afg territory and it would have created a bigger mess then it already has & on top of that it would have give NATO/US a reason to bomb the hell our of Pakistan posts all along the border .

You see War is not simple , These are not the time when Two Forces stand in front of each other with swords & start fighting & the end of the day one was left standing . Now a days Wars are fought more fought covertly then openly . if you do not trust your leaders no one will trust you.
He is just one thankless person who is delusion-ed by the luxury life of USA to the extent that he speaks bullshit about his own country and cant post a comment without a mention of the great country USA ... Check all his posts and you will find him going round and round in circles , never sticking to topic , loads of crap speculation , anti Pakistan crap and ofcourse the mention of the greatest country in the world USA - democracy , human rights and freedom of speech ... Hallucinating Vcheng in pursuance of the American dream :usflag:
hi secur i have question what according to you will be the logical end (i mean possible conclusion) of this episode ?
Yeah, only if our foreign minister was not more into hand bags and make up accessories.

As far as I know she is just another of those stooges raised in Pakistan by uncle sam. So I wouldn't count on her assistance in this regard.
Unlikely americans will attack. Americans like situations where the odds are overwhelmingly in their favour, they are not known for tolerating suffering and death. However it is possible that they may launch more skirmish type of attacks. I think that there is a rogue element in american army that would like to avenge their failure in afghanistan and are using pakistan as a scapegoat

Americans are trying to tease, shame and test the water.
Horrible response from you? I think you all gave a very horrible response post OBL incident ie NONE!! Dont you think that by hitting your troops (posts of whose would have been known to US for sure) the US wants you to exactly retaliate? Well its time Pakistan understood that giving covering fire or firing on troops operating near IB against militants is not exactly a very nice way to show friendly feelings.

Pakistani troops regularly resort to firing when Indian troops are conducting search and destroy missions against militants close to LC in order to facilitate exfiltration/infiltration of the militants ... so am not very surprised that they fired on US troops and got a response in reverse.

However, last time when US forces had hit OBL, Kayani had declared realiation against any NATO troops crossing into their territory ... and what happened? Today also NATO air strike struck into your territory .... ! This is just for public consumption. US would love to see you hit back ......

When India is concerned things are very different because we are not 'allies', we are not even 'friends', we can hardly tolerate the existence of each other because of Kashmir, water and some other minor issues that can be worked out but have not yet been worked out. But the US/NATO are supposedly our allies!

Had this been done by India you can well imagine the response but why should we continue to accept this from our 'allies'? Honestly man, both our countries have conducted operations near the border and never once have we had such an accident with each other so how does the US make mistakes and this often at that?
and their radars were also inactive as usual:) though NATO choppers spent one hour inside/on the border.......... no comments except disappointment again ............. we are just a paper lion..
Exactly what happened after the Osama incident! There were questions raised about the failure of radars or as some reports mentioned that radars weren't deployed in the area.

The PAF/AD then said that corrective measures will be taken to avoid such incidents of intrusion in future. It seem nothing has changed and it's business as usual. It seems lessons aren't being learnt and I daresay that intrusions will continue to occur.

However, it must be realised that picking up low flying aerial targets by radar in the terrain obtaining in the AFPAK region is extremely difficult due to ground clutter. The efficacy of radars in those areas is therefore suspect. CAPs (Combat Air Patrols) is again not a viable solution. What then, as far as Early Warning is concerned? Probably covert mobile observation posts with secure communications well inside Afghanistan territory? But that's easier said than done! :undecided:
@ Thor; an armoured brigade will be vaporized into burnt out hulks in 5 minutes by the USAF. come on, you are in the 21st century.

Who said anything about the US air force. The Shamsi airbase is on Pak soil, and as such the armoured unit is there to provide protection and threat of force. The US will not risk attacking the unit with air force whilst on Pak soil, they will be lynched and they know the fall out. It is a big step for he US to take by attacking openly the units going to Shamsi airbase. Ground realities are different.

If you are saying that the US is the US and as such we can do nothing. Then you may as well start teaching your children about how superior the US is and how we should shine their shoes from now on ened, because that sort of talk shows nothing more then inferiority.........

This whole episode does bring one thing to light......... The Taliban for the sake of honour and principle took on the world superpower to hold its principles and refuse to handover anyone without evidence being bought to them. And they had every right as they were the rulers of most of Afghanistan. The US couldn't use the excuse of negotiating with such a regime they did not recognise as they themselves are admitting negotiating with the Taliban with Unicol over the oil pipeline. (Ohh, by the way, this is the same Unicol Hamid Karzai used to work for). They went to war and are still fighting today.......... Pakistan on the other hand sided with the US and went to war against the Taliban, and todfay the ally of Pakistan is having a field day by bombing Pakistan, setting it on a path of suicide and destruction, and the sheer arrogance of even refusing to apologise even now............. that is what they think of Pakistan.............. I recall the US issueing an apology to India when the ex-president Abdul Kalam was frisked at the US airport, and here, 24 soldiers of its ally are murdered and two fingers get stuck up by them.........reminds me of the US Senator comment - "Pakistanis will sell their mother for dollars"..........those words are holding good today and biuting back well..........well done Musharaf...........well done Pakistan

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