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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Pakistan Was Consulted Before Fatal Hit, U.S. Says
Deadly Border Strike Came After Forces Were Told Area Was Clear of Pakistani Troops, Officials Say

WASHINGTON—Pakistani officials at a border coordination center gave the go-ahead to American airstrikes that inadvertently killed 24 Pakistan troops, unaware that their own forces were in the area, according to U.S. officials briefed on the preliminary investigation.

U.S. officials, giving their first detailed explanation of the worst friendly-fire incident of the 10-year-old war in Afghanistan, said an Afghan-led assault force that included American commandos were hunting Taliban militants when they came under fire from an encampment along the Afghan-Pakistan border.

The commandos thought they were being fired upon by militants. But the assailants turned out to be Pakistani military personnel who had established a temporary campsite, U.S. officials said.

According to the initial U.S. account from the field, the commandos requested airstrikes against the encampment, prompting the team to contact a joint border-control center to determine whether Pakistani forces were in the area, a U.S. official said.

The border-control center is manned by U.S., Afghan and Pakistani representatives who are supposed to share information and head off conflicts. But the U.S. and Afghan forces conducting the Nov. 26 commando operation hadn't notified the center in advance that they planned to strike Taliban insurgents near that part of the border, the official said.

When called, the Pakistani representatives at the center said there were no Pakistani military forces in the area identified by the commandos, clearing the way for the Americans to conduct the airstrikes, the U.S. officials said.

Officials in Islamabad couldn't be reached to comment on the U.S. allegations. Pakistan repeatedly has denied its forces fired on the Americans.

Pakistan doesn't have veto authority over strikes along the border, U.S. officials said. But the North Atlantic Treaty Organization makes contact with the center to make sure its operations don't put Pakistani troops or aircraft in the line of fire.

U.S. officials acknowledge there were errors made on both sides in the incident, which occurred in the Mohmand tribal region, a lawless border area that abuts Afghanistan's eastern Kunar province. They have called the Pakistani deaths a terrible accident. "There were lots of mistakes made," the official said. "There was not good situational awareness to who was where and who was doing what."

To prevent conflicts, officials working in the border-control center need to know whether NATO forces are planning operations in the border area. That allows the Pakistanis to notify its forces that the U.S. and Afghan forces would be operating there.

But U.S. officials have in the past expressed reservations about notifying the Pakistanis about operations, concerned the missions' details could leak out.

The U.S. officials cautioned the latest account is based mainly on interviews with members of the commando team and could change as more information is gathered.

A formal report on the incident is due to be completed by U.S. military investigators by Dec. 23. Officials said that investigation could incorporate overhead imagery and information collected from the aircraft that struck the Pakistani position.

"Our view on this will not be complete until we've completed the investigation," a senior official said.

The incident resulted in another major setback to U.S.-Pakistan relations. In response, Pakistan has pulled out of an international conference on the Afghan war in Bonn, Germany, next week. Islamabad also has closed border crossings used by the U.S. and its NATO allies to bring in supplies for troops in neighboring Afghanistan.

Pakistani officials said earlier this week the attack on their base, known as Volcano, began just after midnight. About 50 minutes after the air assault began, Pakistani officials reached the NATO command in Afghanistan and told officials to call off the strikes, they said.

In addition to the strike on the border base, Pakistani officials said reinforcements trying to aid the stricken base also were hit by the airstrikes.

Pakistani military personnel in a second base began firing at the American helicopters. According to the Pakistani account, the helicopters flew off, then returned and struck the second post.

A senior Pakistani military officer said it was impossible for the U.S. not to know it was firing at Pakistani military bases.

U.S. officials countered that the Pakistani positions were more like makeshift campsites than established military bases. A U.S. official said that because the Taliban and Pakistani military use some of the same weaponry, it was difficult to tell who was firing at the assault force.

"There was absolutely no malicious, deliberate attack on the Pakistani military posts," a U.S. defense official said.

Other American officials said the Pakistani military should have known from the presence of helicopters used to ferry in the combined U.S.-Afghan commando force that Americans were in the area.

"If you hear American helicopters why would you lob mortars and machine gun fire at them? The Pakistanis can say we thought it was insurgents, except for the fact that the Taliban doesn't have helicopters," said the U.S. official.

The White House has decided, at least for now, against having President Barack Obama issue a video message offering condolences for the Pakistani deaths, officials said. The U.S. ambassador to Pakistan and other State Department officials had recommended such a video message to try to ease tensions between Washington and Islamabad over the incident.

But other officials argued that it was premature for Mr. Obama to intervene so publicly given continued uncertainty about what exactly transpired.

Republican candidates for the White House often accuse Mr. Obama of being too quick to apologize for U.S. actions.

"There was, obviously, no apology, and there was an expression of condolences," said White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, noting that the investigation into the incident was "at the early stages."

Pakistan Cleared Fatal Hit, U.S. Says - WSJ.com
We must first send a strong message to these guys the same way Iranians sent the message by kicking British ambassador out:


If only things were this easy .

We are not Iran we do not have Rich oil Reserves that world depends on , if we kick US ambassador they will kick ours , and then the Trade will Stop , after that US will use its influence over EU witch may effect our 50% Trade . our Economy is already in shackles we cannot have anymore shock to it .

So We should not let our Emotions control us , this is what our enemy wants we should use our head & think of the Best way .
Depends on your definition of victory. The Taliban hold no ground, have nothing of value & fight a guerrilla battle against superior forces. For them, not being wiped out is a victory. Doubt very much whether that standard can be used by a regular military. Pakistan will come worse off in any serious confrontation with NATO/U.S..Your only trump card is the threat of WMD. While it has worked very well for you vis-a-vis India; not sure that Pakistan wants to be threatening nuclear warfare with the U.S. Allowing individual commanders to "retaliate" only exposes Pakistan to the claim that the Pakistani soldiers fired first. The nature of the casualties in any new incident is unlikely to be any different from this attack. Gen Kayani's statement makes for good copy but I don't believe is meant to be taken seriously especially by those who might be on the firing line.

The americans would say the same thing. According to you and your american friends in the battle field Pakistan should debate who fired first while Pakistani soldiers stand at the receiving end of the so-called friendly fire. You want the americans to continue their killings without any casualty on their side. Now, that was very clever of you.
Will you STOP posting every news in a new thread , if you look around you will find that it has already been posted .
If you cannot contribute anything Constructive & meaningful to the topic & only knows how to Rant & Speak against others , please dont bother posting , not only you Ruin your image but you ruin the image of our country as well , you are currently in a public forum not in you Drawing room .

Please at least think once before you post.

He didn't ruin Pakistan's image. We ALL Pakistanis have already done that. He is merely stating the truth, which you find bitter.
Tell me, is there a LIE in his post? For 2 hours PAF was sleeping, COAS was sleeping and now he is issuing stupid statements which are not helping either..

They think they are playing a double game... sab ko baywaqoof bana rahay hain.. In fact they are ones being played..
If only things were this easy .

We are not Iran we do not have Rich oil Reserves that world depends on , if we kick US ambassador they will kick ours , and then the Trade will Stop , after that US will use its influence over EU witch may effect our 50% Trade . our Economy is already in shackles we cannot have anymore shock to it .

So We should not let our Emotions control us , this is what our enemy wants we should use our head & think of the Best way .

Alas. We should build our economy so strong that we do not remain subservient to these colonialists. Build copper mines and increase trade with China, Iran and Turkey. Alas, it is going to take time.
Pakistani posts are in bad condition because ghadari is not issuing funds for WOT against TTP.
I wonder what is the point in not equipping our soldiers to fight against terrorists.
I agree govt. shall allocate huge funds to face bharti sponsored TTP.

---------- Post added at 06:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 AM ----------

i couldn't figure it out why army and army supporter lie repeatedly. lie is the only solace which you people go for
pakisrtani posts are in bad condition because america has suspended the 700 million tranche of military support because of pakistan army intransigence about their covert operations pakistani defence minister is on record in saying that pak can't keep their soldiers on border unless military aid is replenished

about TTP and india i have only one thing to say if pakistan officially believes india is helping TTP then they should immediately expel indian high commissioner from islamabad and also deny their airspace which is infact in use of india to ferry people and goods to afghanistan. reality is different and TTP india relation is a gimmick
If only things were this easy .

We are not Iran we do not have Rich oil Reserves that world depends on , if we kick US ambassador they will kick ours , and then the Trade will Stop , after that US will use its influence over EU witch may effect our 50% Trade . our Economy is already in shackles we cannot have anymore shock to it .

So We should not let our Emotions control us , this is what our enemy wants we should use our head & think of the Best way .

It's true that Pakistan does not have rich oil reserve but Saudi Arabia does. Just as the US would use its influence on the Europeans Pakistan should use her influence on the Saudis to counter any US move. Saudis depend heavily on Pakistan for security.
To add to it, the latest American official's statement that PA themselves gave the go ahead for the attack, also points at the same direction.

It sure does.
From political perspective PPP is in deep **** since the NRO decision got overruled - all the dirty politicians who were under NRO shade will have all their previous cases re-opened. That points to only one thing, either there will be elections in the very near future or assembly will get dissolved by push or pull.
Supreme court can ask army to intervene if current gov doesn't comply, at the same time the memo from zardari to US has put PPP further down the drain and their coalitions will probably bail out (not very likely) leaving PPP without enough MNA's.

Only if Zardari can somehow convince the yanks that he will deliver what he promised in memo can change the situation in somewhat different direction. Remember one of the point in memo was - the replacement of all high ranking generals. And current fiasca re Haqqani indicates Gov knew about OBL raid whilst army was kept in the dark. So Army and Judiciary are definitely not happy with PPP at the moment.

One of the tactics by Zardari & co to defame armed forces and try to steer away from NRO/memo storm.
My Views:

1. Pakistan is in no postion in terms of financial or military strength to stand up to the US or its allies
2. US will most likely NOT attack as it does not have any justification in the eyes of the media / global general public
3. The present government will never stand up against US
4. First Osama's termination within the boundries of Pakistan and now NATO attack. Pakistan's ruling politicians must muster up a drama to tell the public that it cares so this military exercise.

Whatever the case is Allah o' Akbar !!
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