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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Afghanistan (or should I say the govt of Afghanistan) need to take a deep, hard look at themselves; they do not have to live with the international forces forever, but they do have to live with Pakistan as its neighbor. Afghanistan will pay a very high price if it engages in anti-Pakistan activity. They need to behave like a sovereign nation, & accept responsibility for everything emanating from their country.

If they don't want Pakistani interference in their internal affairs, they need to address our legitimate national security interests, if not, then Karzai can cry all he wants. We will do the necessary.
1) The line coming out of the US, after initial findings of the inquiry, is that Tab's tried to get a blue on blue and succeeded.

Yawn; blame everything on the Taliban. It was a deliberate setup by the Afghans.

2) The engagement between USSF's and ANA Commando's was in Afghanistan, the inquiry is baffled to how Volcano was attacked.

Because the Afghans claimed the fire was coming from the Pakistani posts.

3) There seems to have been negligence on the part of the American Commander who acceded to the request of CAS.

You got that right! Although, since NATO knew the coordinates, and the helis continued firing even after acknowledging the Pakistani sentries, the question arises: why did they continue firing for two hours?

3) USSF's relied on Afghan commando's. Who fuked up big time. Not my words.

The Afghans didn't f*ck up. They deliberately fed false information to NATO. It was a set up.
you want us to start a WAR with the US? if they were indian assets, you would have seen a different reaction!

Yes Pakistan should have started a war with the US.......and killed the Bastards while at it...because Pakistani soldiers did absolutely nothing wrong while Americans did everything wrong.
According to Pakistani Military sources, they believe that this action can only point to two conclusions, either ISAF are so incompetent that they can't tell their *** from their elbow, or this was a deliberate provocation in order to provoke a strong military response which will allow them to conduct military operations in NWA. According to all available information, including from sources within ISAF, Afghan intelligence, ANA and politicians within A-Stan, they are leaning towards the latter.
Another thing to consider is that the US budget deficit is ballooning out of control, and most of the options being discussed to cut the deficit are talking about significant cuts to the defence budget in the US.

By deliberately attacking the Pakistani posts, and trying to instigate a military response from Pakistan that would escalate into a military confrontation (albeit limited), perhaps the hope was the Congress and the American public would come together and demur from cutting the defence budget.
Pak Armed Forces are professional and know that blue-on-blue is an unfortunate part of the fog of war, but our investigations have revealed that in this the case, the sequence of events points to something much more sinister.
LoL, then how was the ground troop suppliment sent in. At least read the original Pakistani Army statement first bro.
If I read the report correctly, the 'reinforcements' were sent from the second neighboring post that saw the first attack occur.
Another thing to consider is that the US budget deficit is ballooning out of control, and most of the options being discussed to cut the deficit are talking about significant cuts to the defence budget in the US.

By deliberately attacking the Pakistani posts, and trying to instigate a military response from Pakistan that would escalate into a military confrontation (albeit limited), perhaps the hope was the Congress and the American public would come together and demur from cutting the defence budget.

They were expecting a stupid cowboy response like from the Iraqis, but Pakistani restraint and sensible reactions have made our position much stronger both internally and externally.

Watch from 2.25 even the BBC's rottweiler of a journalist Jeremy Paxman is calling the Americans incompetent.

Afghanistan (or should I say the govt of Afghanistan) need to take a deep, hard look at themselves; they do not have to live with the international forces forever, but they do have to live with Pakistan as its neighbor. Afghanistan will pay a very high price if it engages in anti-Pakistan activity. They need to behave like a sovereign nation, & accept responsibility for everything emanating from their country.
The GoA, ANA, NDS have been 'high' on the 'opium' of NATO/US military power, political support and resources - this US/NATO support has only emboldened the aforementioned Afghan institutions in 'destabilizing Pakistan' and continuously trying to 'poke it in the eye' - had the US really wanted to, it could have made 'Afghan cooperation with Pakistan and Afghan respect for Pakistani interests' very, very clear - but it purposely chose not to, and therefore exacerbated the regional situation.
france:germany type situation with pakistan:afghanistan :rofl::rofl::rofl:

ey afghan:lol:i
If we change the date, and the number of dead soldiers, there will be no difference between this strike, and the strike that took place on 26th of last month. Even the events took place at almost the same place - Gora Pai. But nothing happened at that time. Not even talks of blocking the routes, or taking a notice of Shamsi, or any such thing.

Because there's one difference, a big one - This incident rarely got talked in the media, whereas the latest one, we are spending days and nights deliberating over it. The Army has to make sure that people understand it is still in control of the situation. Only that... living up to the larger than life image, that's not easy.
There are some significant differences in the environment in Pakistan today, compared to 2008.

The buildup to this attack has seen the Raymond Davis fiasco, the OBL raid, the Mullen rants, Hillary threats, and some major vilification of Pakistan in the Western media. Drone strikes have increased manifold since 2008, and they have also received correspondingly greater coverage and they have caused greater outrage.

In 2008 the military was also just recovering from the Musharraf years and the political parties were ascendant - that has reversed.
The only tactic being used is on the Pakistani public.

Say what you mean, and say it like you mean it. No ifs, ands or buts.

you know, if that's the case they should've from the get go made a public stance that the incident is under investigation and it could be a mistake, instead of issuing blunt statements that the attack was unprovoked, soldiers were sleeping etc . why rile public's opinion, why make them outrageous only to cower at the end? i dont care about politicians but military is digging it's grave, too with these shinangins. ppl are gonna loose respect for the only institution they're proud of.
our defence minister is a Big SoB bastard........ he came on media after three days and juz talk sh*t..........
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