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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

With not even a statement coming out from Asif Zardari condemning this incident, you can see what he is thinking, & this can create 'faultlines' in the civilian administration.

BH bro, the President through AM also tried to put the blame for the Memogate affair on the PM, by saying he is responsible for foreign affairs.
In every international news media at the end paragraph, they say Pakistan will give up as its so dependent on westren aid , In reality its the one percent of Pakistani ruling class who are dependent on west.
^^^ Whoever fukd up big time..It was USAF who bombed the check posts??
BH bro, the President through AM also tried to put the blame for the Memogate affair on the PM, by saying he is responsible for foreign affairs.

I think it further reinforces the notion that Zardari is a US stooge/puppet, & nothing else.
lol what did I say, all this drama is the usual episode that happens after an attack for about 1-2 weeks or so. Pakistan says a lot but fails to do anything, the US knows that very well too.

Woo the whole world thinks so low of Pakistan as the ruling class is for sale
I think it further reinforces the notion that Zardari is a US stooge/puppet, & nothing else.

His billions of dollars worth of assets abroad are his Achilles heal, I don't agree about everything Mr IK says, but one thing that I like is his promise to enact laws, preventing politicians from running for public office, with outside wealth.
unless Afghanistan has no control over its NDS, it's hashish army (oh wait) or anti-Pakistan elements operating even within state branches in Afghanistan ---we should hold Afghanistan (as a state) accountable.

so called allies do the same to us, we have nothing to lose

I hate to sound callous, but last week's incident was a wake-up call -- a stab in the back with salt and alcohol to follow.....Unless the leaders and concerned parties become more assertive in policy matters, there wont be any major paradigm change.

It's not "using" the incident; it's called not letting those brave soldiers (or the 14 others before them) die in vain.

Cooperation with Pakistan should be CONTINGENT only; these people can't use the "aid" card anymore since most of the aid is either not effective, or its suspended entirely.

no amount of aid or 'reassuring statements' can be enough to deviate us from our national interests......

Pakistan be damned as long as there are leaders who don't take nation's interests to heart; Pakistan be damned as long as there are leaders who confide in foreigner officials (and their bank accounts) from powerful countries before confiding in their own damn people.

NATO should ensure that they never allow things to get to a point of no return; because otherwise things could (and will) get ugly REAL fast. If "taming" this region is their goal, then they are f*cking up.
Breaking News.....Afghan transit trade, could be under threat. There are some persons within the policy making circle, hellbent on punishing Afghanistan as a state. The PM also told Karzai that we hold the sovereign nation of Afghanistan responsible for the forces she is hosting on her soil.

This could be the next steps taken - if Pakistani concerns are not handled to our satisfaction, although there is opposition to this, as it will hit ordinary Afghans too.

I think this is a fitting response from Pakistan to Afghanistan ("we hold the sovereign nation of Afghanistan responsible for the forces she is hosting on her soil").
His billions of dollars worth of assets abroad are his Achilles heal, I don't agree about everything Mr IK says, but one thing that I like is his promise to enact laws, preventing politicians from running for public office, with outside wealth.
White House: Zardari , we will seal all your accounts if you cut our supply lines for long
Zardari: No , I am working on it ,my General told me even he is not in a hurry as a lot in army are pissed off , let the temper go down
White House: Remember the day , you thanked us to put you in power.
Zardari: well as the nation is busy with this incident , I raised the gas price for IMF.
or a tactical statement i would say..
they know...we know and everybody knows that NATO / USA wont apologize.

The only tactic being used is on the Pakistani public.

Say what you mean, and say it like you mean it. No ifs, ands or buts.
if Afghanistan's puppet leaders know what is good for them and what's good for its people, they will ensure (with or without their NATO saviours) that not an iota of Afghanistan land is used to engage in anti-Pakistan activity

as it is, the prospects of them hanging from electric poles once their saviours scale-back and withdraw are very high (if history is to repeat itself, which, unfortunately, it does)
Anatomy of a Deadly NATO Airstrike: The Pakistani Version - TIME

The Pakistanis are so irate that they have decided to boycott the forthcoming international security conference on Afghanistan in Bonn, despite appeals from Afghan President Hamid Karzai and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The NATO supply routes to Afghanistan are still closed. If they remain closed for 30 days, NATO forces will find it particularly difficult to obtain the fuel they need. The routes from Karachi are their only supply line for fuel.

This is the kicker here, we hold a very strong bargaining chip, Russia does not allow POL products to be transported by the NDN. And POL cannot be brought in by Aircraft.
Afghanistan (or should I say the govt of Afghanistan) need to take a deep, hard look at themselves; they do not have to live with the international forces forever, but they do have to live with Pakistan as its neighbor. Afghanistan will pay a very high price if it engages in anti-Pakistan activity. They need to behave like a sovereign nation, & accept responsibility for everything emanating from their country.
Anatomy of a Deadly NATO Airstrike: The Pakistani Version - TIME

The Pakistanis are so irate that they have decided to boycott the forthcoming international security conference on Afghanistan in Bonn, despite appeals from Afghan President Hamid Karzai and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The NATO supply routes to Afghanistan are still closed. If they remain closed for 30 days, NATO forces will find it particularly difficult to obtain the fuel they need. The routes from Karachi are their only supply line for fuel.

This is the kicker here, we hold a very strong bargaining chip, Russia does not allow POL products to be transported by the NDN. And POL cannot be brought in by Aircraft.

Imran Khan told the PPP government to close the NATO supply route for atleast 6 months. Lets see how long this PPP government closes the NATO supply route, even if they close it for 3 months I'll be surprised.
Found a relatively unknown news piece, that most probably talks about the same attack that I mentioned in my previous post:

NATO forces had informed Pak Army of Mohmand operation, says spokesman

thecheers.org 2008-06-12 03:07:53

Washington, June 12 : A spokesman for the US coalition forces operating in Afghanistan has said that Pakistan was informed about the attack on the check post at Mohmand Agency in NWFP, which killed 11 Frontier Corps' troops, and that it was carried out in self-defence.

Confirming the aerial attack, spokesman for the US-led NATO forces in Afghanistan, Lt. Nathan Perry, said that the attack was carried out after an unmanned aerial system identified anti-Afghan forces firing at coalition forces. "In self-defence, coalition forces fired artillery rounds at the militants," the Dawn quoted Perry as saying.

He added that the coalition forces had come under fire "during an operation that had been previously coordinated with Pakistan". "Shortly after the attack began, coalition forces informed the Pakistan Army that they were being engaged by anti-Afghan forces in a wooded area near the Gora Prai checkpoint," he said.

Lt Perry claimed that an unmanned aerial system identified additional anti-Afghan forces joining the attack against the coalition forces. "While maintaining positive identification of the enemy, close-air support was then used by coalition forces to gain fire superiority until the threat was eliminated," the spokesman said and added, "at no time did coalition ground forces cross into Pakistan."

To a question if missiles and artillery shells fired by coalition forces hit targets inside Pakistan, the spokesman said: "Yes, that's correct."

US-led NATO forces have launched several air strikes inside Pakistan's tribal areas over the last year, but this is the first time that the Pakistan Army has directly blamed US-led NATO forces for killing its soldiers.


If we change the date, and the number of dead soldiers, there will be no difference between this strike, and the strike that took place on 26th of last month. Even the events took place at almost the same place - Gora Pai. But nothing happened at that time. Not even talks of blocking the routes, or taking a notice of Shamsi, or any such thing.

Because there's one difference, a big one - This incident rarely got talked in the media, whereas the latest one, we are spending days and nights deliberating over it. The Army has to make sure that people understand it is still in control of the situation. Only that... living up to the larger than life image, that's not easy.
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