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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Cheng- for hell sake- where the ISPR backtracked- Present the official statements- Be a Man- or admit the obvious-
The NATO Gospel for you will be out on 23 Dec- Till then Put forth the base of your claims which you made today- Now-

Since you like anything Amrikan- here an amrikan quote for you-

"“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”- John C. Maxwell
I am not taking any "last chances", and standing by my position till 12-23-11, thank you very much. Till then, I am sorry you will either have to accept it or exercise your Admin rights if you so wish, making a mockery of the words by Webmaster in my signature:

"Just want to add, no matter what your view is. PDF accepts them all. Just respect everybody, keep a friendly tone, and the favor will be returned by many.

It is my goal to make this happen."

Yes, all views from all sources are accepted here. Mindless slander against others isn't though.
Offtopic, and thus not worthy of a response.

What? you said you are waiting for american govt version. I show you a survey saying that 48% americans think their govt lies and you think thats off topic please explain? Im beggining to think your thought process is flawed. Please convince me I am wrong although it will prove difficult as you are not known for giving straight answers
I am not taking any "last chances", and standing by my position till 12-23-11, thank you very much. Till then, I am sorry you will either have to accept it or exercise your Admin rights if you so wish, making a mockery of the words by Webmaster in my signature:

"Just want to add, no matter what your view is. PDF accepts them all. Just respect everybody, keep a friendly tone, and the favor will be returned by many.

It is my goal to make this happen."

Cheng i am sure you are firstly taking Webys quote out of context - secondly doesnt change the fact you are trying to be more American than Americans. I spoke to a well respected American on here. Dont need to be a genius who it is as not many are respected - he voiced complete embarassement at whats happened and was humiliated to be associated with the events but you? - you are with respect blaming anyone but the scumbags that carried this act out.
Repitition of definitive statements without proof is trolling.

You are consistently implying there will be s backtrack or disappointment, but you cannot say why or how?

Surely a troll, a polite one.
What? you said you are waiting for american govt version. I show you a survey saying that 48% americans think their govt lies and you think thats off topic please explain? Im beggining to think your thought process is flawed. Please convince me I am wrong although it will prove difficult as you are not known for giving straight answers

What has lying got to do with the terrible loss that is the topic of this thread?

Do you want me to prove the terrible job the Pakistani government does of lying to its own people to steal their future? N thanks, that is quite evident already.

Back to the topic please! :D
I am not taking any "last chances", and standing by my position till 12-23-11, thank you very much. Till then, I am sorry you will either have to accept it or exercise your Admin rights if you so wish, making a mockery of the words by Webmaster in my signature:

"Just want to add, no matter what your view is. PDF accepts them all. Just respect everybody, keep a friendly tone, and the favor will be returned by many.

It is my goal to make this happen."
Sorry - but the direction of your discourse has taken a mocking, disingenuous and circular route, that is of absolutely no constructive use, and is only serving to annoy members and keep arguing over the same thing, because of your refusal to accept that you made a claim that was not backed by any facts and you are too stubborn to admit it.

While it is correct that 'PDF will accept your view, no matter what it is', it is also true that we expect those views to be articulated with civility, and that other posters are respected. Your refusal to substantiate your argument, and refusal to then accept that your argument has no basis, is disrespectful to those of us seriously engaging you in discourse.

If you cannot respect us in being honest in your discourse and accept your mistake, then I think it better than you take some time to cool off, and return when your 'gospel' of a NATO report is released.
Its getting there - Imran Khan is becoming popular finally after all.

Yea but on another thread Cheng has stated that Imran is a ISI asset. He has no evidence for that. But he is happy to make an assertion that he has no evidence for because it suits his purpose to say so.
Please- If we all can just ignore the attention seeker and discuss some very important points made by an old member on page 14-

This one-
There are major holes in this whole Pakistan side of the story.

1 - If the attack went on for 2 hours, how come no reinforcements were sent?
2 - Apache Gunships engage in quick precison strikes and they don't hover for 2 hours. And why did it take the Apache Gunships 2 hours to take out 2 posts which they could have taken out in mere seconds?

This Cheng Cheng is getting boring and predictable now-
About: Attention-seeking personality disorders, victim syndrome, insecurity and centre of attention behavior
Those are not predictions, but HISTORICAL FACTS, which WILL continue for the foreseeable future

The historical facts are that this incident is unprecedented in the Pakistan-US relationship in its 'context' (NATO attacking Pakistani soldiers inside Pakistan), & even they killed 2 Pakistani soldiers "accidentally" a couple of years ago, this incident is unprecedented in its 'magnitude'. Hence, I would say to you like you have been saying to others when you get cornered, please hold your horses, before you so emphatically claim about what will happen in the future.
sir Pakistan is doing no such thing and Istanbul was an example of that where iran, russia, china sided with Pakistan. even though turkey on the behest of u.s tried it utmost to convince Pakistan to do other wise.
so bonn is a waste of time as again the key countries that have a border with Afghanistan and major regional/intl players they dont agree with the u.s point of view and infact want the u.s out, plain and simple.

Pakistan should hold its own conference in Islamabad with Iran, Russia, China, and Afghan Taliban.

We all know Afghan Taliban are the main people who will decide Afghanistan's future thats why U.S. is desperate to get them come to the table.

---------- Post added at 05:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 PM ----------

Pakistan says decision on Afghanistan conference is final

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s decision not to attend a conference on the future of Afghanistan in Germany next week, taken to protest against a Nato cross-border attack that killed 24 soldiers, is final, a foreign ministry official said on Wednesday.

“Of course it’s the final word. Pakistan is not attending,” the official told Reuters, shortly after the German government urged Islamabad to reverse its stand.

Fury over the attack is growing, with more protests across Pakistan and tough editorials in newspapers.

“It is definitely not Pakistan’s intention to work against the rest of the world,” Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar told Dawn News television on Wednesday.

“But the rest of the world also has to understand that if they have pushed Pakistan into this corner, violated red lines, then they have denied the basis of partnership,” she said.

Islamabad’s decision to boycott next week’s meeting in Bonn will deprive the talks of a key player that could nudge Taliban militants into a peace process as Nato combat troops prepare to leave Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Pakistan says decision on Afghanistan conference is final | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
The historical facts are that this incident is unprecedented in the Pakistan-US relationship in its 'context' (NATO attacking Pakistani soldiers inside Pakistan), & even they killed 2 Pakistani soldiers "accidentally" a couple of years ago, this incident is unprecedented in its 'magnitude'. Hence, I would say to you like you have been saying to others when you get cornered, please hold your horses, before you so emphatically claim about what will happen in the future.

Honestly, isn't that exactly what I have been saying all along too?

Can we please hold all horses till both sides have put out their reports?
I am being entirely respectful, clam and cool.

How can you expect a "mistake" to be "admitted" when none has occurred?
You have not provide the PA statements that are contradictory
If you expect me to cool off and wait till 12/23, would you care to apply the same standard to others too, please?
Plenty of posters have been given 'cooling off' time - one would have expected you to have behaved with more honesty and respect. The manner in which you end up being treated is entirely your own fault, because of the disingenuous arguments you make and the rings you try and run around a serious discussion when pinned down.

Take care.
Please- If we all can just ignore the attention seeker and discuss some very important points made by an old member on page 14-

This one-

agreed jon you are right about the attention seeker. Just wandering if it could be two separate attacks? ie one attack then pause and then a second one? did the two hours claim come from survivors?
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