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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Some important notes

* NATO/US are now left with the slow train route that USSR setup during the 80s , apart from being expensive and much longer it goes through Russian territory who has a score to settle with NATO and will get more out of NATO than NATO will get out of using this route , overall adds to the difficulty of supplying NATO troops and keeping them alive!!
* Notice of vacating of Shamsi airbase has been sent and December 11th is the data on which murderers will be removed from Pak Sarzameen
* Pakistan will boycott the Bonn conference which has caused major takleef to that nazi woman who then 'urged' Pakistan to join the conference only to be told that our security is more important for us than that of Afghanistan ( NATO and US in fact since they are occupying that country )
* Latest polls show that 55% americans consider Pakistan to be an enemy , this should be an eye opener about the blood thirsty nature of these animals

NATO/US has stockpiled enough supplies to last 7 months. They can use Central Asia and Airlift to transport the rest. Its a pain but not a game changer.

As for Shamis, it was given to USA by Pakistan Military to hunt down terrorists.

And LOL, for you calling Angela Merkel a Nazi. With Pakistanis like you, who needs enemies to destroy this country.

Bro 90% of Pakistanis consider America to be an enemy. I guess that should also be an eye opener to Americans to the blood thirsty nature of Pakistanis?

---------- Post added at 04:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 PM ----------

I suggest you see the video of the aftermath, and see the amount of area that was destroyed.

As I said, they did not shoot straight away, they would have hovered around and flew for sometime, as a injured Pakistani soldier says, that the helis flew for about an hour, and dropped flares after about half hour.

And if you do not believe the statements of DGMO at this time, well, what can I say?

Off to a good sleep now!

I already saw the video.

Why would the Apaches hover over Infantry positions. What he heard was something different or he is conflating two things.

Apaches engage from long distances. Like when Israel takes out Palestinian Militants, the militants don't even hear the Apache before the missile explodes.

I don't belive the DGMO statements because they have lied in the past so there is no reason to believe that they want to improve their image among the Pakistani public so they are using this issue to do so.
Whose posts are worth what is self-evident.

I stand by my positions for now, and will evaluate NATO's report when it is released.

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder Cheng. Our country has been to war several times with india. Pakistan has suffered abuses at the hands of american govt. Yet most of your posts are appreciated by people who are rabidly anti pakistan so your posts are worth a lot to enemies of pakistan. bilal on the other hand your thanks are mostly from pakistanis. Do i need to say more?

---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 PM ----------

There is no going around in circles - you are choosing to avoid supporting your earlier statement of 'backtracking by the PA' - where are the official statements supporting that claim, and why are you so confident about calling the account of the PA 'hyperbole' if indeed in 3 weeks 'the oracle shall tell us the truth'?

Repeat: Do you have evidence supporting your claim of official backtracking by the PA or not?

Well it would seem he doesnt have any evidence. he will let you know when hes seen the official american report
Couldnt agree with you more Cheng as sacrificed enough time defending pakistan here on the internet. he should go and chill out and let others carry the batton

Are his responses on this thread your idea of defence?
For now, that is the CORRECT stance to take: "Let's wait for the NATO report to come out".

Then why are you on this thread then? Do you want others to think like you & stop discussing about the incident?

He doesn't mince his words. :tup::yahoo:

He is just a populist who has failed utterly to understand the broader picture.

His attempt to blame every problem in Pakistan is to blame USA and the West.

I think his experiences during Cricket especially from someitmes racist incidents has totally clouded his judgement.

Its sad, Imran Khan, is smart, good looking, charismatic, he would have made a good leader of Pakistan if not for his absolute stupid statements. :(

Sad to see such a brilliant person go to waste.
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There are NO "others" like me! :D

I will carry the load myself, at least for the time being, thank you very much.


Yes there is Zardari? bilal bhutto zaradari etc they seem to want to be freindly with america
Then why are you on this thread then? Do you want others to stop speaking about the incident?

I have not asked anyone to leave or stop posting, have I, like you have?

Please go right ahead, as I will too.
Yes there is Zardari? bilal bhutto zaradari etc they seem to want to be freindly with america

I am ME, and shall remain so, no matter how childish the insults, which speak of your mental level far more loudly than what I can ever say here.
Already did. In two threads.

Call me whatever you like, it does not matter to me. Facts are what they are.

I cringe now when i see your posts because i realize you are the type of character that simply wont back down because you are super stubborn - its clear for all to see how you are ducking and diving rather than asking for clarification of your earlier statement. Its a case of denial denial denial and perhaps they will start believing it - Suppose its the western way - keep denying it and eventually people will start believing your fiction. In fact i think you are so Americanized that you believe the Nato story more than Americans.
I think its about ego and you feeling you are the most correct person on earth. Sadly you are without doubt using the wrong thread for wanting attention as we are talking about real lives here not "what are you listening to" or your photography thread. I dont mind you seeking attention on their but being argumentative on here for the sake of it makes you look an ignoramous - and i dont believe thats fair as i think you are certainly not ignorant - far from it - BTW just my opinion.....
I have not asked anyone to leave or stop posting, have I, like you have?

Please go right ahead, as I will too.

When did I say you should leave or stop posting?

I am merely saying that you should follow your claim that your argument is based on facts, & since the "facts" from the NATO side have not come out, you should reconcile that position of yours.
Nato apology will not be enough: Khar


ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar has said that the Nato attack on the Pakistani check post was not an accident and "only an apology would not be enough."

Khar however added that Pakistan was not waiting for an apology

The minister was briefing the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Relations on Wednesday.

“Pakistan cannot see its soldiers being killed by allied forces anymore. There is an established mechanism between Pakistan and allied forces working in Afghanistan regarding movement on the border but Nato authorities didn't inform us about their activity before the incident,” Khar said.

The foreign minister said Pakistan's role in Afghan peace efforts had been accepted by all but not appreciated and coalition forces had crossed red lines several times.

On the issue of the controversial memo, Khar told the meeting held under the chairmanship of Senator Saleem Saifullah Khan that the Foreign Office had no record regarding the memo sent to Admiral Mike Mullen.

Khar noted that Mansoor Ijaz had tried to malign the Pakistan Army and ISI in the controversial memo issue.

Khar was of the view that former ambassador Husain Haqqani must be given a chance to present his arguments before a court of law.

Nato apology will not be enough: Khar
......... BTW just my opinion.....

Sure, please keep your opinion, as I will keep mine.

There is a differnece between stubbornness and conviction, but perhaps that is beyond you to understand.

How hard can it be to wait three weeks?

PDF was in an uproar about RD too, till he was driven to the airport. Same thing with this thread. Sad, will you you guys never learn?

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