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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

I think in one way Pakistan can use this attack in its favour.

There are a lot of simmering emotions in Pakistan tribal areas against Pakistan in the recent years. This operation was (partly) to teach PA a lesson that if you don't do operation in North Waziristan then this is what you will get.

We can now propogate this our tribal areas that we (PA) got hit because we refused to attack our brothers.

This can help us to bring our brothers in fold.
I think in one way Pakistan can use this attack in its favour.

There are a lot of simmering emotions in Pakistan tribal areas against Pakistan in the recent years. This operation was (partly) to teach PA a lesson that if you don't do operation in North Waziristan then this is what you will get.

We can now propogate this our tribal areas that we (PA) got hit because we refused to attack our brothers.

This can help us to bring our brothers in fold.

sorry, the tribal population doesnt have a short term memory like the ones that is bobarded with fox news and CNN propoganda.
Tribals might forgive but will never forget.
To complete the title
NATO Kills 28 Pakistani Soldiers in Unprovoked Night Attack. While, the Pakistani military and civil establishment is mulling over, what to extract out of Americans as a consequence of this ordeal, before the normal business kicks off.
Even Indian dont mind if Russian can create an leverage with Pakistan by supplying some ammunition.Ultimately even Russians should know that although India has been facilitated by US but still then India is not in USA lap altogether for last 65 years as Pakistan is right now....I believe Russians are intelligent enough to understand..

I think Russia is just trying to take advantage of the situation rather then alligning with Pak's intrest...Who knows...If US backs out of europe missile defence plan then Russia will make an another turn around to allow tranist fascility....
Well guys I think the equipment lying here on trucks,which nato is expecting to get after the border opens and our gvt is going to open the border after this drama and calm people down,anyways that equipment and whatever supplies nato trucks are carrying through pak we Pakistanis can pillage them surely most of our house holds have ak-47s lets check our roads if we find a single truck with nato equipment burn it or better if that equipment is captured smuggled (as our gvt won’t allow sale of nato equipment their masters )and sold to iran and the cash returns should be used to make a secret pakistan’s martyr’s fund to support the families of martyrs.

And someone take care of former embassador haqani for once and for all ,some how it seems this was to divert public attention from him.
NATO to Retrain All Troops in Afghanistan in Protecting Civilians | News | English

to all those who have more faith in NATO than god....pleas read the above article.
NATO has been sending untrained/undertrained personnel to one of the most difficult and volatile war zone of the world...
no wonder those silly billies cause unnecessary loss of life every day...
thats even worse than terrorists....

in urdu this is called "bandarr kay haath mein bandooq"
idiot remarks removed from quoteI?

When nothing left you brought in this totally irrelevant stuff.. Can I ask you which journalist are you talking about? Saleem Shahzad? Does his assassination have any connection to relations with USA? Comeon we have lost 28 soldiers in an unprovoked attack and you consider it a ******* tiny thing.
Russian will do good bargain for NDN as Russian care of missile shields not Pakistan. Also, US has third route option as Georgia-Azerbaijan-Kazakhastan-Uzbekistan.
NATO to Retrain All Troops in Afghanistan in Protecting Civilians | News | English

to all those who have more faith in NATO than god....pleas read the above article.
NATO has been sending untrained/undertrained personnel to one of the most difficult and volatile war zone of the world...
no wonder those silly billies cause unnecessary loss of life every day...
thats even worse than terrorists....

in urdu this is called "bandarr kay haath mein bandooq"

I hope you understand the meaning of retraining.

Now please tell us, how many armies in this world actually keep themselves updated on whether their soldiers need to be trained again and again on regular basis?

You aren't that good at it... j/k man, you are pretty good :D
China backs Pakistan's efforts in safeguarding independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity: FM

BEIJING, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said Monday that China will consistently support Pakistan's efforts in safeguarding national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Yang made the remarks in a phone call with Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar concerning NATO bombing on two Pakistani border posts in a northwest tribal area bordering Afghanistan early Saturday morning.

Twenty-four Pakistani soldiers were killed and 13 others injured in the NATO action.

Yang said China was deeply shocked by the incident, noting that all countries and international organizations should earnestly respect Pakistan's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

He also called for a thorough investigation of the incident.

The two ministers also exchanged views on China-Pakistan relations and issues of common concern.

China backs Pakistan's efforts in safeguarding independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity: FM
I hope you understand the meaning of retraining.

Now please tell us, how many armies in this world actually keep themselves updated on whether their soldiers need to be trained again and again on regular basis?

You aren't that good at it... j/k man, you are pretty good :D

you commented without reading the news...
the need of retraining was due to the coplaints from afghan government that NATO troops fail to save civilians in their operations and preventable loss of life is not being stopped..
isnt this the first lesson for any person who is given a gun that they should know how to differentiate between avtarget and a non target....an agressir and a passer by and should have control on their nerves to stop being trigger happy.
none of these basic qualities have been shown by NATO and ISAF troops..and that means they are severely undertrained.
the receny attack on pakistani checkpost is by NATOs own admission a result of their troops failing to identify the real target...or just got angry and shot dead 28 ally soldiers.
such a monumental incompetance us unheard of and even more dangerous when we consider that these unreliable untrained men/women have some of the most sophisticated and most lethal weapons in the world.
that way they are dangerous and should be kept away .
such people who cant read maps and cant identify a well established wrll marked military check.post should not be given even firecrackers and shouldnt be allowed near guns..
if NATO is sending such incompetent soldiers to wars...they are a threat to world peace.
not being racist here but only one picture comes to my mind .
Giving details of the incident, he said after the
midnight on November 26, 2 to 3 helicopters
appeared and started engaging Volcano post
breaking down all communication systems.
In response, the Boulder post engaged
helicopters with anti aircraft guns and all
available weapons. The helicopter also attacked
the post.
He said all channels of coordination methods
were immediately activated.
“We informed them about the attack. But, the
helicopters reappeared and also engaged the
Boulder post.”

This must be giving the jitters to the bigwigs in the Pentagon. It's well known the US doesn't trust the Russians as far as they can spit. The whole reliance on the "Northern route" rests on what mood the Russians are in, a situation that is not acceptable to NATO and far more precarious than the arrangement they had with Pakistan . The reality is they want the Pakistan route back.
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