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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

The report that comes out on the 23rd will be the ISAF side of the story, without any input, verification or diverging views of the Pakistani side. Mark my words, when this report comes out, it would be aired by various Western news outlets as if the fountain of truth has opened up and no amount of Pakistani protestations over the veracity of the report and its claims would be accepted.

It would have been better that this investigation was conducted jointly.

Pakistan was invited but refused. Big blunder.

And ISPR needs to work HARD this time to propagate the Pakistani PoV.
The report that comes out on the 23rd will be the ISAF side of the story, without any input, verification or diverging views of the Pakistani side. Mark my words, when this report comes out, it would be aired by various Western news outlets as if the fountain of truth has opened up and no amount of Pakistani protestations over the veracity of the report and its claims would be accepted.

It would have been better that this investigation was conducted jointly.

I totally agree with you..... they might say it was done by ISI
It would have been better that this investigation was conducted jointly.

That would have meant that we are going to resolve the issues and agree on a point which saves NATO face but now we are trying to make our point by refusing to along with their pace. ]

I think we are better this way.... The only unknown factor in this whole situation is the MOTIVE. Which I believe PAK ARMY know thats why they are apparently so angry
Pakistan was invited but refused. Big blunder.

And ISPR needs to work HARD this time to propagate the Pakistani PoV.

Come on i say this is right to do ... we dont need to do any investigations, its just to gain time and say things you like...

we are 100% sure what happened, we dont have any sort of doubt in it ... hence we are not a part of this investigation.... we are not falling into yet another trap for same thing again n again... USA need to F Off from this region...
. US can easily economically choke Pakistan to death and render our military machine ineffective.
My 2 cents.
all right now i understand that army has less capabilities to go eye to eye with usa
but what econimocs you are talking about man.
have u seen pakistan for the last 2 decades , things never get worst economically????
and if u care of economy why dont military cathes the ministers who are fulling swiss banks,
our nation is illerrate mostly and they dont know the right one , which one they choose

two wrongs never make right, as far as friendship with usa is concrened on the basis of economics

its benificial for either politicians or else ISI

and average civilian has nothing to do with it , who bleeds everyday in pakistan ,

now do we still need foreign aids from united states????

I agree with u on some points like
we have to stand on our feet but we wont make unless we try it ,


We dont believe in Nato investigation we believe our own military and Intelligence.NATO GO TO HELL
I know many will say its emotional or bad decision but if Pakistan will not respect its own people life then no will respect them in hundred years. in riots in UK ex Pakistanis got killed as no one care.
In international forums every one is saying Pakistani get $$$$$ and every thing will be put under the carpet when people hot air be over and that's how the world sees Pakistanis.
"US can easily economically choke Pakistan to death and render our military machine ineffective."

all right now i understand that army has less capabilities to go eye to eye with usa
but what econimocs you are talking about man.
have u seen pakistan for the last 2 decades , things never get worst economically????
and if u care of economy why dont military cathes the ministers who are fulling swiss banks,
our nation is illerrate mostly and they dont know the right one , which one they choose

two wrongs never make right, as far as friendship with usa is concrened on the basis of economics

its benificial for either politicians or else ISI

and average civilian has nothing to do with it , who bleeds everyday in pakistan ,

now do we still need foreign aids from united states????

I agree with u on some points like
we have to stand on our feet but we wont make unless we try it ,


Brother, Pakistan is already economically not doing well.

1. Business in the whole country has been badly hit by various factor.

2. Industry is not working properly either because of power-outages and corruption. Just look at the case of Pakistan Steel Mills. Even governmental owned institutions are at loss (e.g. PIA, Railways etc....). Sports industry is also down the drain. And Cotton industry is controlled by local mafia.

3. Pakistan is lacking in the capabilities to extract natural resources and process them for creation of required materials that can bring in revenues.

4. Expenditure of War on Terror.

Now imagine if US ends all trade with Pakistan and imposes heavy sanctions and blockade then what will happen? Have we become self-sufficient by now?

Open your eyes, the situation is vastly different in current times then it was during previous times. The cost of living is already too high in Pakistan. Things will get out of our hand in case of major hostilities with USA.
Very well said. But I wonder what was NATO going to gain by doing this? Pakistan's reaction is very expected and fair.
Is America out of its mind. After their pullout from Afghanistan, the country will sink further in chaos. Whatever the outcome, this region is going to take very long to stabilize.
"US can easily economically choke Pakistan to death and render our military machine ineffective."

all right now i understand that army has less capabilities to go eye to eye with usa
but what econimocs you are talking about man.
have u seen pakistan for the last 2 decades , things never get worst economically????
and if u care of economy why dont military cathes the ministers who are fulling swiss banks,
our nation is illerrate mostly and they dont know the right one , which one they choose

two wrongs never make right, as far as friendship with usa is concrened on the basis of economics

its benificial for either politicians or else ISI

and average civilian has nothing to do with it , who bleeds everyday in pakistan ,

now do we still need foreign aids from united states????

I agree with u on some points like
we have to stand on our feet but we wont make unless we try it ,


Pakistan is waiting for a phone call from its god which not yet called . i think if obama is busy he can send SMS and pakistan will be in conference before even others arrive in conformance room :lol:
just adding my two cents. Boycott will further isolate Pakistan, GOP/PA should go.

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