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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

J...... PA could give a response which would hurt americans but in return it would be at a very high cost to pakistan. I am not suggesting PA should do nothing but .............
Our response needs to be carefully thought out. ................

Okay, so what do you suggest over and above the re-arrangement of the deck chairs on the Titanic?

if you followed the americans and their suggestions re the silk road crap in turkey it would be transparent to you what american intentions are for our neighbourhood.

How are those "intentions" helped by the recent incident? There is nothing to be gained by NATO by alienating as large a fighting force in the region as PA. Could you please explain a bit in detail as to what are you trying to get across?
Jon please be careful this is not as simple as it looks PA could give a response which would hurt americans but in return it would be at a very high cost to pakistan. I am not suggesting PA should do nothing but there is no country in the world that could suffer an attack by Nato without consequences.

Our response needs to be carefully thought out. Americans our enemies want us to blame our army and ISI. Never let the enemy tactics work

Tell me the reason-
through out the history- which nation was ridiculed like this before?- and it did not take action?-
through out the history- what made the nations go to war?- To save what?-

Are we Pakistanis setting a new president of baygherti?-
Amerikans knew- the only thing Pakistanis will do is blame their own army- because thats whats we are best at- its not far when whole world will remember us as "the best coward qoum" of all time-
Apparently the two different posts were only 300 m from each other.

A host of leaders from NATO and the United States were quick to admit to the attack, apologise for it and call it a dreadful accident. That was just as well. But for Pakistanis, especially, it will be hard to accept it was a mere blunder. In the past, firing in Pakistan by American forces inside Afghanistan, against Taliban or other forces fleeing there for sanctuary, has killed one or two soldiers on the border. This time, say the Pakistanis, two different buildings, 300 metres apart on two outcrops, were destroyed. The soldiers in each one, many of whom were said to have been sleeping, were 2.5km inside Pakistani territory, and the Americans reportedly had grid-references for these long-established army posts.

Pakistan and America: Till deaths us do part | The Economist
Bravo to you childish thinking.:hitwall:

I don't think these childs are too young to understand that without presidential approval PA cannot open fire.
Remember the when DG rangers refused to take of assignment of Karachi without written permission to shot back at terrorists.
So - who should be blamed? India? This is happening just because of some ball-less traitor sitting at the top? I think it's time of accountability of military as well. Mr. Kayani should admit that he has failed to ensure the sovereignty of country and should pack his bag.

No he is not ball less only we are blind who fail to see his children are partying abroad while whole nation is at war.

You shall demand ghadari to bring his kids to Pakistan for some sun tan.
Zardari and Kiyani both are NOT responsible for this attack....... The soldiers died defending this country.... From foriegn invaders ..... And If you believe Zardari and Kiyani are respobsible and all that NATO supply thign is drama... You all are free to start a movement to block this road.... Its one road not much difficult to block.....

These soldiers didn't die defending their country- They were fast asleep- Remember?-

Lets assume- They died while defending our borders from foreign invaders-
Whats the responsibility of the Army that is alive now?-
"collect the bodies and bury them?-
Tell me it is a one off incident?-
Tomorrow they will do this again-
Whats the policy?-
"collect the bodies and bury them again?-
Loose the soldiers defending the territory and block the supply line?- Thats it?-
This is a height of bayghairti-
Still dont blame the army for the mess- dont blame zardari and co for it-
Lets all blame India- Shall we?-
Irony- isn't it?-
I don't think these childs are too young to understand that without presidential approval PA cannot open fire.
Remember the when DG rangers refused to take of assignment of Karachi without written permission to shot back at

Dear Sir,

And why would the president order to do the needful when he knows he is not accountable for as long as he is in the presidential house (at least) and no one can question him, and he has appointed a person whom he can trust to be on his side and who can walk with him, But, when for a short period he felt his friend is not reliable he went to his master in USA but, it seems everything is back to normal between them isn't it?
Capt Usman Shaheed ...Age of his Daughter 2.5 month ...... :(

Oh god. :(
Pakistan authorities have to act now to mete out the aspiration of the public and more importantly the low cadre armymen. It would be highly demotivating and demoralising for army if the message that "their lives value nothing to pak command" being sent out to them.

I am not sure of economic viability of pakistan in case of full fledged conflict, militarily or non coperation, with NATO but sometimes you have to take decision as a nation, for the nation. Pakistan had done it in past like nuclear test but what they do need today is political will and support of army, public will automatically follow in.
These soldiers didn't die defending their country- They were fast asleep- Remember?-

They were not on that Outpost for Picnic..... Do you want full check post awake 24/7..... They all were sleeping proves PA point that they were not attacking.... One fire from AK can wake up the whole village.....

Lets assume- They died while defending our borders from foreign invaders-
Whats the responsibility of the Army that is alive now?-
"collect the bodies and bury them?-
Tell me it is a one off incident?-
Tomorrow they will do this again-
Whats the policy?-
"collect the bodies and bury them again?-
Loose the soldiers defending the territory and block the supply line?- Thats it?-
This is a height of bayghairti-
Still dont blame the army for the mess- dont blame zardari and co for it-
Lets all blame India- Shall we?-
Irony- isn't it?-

Then lets show some ghairat and block the roads..... Civil disobedience..... Protests..... Etc etc..... The army is beghairat... You are not.... Go ahead do something.... PA is doing what is doable.....
1) ISAF/NATO/US forces and their operations along the border with Afghanistan is an everyday occurring practice hence no fire from Pakistani side as any air violation is warned with a couple of warning shots and nothing more.
2) PAF was not scrambled as NATO/ISAF/US forces in Afghanistan are considered allies and such an attack was not expected.
3) The check posts weren't being pounded for 2 hours, the whole operation took 2 hours and before the soldiers knew how to respond they were under heavy fire.
4) Our soldiers weren't expecting an assault from an ally in either of the posts.
5) These were probably attack helicopters impervious to any ground fire and these posts were probably not armed with MANPADS or SAM sites.

This doesnt seem right.. Even if NATO patrols the border on a regular basis, this does not mean Pakistan forces stop guarding those borders. Specially after the Abbotabad and subsequent air space violations. Also if the whole operation took 2 hours, and remember, 2 separate check posts were attacked, I am sure there was enough time to report back the attack and get air support. I do remember reading somewhere on this thread that some reinforcements were sent.. The question is why not Air support when the attack was airborne..

About being impervious to ground fire, its a little tough to digest that a checkpost large enough to house scores off full military men, will have nothing in its arsenal to hit back at a low and slow flying attack helicopter..

Something surely is amiss here..
Okay, so what do you suggest over and above the re-arrangement of the deck chairs on the Titanic?

How are those "intentions" helped by the recent incident? There is nothing to be gained by NATO by alienating as large a fighting force in the region as PA. Could you please explain a bit in detail as to what are you trying to get across?

If you read all my posts on this thread you would know that I have answered your questions earlier. So please read them and you will find answers there
I don't think these childs are too young to understand that without presidential approval PA cannot open fire.
Remember the when DG rangers refused to take of assignment of Karachi without written permission to shot back at terrorists.

I would refute you hear, if you are being fired upon, you have full right to retaliate back.

Now, it is another matter that with what you shoot with!
Tell me the reason-
through out the history- which nation was ridiculed like this before?- and it did not take action?-
through out the history- what made the nations go to war?- To save what?-

Are we Pakistanis setting a new president of baygherti?-
Amerikans knew- the only thing Pakistanis will do is blame their own army- because thats whats we are best at- its not far when whole world will remember us as "the best coward qoum" of all time-

Jon have you read the posts earlier? It would seem you havent. I know cheng is not being genuine but I think if you had read my posts you would agree i am not suggesting we do nothing.
The PAF was busy- it was sleeping-
So much for the PAF slogan-
Sleep Tight PAF is Awake ! Duh!!!
Useless air force- (OBL Raid) second time it has disappointed me- with the history of other disappointments (71 and 99)-

Don't need to drag PAF in each and every violation. Air defence of each sector is managed by mixture of Hi/Low-Level radars supported by patrolling fighters. In case of western border, PAF maintains air defence by Hi-Level radars, with lot of separation between them....I doubt their is any PAF air defence radar/site near the place where this incident happened...helicopters might have taken advantage of height and blind spots.

Since out policy on western border is different then eastern border,, therefore the SOPs for scramble are not applicable. As NATO/US aircraft took part in activities near Pak-Afghan border on routine basis with lenient behaviour from Pakistani side, so its not a surprise that they easily hopped in while getting the advantage of 'routine mission'.

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