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America’s latest TV fixation: Nuclear war in Pakistan

American Movies : World is in danger, USA will come and save it.

Chinese Movies : A Poor guy is being tortured, he learns martial arts/kungfu and beats the Shitout of every one.

Indian Movies : A boy and girl are in love, their parents are against them, boy then kick every ones *** and takes the girl home.

and every time when hero finished the job and then people in the movie remind hero that today is 4th of July
I've been trying to realize sheeps about a false-flag involving WMDs or so that is to be blamed on Pakistan...

Did anyone scoff at me back in 2010...!!! Well laugh at urself now... My timeline estimate was wrong, well GOOD, so their plan got postponed :) hope it keeps getting postponed till they die.

Like with previous false-flags "they" show similar events in movies, may be to assess public reaction to that kind of event -or- for some other reason;; may be to matt down public reaction to that event actually happening...!!!

Now this TV series could NOT be just a random thought of the script writer ...
But let them try;; hopefully they'll fall in their own ditch on their faces... :agree:

اور انہوں نے تدبیر کی اور الله نے بھی تدبیر فرمائی اور الله بہترین تدبیر کرنے والو ں میں سے ہے


Started thread in 2010-Nov


Post from 2010-Mar


Now from 22:00+ listen to question asked & the answer... Another false-flag, a BIG one, might be on it's way ...


On the series;;did u guys notice the very start is with a false-flag where a marine was shot by themselves near Pakistani coast... Then they ask that sub to rescue & ask same sub to fire at Pak, bcoz crew at that sub would have been emotionally triggered to get such this done... But after the sub refused, they tried to incite the sub again by another false-flag by firing Tomahawk cruise missile.

Both of these incidences were shown to public by media & Govt. as been committed by Pakistanis... When sub refused as they found it wasn't a Babar cruise missile based on it's acceleration as radar guys saw it; they still went ahead with their plan & nuked Pakistan through another ship, as radar guys picked it up... 2 Pakistani cities were hit one was Karachi & the other was probably Islamabad (or Lahore)... Also near the last part of 1st episode, they show war scenes playing on TV set in the bar & a Pakistani map showing on side of TV screen... They perhaps forgot NOT to show Kashmir as part of that map :) ...
Episode 5 is the last one so far. I think the show has already been renewed for another season.
^^ US won't invade Pak; doing so will be disastrous for US and NATO- financially and militarily

instead they will opt for installing Pro-US Government in Islamabad in 2013 and retaining good relations with Key High ranking officials in PA high command

If US plans to exploit vast mineral wealth of afghanistan are to be successful, there must be no war in the region

Dude that didn't stop them invading Afganistan and Iraq period. :undecided:
Hey i need the 6th part-

Don bhai???-

Jackdaws- dont disappoint me yaar- how much longer i will have to wait for the 6th episode-?-
I saw the first two episodes. The script is terrible, the acting is medicore at best.

Why they needed to nuke Pakistan is beyond me, the show could go on without nuking Pakistan.
^^ The story needed a country in which USA is actively involved in covert operarions,and the country has a missile very similar to a US missile..
I saw the first two episodes. The script is terrible, the acting is medicore at best.

Why they needed to nuke Pakistan is beyond me, the show could go on without nuking Pakistan.

The Sub captain's refusal to nuke Pakistan and hence making his command a renegade command is the pivot point of the story.. They couldnt have shown American backing down from their plan because a captain refused to fire nukes.. Subsequently the story is supposed to show a failed Navy Seal action (prior to the events in episode 1) to disable Pakistan's nuke capability..
The Sub captain's refusal to nuke Pakistan and hence making his command a renegade command is the pivot point of the story.. They couldnt have shown American backing down from their plan because a captain refused to fire nukes.. Subsequently the story is supposed to show a failed Navy Seal action (prior to the events in episode 1) to disable Pakistan's nuke capability..

I only watched 2 episodes so I don't know what happened beyond those 2 episodes.

"The Navy SEAL action in Pakistan" I did noT know about that. Well I guess it makes sense now why they included nuking in the show.

Overall my opinion about the show is that it is pretty lame. It's kinda like watching cheap B-grade syfy movies.
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