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America BACK! 1st McDonald open in Vietnam

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It kind of reminds me of how India helped Bangladesh defeat Pakistan but in turn Bangladesh and Pakistan have formed a strong alliance against India.

You are not serious, are you?
Don't make this thread became out of topic please,

It's just a pure business between one of global companies such as Mc D and their Vietnamese partner, no more no less. Much better to talking about Mc Donald's related issue, like low salaries they offered to their part-timer, the differences in tastes between Vietnam Mc Donald's with other countries Mc Donald's (personally i don't like the tastes of their burger in US than South Asia countries like Singapore, Malaysia or Indonesia) and so on.....
Anyway, I heard from a Vietnamese friend that KFC is the most popular foreign food outlet there. Same as in China I guess.


KFC -- Kentucky FRIED Chicken -- is the worst of the fast food outlets. Chicken with skin (skin = 100% fat, 0% protein) deep fried in gobs of saturated fat. I think even a deep pan pizza would be more healthy than KFC.

McDonalds (in Australia) has a large healthy menu in addition to their traditional menu; the grilled chicken items are as good as in any health food store and you get a full chicken breast per sandwich, unlike most of the competition..
From the pics I can understand Vietnam people are so obsessed with western culture.
Next south Korea in making?
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From the pics I can understand Vietnam people are so obsessed with western culture.

Every one is obsessed with Western culture. Unless you live in the middle of the Kalahari Desert or in a remote village in Bhutan, you are exposed to Western -- specifically, American -- culture.

Blue jeans and hamburgers for everyone -- YEAH!
Some people wear mask, I thought Vietnam had totally clean air. :D
smog is not a major concern. girls wear cloth and mask to protect the body and face against sun and dust.
Shows how marketing makes people slaves of Western neo-colonialism. Look these retards dying to eat McDonalds, a brand which is known as "shit" in America.

Poor slaves.

(Goes mainly for all Asians in one form or the other!)

We defeated European barbarism and uncivilized ways and restructured Asia out of colonialism. But we must rebuilt it right back to to the top, as it always has been!

China is on its way..hopefully, India, South-East Asia, and other parts also follow the pursuit.
When I go to McDonalds or KFC in China, I'm actually to use their free restrooms with dryer and sanitizer.
he he he...that is the reason why people go to McDonalds or other western junk food restaurants. The standard of those restaurants in Vietnam is as good as Germany. You get in, and you feel you are a part of the modern world. :D
To be frank, once McDonald's launch their facility in Hanoi, I will bring my kids there to taste their customized menu for Vietnamese.

You know that, we eat same rice in Lotteria and Viet Mac is another approach to use pressed rice instead of hamburger bread ..
no, this is the official McDonald Viet girl :-)

McDonald's Happy Meal didn't decompose after six months


McDonald's Happy Meal didn't decompose after six months - DailyFinance


credit: freepatriot.org


credit: bambubatu.blogspot

An Inquiry into the Effects of Preservatives in McDonald's Food, or, What Does the Fungus Know That You Don't?

Stay Free! Daily: An Inquiry into the Effects of Preservatives in McDonald's Food, or, What Does the Fungus Know That You Don't?

Everyone knows McDonald's food isn't healthy, but is it really any worse than other fast food? A friend of mine told me about an experiment Morgan Spurlock did for Supersize Me comparing McDonald's food to a place that made homemade burgers and fries. (The experiment wasn't in the movie but it's one of the DVD extras.) Spurlock let food from both places sit out for weeks in order to see see how McDonald's use of preservatives and other additives affected the way the food broke down.

I liked the idea but wanted to see what would happen if, instead of using gourmet stuff, I experimented with the local equivalent of McDonald's -- a cheap restaurant/take-out joint. So I went and bought burgers and fries from a nearby diner, New College Restaurant, and from McDonald's and compared the two.

As you can see here, the local place uses crinkle fries that come frozen, not unlike McDonald's. (I suspect the burger came frozen too, but, to be honest, I didn't ask.)

Next, I photographed each food item (see burgers | fries), put them all in a plastic bin, and placed the bin outside my apartment in the hallway. Then, I waited and observed. Here's what happened.

Day 3

The crinkle fries from the local joint show signs of mold. Nothing on McDonald's.

The McDonald's burger has a pronounced white spot (some kind of growth) toward the bottom right. The local burger has several white areas and a thin white film coating sections of the burger. None of the spots on the local burger are quite as large as the one on McDonald's.

* * * * * * *

Day 5

Local burger is now encrusted with something resembling cold sores; fuzzy white areas of a slight greenish tint. The white spot on the McDonald's burger has grown considerably, but the burger otherwise weathers the storm.

Thick green spores cap off the fuzzy coat on the crinkle fries. McDonald's remains unharmed. Unfortunately, after putting the fries back in the bin, I accidentally knocked over the tray that they were on so that the McDonald's fries fell on top of the local fries, contaminating them. (I didn't notice the mistake until.....)

* * * * * * *

Day 7

Local burger: pigeons wouldn't eat this. McDonald's has a .7" cluster cake on the top right region, and two small growths on the bottom section, but is otherwise clean.

McDonald's fries now show signs of decay, though perhaps that is due to the fact that I found them laying on top of the crinkle fries and had to move them back to their own tray.


Are McDonald's products worse for you than other fast food? Anecdotal data suggests that McDonald's is less like food than its local equivalent and therefore the answer is "yes." (However, for people who tend to leave food unrefrigerated around the house for days, McDonald's may be an ideal choice.)

Incidentally, Morgan Spurlock used individual glass jars for his experiment and didn't identify any appreciable differences in burger decay. His McDonald's fries, however, remained unvarnished and fungus-free for weeks. Since I contaminated my fries, I can neither confirm nor refute Spurlock's findings. And I wasn't going to repeat the test and risk pissing off my landlord, what with the stench and all. You?

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Vietnam burger

This thread focus on the first McDonald's restaurant in Vietnam.

McDonald's to open 700 new restaurants in China by 2013

  • Lin Dian-wei and Staff Reporter
  • 2011-04-30
  • 10:23 (GMT+8)

US restaurant giant McDonald is confident in China's growth market potential and plans to expand. Picture: Growing numbers of Chinese like to eat at McDonald's. (Photo/CNS)

McDonald's, the world largest chain of fast-food restaurants, plans to open 700 new outlets in China by 2013 in a bid to strengthen its presence in the country.

Betty Tian, a spokesman for the chain in China, said McDonald's, which currently operates 1,300 restaurants, would also increase its employees to 50,000 to manage the expansion. This would include hiring college graduates to fill more than 1,000 managerial positions.

Under the plan, the company aims to open 22 new restaurants per month starting from May: equivalent to opening one new restaurant for each business day.

McDonald's, which lags behind the Kentucky Fried Chicken Corp. in terms of market share in China, plans to speed up its growth to keep pace with the expanding domestic market.

Tseng Qishang, chief executive officer of McDonald's China, said the fast-food chain had increased its capital expenditure in the country by 25 percent in 2010, which was channeled into launching restaurants, drive-through services, as well wireless Internet access services.

However, most market analysts predicted an uphill battle for McDonald's in its quest for market domination as the Chinese market is already crowded with several western fast-food chains, including KFC, Burger King and Subway, as well as several local chains, such as Real Kunfu and Yonghe Soy Milk.

They said only those who could cater to the tastes of consumers by offering innovative food items would thrive in this market of 130 million Chinese consumers.


Tseng Qishang 曾啟山
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