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America BACK! 1st McDonald open in Vietnam

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The Burger Lab: Revisiting the Myth of The 12-Year Old McDonald's Burger That Just Won't Rot (Testing Results!) | A Hamburger Today

"The problem with coming to that conclusion, of course, is that if you are a believer in science (and I certainly hope you are!), in order to make a conclusion, you must first start with a few observable premises as a starting point with which you form a theorem, followed by a reasonably rigorous experiment with controls built in place to verify the validity of that theorem."

argue with the fact that the video shown below is faked

with the same amount of money why should we eat something that are doubtful for the good of our health
argue with the fact that the video shown below is faked

with the same amount of money why should we eat something that are doubtful for the good of our health

Wait the video shows the burgers did indeed get moldy. The only thing that didn't mold was the fries.

But notice how thin the fries are compared to the thicker fries he got off another vendor. They all dried out. No moisture. If you ever buy fries you know they dry out within hours and are not very edible. If I put a piece of bread in a toaster and forget about it..it won't be a moldy mess. It will be a dried out rock.
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You do realize McDonalds is a real estate company that just happens to also sell food.

Real estate?

Can you be more specific? According to you, food sounds like not the primary business? It sells franchises and licenses, but the revenue is no more than food business.

In 2012, sales by company-operated restaurants is $18,602(in millions), and the revenues from franchised restaurants is $8,964(in millions). Revenues from conventional franchised restaurants include rent and royalties based on a percent of sales with minimum rent payments, and initial fees.

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