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AMD the subject of takeover rumors by Chinese firm

but now with Intel you barely are seeing any performance improvements though.

like for instance if you bought a Intel i5 2500K back in 2011 you wouldn't really get much improvement by buying a Intel i5 4670K today

AMD just rocks with for price/performance, but I wouldn't buy AMD if you do video/photo editing though

You are right.. I'm a video editor and my AMD PC is very disappointing. I've made a mistake by replacing Intel with AMD for my desktop. I chose AMD because its cheaper but then the system occasionally failing due to heat and disrupted my works. I've heard before about AMD's heat problem but I thought it's been solved and nonexistent in newer generations.. guess I'm wrong.

I then have to buy expensive and power consuming fan to solved the problem.. In the end, it cost me more than if I buy an Intel.. There goes my hope of having a reliable cheaper and greener PC. :(
That is right. I see the world full of propaganda and BS hype written by people who do not spend a day in writing a single line of code.

There is no way desktop can be replaced in near and middle term. Mobile is just desktop complmentary.

I NEVER said the desktop and laptop were dead. Obviously they are on the desks of most people who have a professional job on this planet.

The question is...is the AVERAGE person buying a desktop/laptop these days for personal use compared to the buying rates say 15 years ago?

2013 Represented Worst Decline In PC Market's History - Forbes
"It should come as no surprise that the explosive adoption of smartphones and tablets as a consumer’s first computing device in developing countries is eating into those sales."
Part of AMD's x86 licensing agreement with Intel is that if they're subject to a buyout, the license will be revoked.
If Chinese IT company wanna beat Intel in the future, today buy AMD first and learn X86 core tech from mature AMD CPU.

Even cost 10billion USD, this's a very rare chance to boost the development of Chinese chipset industry. The only problem is, how to convince U.S.Congress to allow this deal.

Chinese produce Mainboard, Harddisk, Cooler, DVD, DDR, LCD ... now only lack mature CPU design ... if China government smart enough, we should buy AMD and his whole 32/64bits CPU/GPU techs.

Money will buy cooperation. US congress are just as corrupt if not more than some Chinese officials.

amd is a rubbish company that has no original idea... it would be wrong of a chinese company in taking over amd, unless it is only to buy it and shut it down. ;)

better is china design their own microprocessor, and not depends on mips architecture or x86.

A nay from an Indian means Chinese company should get AMD at all cost.

A nay from an Indian means Chinese company should get AMD at all cost.



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