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Ambala to station first squadron of MMRCA fighters

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Acute lack of comprehension....
Red button doesn't necessarily imply to the MAD scenario.......every fire, release, launch can be executed by the red button.

Come on :rolleyes: you actually meant your bumb here rather than anything else.

They need defence forces but that kind of build up, 25% of their expenditure goes into Defence and against India which they have amply threatened with the proverbial "Red Button" ..

Somehow their Army is a black holes sucking their money in times of dire economic challenges which Pakistan is facing..

They need defence forces but that kind of build up, 25% of their expenditure goes into Defence and against India which they have amply threatened with the proverbial "Red Button" ..

Somehow their Army is a black holes sucking their money in times of dire economic challenges which Pakistan is facing..

Zaid Hamid's theory of Gazwa Hind has been taken to heart I guess..:rolleyes:
Nothing compared to the chest thumping of .....cold start....surgical strikes....hot pursuits and what not. !!

Which have been amply answered with threats of your short thresholds..
Nothing compared to the chest thumping of .....cold start....surgical strikes....hot pursuits and what not. !!

You are talking of doctrines here? how is that chest thumping? why does Ambala or forward bases near Pakistan see deployments of MKI's, and in the future Rafale's?

Is it not in accordance with the doctrine?
The Pakistanis here have been owned-sold then bruised and battered in arguments but they just wont give up and are just spewing crap now.

And as a last resort have reverted to their age old threats of nukes. No surprises there.
Its a typical suicide bomber mentality. Run out of ammo. Nukem. Run out of arguments. Nukem. :what:
We Won all these in a raffle. :lol:




What did you win this in -

The Pakistanis here have been owned-sold then bruised and battered in arguments but they just wont give up and are just spewing crap now.

And as a last resort have reverted to their age old threats of nukes. No surprises there.
Its a typical suicide bomber mentality. Run out of ammo. Nukem. Run out of arguments. Nukem. :what:

We can shoot down majority of their missiles...and a fair amount will be blown
up on the ground. The remaining won't be enough to destroy anything completely
forever...whatever has been destroyed can be rebuilt in 5-6 years time and with
around $2-3 billions in pocket.

But if India presses the red button, pakistan is gone forever.
God forbid, if ever in anger the famous red button gets pressed....Pakistan's budget will be the last of your worries.

:rofl: how about blowing up your missiles over your own territory?
even in Kargil pakistan goes saying "we will, we will, we will" but never does,
when you do you won't live a minute thereafter:azn:

Threatening India:lol: you're only saying "If India kicks me, I'll suicide!"
cuz thats what nukes mean for pakistan - suicide. and take care if tangos
can destroy P-3C, they can steal a nuke as well sooner or later. it doesn't matter
whether they'll be able to detonate it or not, but just the news of a nuke
getting stolen will have US and NATO coalition forces flying into islamabad and
then pakistan is another iraq:lol:
:rofl: how about blowing up your missiles over your own territory?
even in Kargil pakistan goes saying "we will, we will, we will" but never does,
when you do you won't live a minute thereafter:azn:

Threatening India:lol: you're only saying "If India kicks me, I'll suicide!"
cuz thats what nukes mean for pakistan - suicide. and take care if tangos
can destroy P-3C, they can steal a nuke as well sooner or later. it doesn't matter
whether they'll be able to detonate it or not, but just the news of a nuke
getting stolen will have US and NATO coalition forces flying into islamabad and
then pakistan is another iraq:lol:

Can't understand what you are ranting about but before mischieving your self read this and digest the fact how did your lottery numbers came up some 25 years earlier....oh that's when Khalistan was in full swing. :woot:

Hangar Roof Collapses, Damages 8 India Jets - Los Angeles Times
Windjammer ji!!! Khalistan was 25 Years Back!!! Baluchistan is the Present :cry: Better! Worry about it...........

And did you notice, the news item had no mention of Khalistan? It was just a co-relation like TTP is being funded by RAW for the revenge in Kashmir :rofl:
Can't understand what you are ranting about but before mischieving your self read this and digest the fact how did your lottery numbers came up some 25 years earlier....oh that's when Khalistan was in full swing. :woot:

Hangar Roof Collapses, Damages 8 India Jets - Los Angeles Times

Am sure you got Wind Jammed somewhere else !! Hanger Collapsed Ok ? but khalistan where the hell it was mentioned ??
Just because your guards are incompetent doesn't mean every country does. Kamra tsk :tsk: Karachi :tsk: :tsk: Incompetency Flying Higher than your Jets, Now go back to your sleep ..
If you people had a brain, you would be dangerous......how many of you had heard of this incident. ??
Specially for the idiot called shi**y shield, the incident was then reported to be sabotage blamed on Sikh employs of IAF.... look it up before you further spill your brains.

There that embolden words proves how deceitful you can get, just to hide he fact that your planes were destroyed by your own..

I understand your mentality a mentality to equate or show similarities with India just where the topic is not comfortable... Otherwise you and I both know that there is nothing to compare, India has moved much ahead (Please compare the economies of both countries for once and I would believe your propaganda, oh wait that is a banned topic - not if things were the other way around. )
If you people had a brain, you would be dangerous......how many of you had heard of this incident. ??
Specially for the idiot called shi**y shield, the incident was then reported to be sabotage blamed on Sikh employs of IAF.... look it up before you further spill your brains.
WHAT??! Where the eff have you got that from??? You are beyond a joke. Why anyone takes anything you say to be true is beyond me. You are now just making up utter lies.

The news was reported in 1989 FFS! Why are you brining up 23 year old news??

Utter fool.
WHAT??! Where the eff have you got that from??? You are beyond a joke. Why anyone takes anything you say to be true is beyond me. You are now just making up utter lies.

The news was reported in 1989 FFS! Why are you brining up 23 year old news??

Utter fool.

Because it satisfies his ego that India is no better than Pakistan..
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