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Allah - the supreme, but is god, different in other religions ?



New Recruit

Feb 27, 2009
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Dear Friends,

Allah is supreme, but is he just for muslims ?
He is called the rab of the entire world not rab of muslims alone, so are we right in drawing the line that God is for cristians and Ram is for hindus, if Allah is the lord of the entire creation, then is God not? is Ram Not? they are !

That means, they are all 1, not many, he is the sole power to bestow his love on us, yet we take the path of violence, and hate, we divide ourself on basis of countries, color, religion, its a shame.

Allah, Bhagwan, God, Almighty, does not need anyone to fight his war, does not need our maulvis to advocate anything for him, does not need any power to do anything for him because after all he is the creator, and the sole superpower.

the world runs as he designed it, changes happen, people choose what they do, we have no right to hurt or bother anyone, as all human beings are equal, so why do we not take care of how to be good humans rather than hurting others....

Dear brothers and sisters, from all religion, please comment and spread love, because love is the true reflection of being human and being human is the first step towards attaining salvation or being close to the almighty.

If all God are the same, then how these preist are going to make money?
If all God are the same, then how these preist are going to make money?

and sell weapons, and brainwash, and justify violence as jihad :what:

"Jihad is for one's own mind, to overcome one's fears, doubts and conquer one's own mind to let the soul be free of it's grip and come to conscious from timeless sedation of the system of mind, to realize the higher realms, and break free of all bonds and to unite with the one"

"the chirag in the dargah is the depiction of the light and the maulvi's call is the depiction of the sound that guides the soul through the higher planes as when it starts its journey it knows the direction only by following the light and sound, similarly the bell in church/temple, candles in the church and deepak in the temple are all depiction of the same in the physical plane to remind us of the same, not to divide us in religion..."
spirituality is a science not a myth, when the master who guides and initiates leave the physical plane, the teachings become blurred, percieved differently and forms a religion, alas the unity of though that every religion teaches are not seen by the followers...

....shabad, akashwani,logos holy ghost, bange-a-aasmani,tau, all mean one thing, that Word is god.....

but why ?

... Because word is "vibration" and vibration is what is scientifically proven to keep matter in the physical world in existence, the lightest elements have a high frequency vibration and heaviest have very low vibration... that power makes the dimensions and the vector of time.... the finer planes above (above means higher vibration levels) have a higher spectrum of vibration and have their own dimensions and their own laws like this plane we live in has physical laws....

you cannot physically go to those planes because your body is made of physical matter than cannot vibrate more than the matter its made up of... although your soul can vibrate till the level of God as it is a detached part of the almighty... so you need to break the barriers inside you... and you can travel to those planes.. there are 5 of them... above 3, there is a whirlwind barrier... that can be broken only when you have his hand above you.... after you break that... you gain salvation.. you become the image of God.. always connected to him....

God is science, the simplest for of him, he created the universe with millions of planets and many intelligent species living at different spiritual levels of advancements.... we are in kalyug, the age of machines, we think we have our own gods but he is actually one and the only...

sUPER x2 I have a wonderful answer for you:

049.013 O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).
There is no God. God is the creation of human kind. Did any religion brought good to the world other that war, hate and destruction? If there is a God as per these people, why he is closing his eyes to all these bloodshed? why he created humans as black, white, brown etc? why those races and tribes? Is that for to fight and kill each other? May be he is enjoying this right?
Its good to rebel dear friend, because when you rebel, then you ask questions and when you become curious then you find answers, you can only find that inside you, no one can do it for you, but yourself !

right and wrong and why the world exists, are some questions that need enough stability inside oneself which can be only gained by spiritual advancement, only then they can be seen and the answer be heard, because without that strength the answers will shatter a normal human being as the truth is as shattering as death !
The almighty created Human being, yet we Humans kill each other if even a manmade brick is moved from its place in a shrine a mosque or a mandir in his name ?

Do we Honor our creation (the brickwork) more than his creation (Human beings) ?

Hate is just an insecurity, let's feel secure as the almighty has place for all and spread peace which is the eternal security....

It is easier to hate, and difficult to forgive, doing this difficult deed needs courage and valour against yourself, your mind, that is a major part of Jihad, if you can do it, you have won half the war !

PS: i just forgave my neighbor for scratching my car and resisted scrathing his when he was away

Have a nice weekend..
Its good to rebel dear friend, because when you rebel, then you ask questions and when you become curious then you find answers, you can only find that inside you, no one can do it for you, but yourself !

right and wrong and why the world exists, are some questions that need enough stability inside oneself which can be only gained by spiritual advancement, only then they can be seen and the answer be heard, because without that strength the answers will shatter a normal human being as the truth is as shattering as death !

What are you suggesting? Are you some kind of missionary?
What are you suggesting? Are you some kind of missionary?

i am just your brother, i know no religion, support none, go to no temple or mosque, or church, i have no mission, just spreading some peace in a forum of war, so that the human inside us can wake up and rationalize the game of war with the calm of love...
and sell weapons, and brainwash, and justify violence as jihad :what:
"Jihad is for one's own mind, to overcome one's fears, doubts and conquer one's own mind to let the soul be free of it's grip and come to conscious from timeless sedation of the system of mind, to realize the higher realms, and break free of all bonds and to unite with the one"

"the chirag in the dargah is the depiction of the light and the maulvi's call is the depiction of the sound that guides the soul through the higher planes as when it starts its journey it knows the direction only by following the light and sound, similarly the bell in church/temple, candles in the church and deepak in the temple are all depiction of the same in the physical plane to remind us of the same, not to divide us in religion..."

Ecclesiastes 9:16,17,18
Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.
The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools.
Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.
There is no God. God is the creation of human kind. Did any religion brought good to the world other that war, hate and destruction? If there is a God as per these people, why he is closing his eyes to all these bloodshed? why he created humans as black, white, brown etc? why those races and tribes? Is that for to fight and kill each other? May be he is enjoying this right?

War is caused by categorization and not religions. Like ethnicity - whites vs blacks in the 1800s or early 1900s - religion is also a way to categorize people into different groups. Religions fight with each other for the same reason Mohajrs and Phatans are fighting right now in Karachi. Because they can distinguish themselves.

So even if you wipe the concept of religion of the face of the earth, wars will still remain if not increase, and in my honest opinion they will increase.

Lastly about the races and tribes, that is natural and caused by the environment. Well even if there were no races, everyone had the same skin color. They'd find new ways to categorize themselves, such this nation vs that nation ... or ... gays vs straights ... or this political part supporter vs that political party supporter.

If you think about it, religion is the only thing that holds us back. The morality of if you kill someone, commit any kinds of sins (theft, rape, bribery etc) you will be caught tomorrow no matter what. Because God is always watching.
There is no God. God is the creation of human kind. Did any religion brought good to the world other that war, hate and destruction? If there is a God as per these people, why he is closing his eyes to all these bloodshed? why he created humans as black, white, brown etc? why those races and tribes? Is that for to fight and kill each other? May be he is enjoying this right?

Allah has created you.

Allah has created everything.

There was one religion bought into this world, and that was the message of Allah. Overtime the religion and the message was manipulated by the people.

This includes religions from the days of Adam to the day of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). There were three comprehensive messages sent down before Mohammed (PBUH) that were manipulated which include Torah, Zaboor, and Injeel. Quran is supposed to be the last message of the kind, and is suppose to be preserved, and cannot be altered or corrupted by the human beings.

Religion has bought peace to this world, a lot more peace than you can imagine. You are living in the world of peace, this is the best you can get. Imagine the world with no religion. Religion is the base of modern law, which governs, and restrict people from damaging/hurting other people.

Allah will not intervene with those who have gone astray, those who have fallen in the words of Satan. Satan is powerful than you. Allah asks you to seek his refuge in order to defend from Satan.

Bloodshed is being done by the people who have gone astray. Allah will help you, when you ask for help. Allah will help you in Jihad against those who have gone astray. Allah surely helps those who seek his help.

Color, races, and lands are made by Allah. The creation of his is surely beautiful in every way. Those who have gone astray will fight regardless of religion, color, or creed. They need a reason, and the basis of which have found a strong hold on color, tribes, groups, gangs, armies, etc..

Allah doesn't enjoy its people fight. Allah surely doesn't enjoy seeing those who have gone astray.

May you read the messages of Allah that have been sent down before Prophet (PBUH) Mohammed, and the final message of Quran that was sent to through Mohammed (PBUH).

May Allah give you knowledge, understanding, hope, and curtail you from being so negative. Surely you wont be.. when you read the message of Allah.

Peace be with you. :tup:
Dear Friends,

Allah is supreme, but is he just for muslims ?
He is called the rab of the entire world not rab of muslims alone, so are we right in drawing the line that God is for cristians and Ram is for hindus, if Allah is the lord of the entire creation, then is God not? is Ram Not? they are !

That means, they are all 1, not many, he is the sole power to bestow his love on us, yet we take the path of violence, and hate, we divide ourself on basis of countries, color, religion, its a shame.

Allah, Bhagwan, God, Almighty, does not need anyone to fight his war, does not need our maulvis to advocate anything for him, does not need any power to do anything for him because after all he is the creator, and the sole superpower.

the world runs as he designed it, changes happen, people choose what they do, we have no right to hurt or bother anyone, as all human beings are equal, so why do we not take care of how to be good humans rather than hurting others....

Dear brothers and sisters, from all religion, please comment and spread love, because love is the true reflection of being human and being human is the first step towards attaining salvation or being close to the almighty.

In Islam, associating Godly powers to any other being is considered an insult to the one God.

Hence when you saw Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva are the one god in different forms and Raam and all the rest are further breakdowns of Gods, thats where the problem starts. Christianity too believes in a trinity, the father the son and the holy spirit.

These are, according to most Muslims, excuses created by humanity to accord divinity to non-divine entities.
Hence when you saw Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva are the one god in different forms and Raam and all the rest are further breakdowns of Gods, thats where the problem starts.

The sole Reality expresses Itself in infinitely varied forms and aspects.

It would be more accurate to say that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva symbolize aspects of Prakriti or Creation. Brahma symbolizes creation, Vishnu symbolizes preservation, and Shiva symbolizes destruction. These aspects are inherent in Nature. That which is born has to die.
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