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'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court


Feb 21, 2014
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KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysia's top court on Monday upheld a government ban forbidding non-Muslims from using "Allah" to refer to God, rejecting an appeal by the Roman Catholic Church that argued that the ban failed to consider the rights of minorities in the mostly Muslim nation.

In a 4-3 decision, the federal court ruled that the church's newspaper has no grounds to appeal a lower court decision last year that kept it from using "Allah" in its Malay-language weekly publication.

Although the Malaysian constitution guarantees freedom of religion, the ruling is expected to reinforce frequent complaints from Christians, Buddhist and Hindu minorities that non-Muslims do not always get fair treatment from the government and courts — accusations the government denies.

"We are disappointed. The four judges who denied us the right to appeal did not touch on fundamental basic rights of minorities?," said Rev. Lawrence Andrew, editor of The Herald, the newspaper at the center of the controversy.

"It will confine the freedom of worship," he added. "We are a minority in this country, and when our rights are curtailed, people feel it."

Allah is the Arabic word for God and commonly used in the Malay language to refer to God.

The government says Allah should be reserved exclusively for Muslims — who make up nearly two-thirds of the country's 29 million people — because if other religions use it that could confuse Muslims and lead them to convert.

Christian representatives deny this, arguing that the ban is unreasonable because Christians who speak the Malay language have long used the word in their Bibles, prayers and songs before authorities sought to enforce the curb in recent years. The eastern states of Sabah and Sarawak on Borneo Island have a significant number of Christians, who make up about 9% of the population.

Over the years, the controversy has provoked some violence.

Anger over a lower court ruling against the government ban in 2009 led to a string of arson attacks and vandalism at churches and other places of worship. A 2013 judgment by the Court of Appeals reversed that decision, which the Catholic church appealed to the federal court.

'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court - The Times of India
Good decision.

Praying to 'Allah' is used by Christian missionaries to fool people into coming into their church and try converting them.
i just cant believe that ..... LOLZ

dont we believe in the same god ? what the difference between using "allah" or "lord" or "God" ?

jesus :D

Praying to 'Allah' is used by Christian missionaries to fool people into coming into their church and try converting them.
if a muslims faith is so weak that he/she will convert to other religion by talking to other ppl from other religions , so be it . lol

a muslim , is a person who's faith and logic and knowledge is so strong that not even a an army of christians can make him convert by talking to him/her .
This is sheer idiocy, but I'm not surprised. :lol:
iif a muslims faith is so weak that he/she will convert to other religion by talking to other ppl from other religions , so be it . lol

a muslim , is a person who's faith and logic and knowledge is so strong that not even a an army of christians can make him convert by talking to him/her .

If the missionaries message is so strong, why do they need to resort to such tricks?

In any business, the most important step is to get the customer in the door. There are lots of young people who would think they were attending Muslim prayers, only to find out they were being slowly converted into other religions. The conversion doesn't happen through one talk. It seeps in slowly over months and years.
Allowing different words to be expressed based on faith, particularly when they have the same meaning, is going backwards.
If the missionaries message is so strong, why do they need to resort to such tricks?
If your faith is strong enough, why should such tricks works ? If your faith is strong enough, why should it bother you if someone of another religion uses your god's name ? If a Catholic priest leave the Church because he hears someone down the street expresses his anger thus: 'Jesus H. Effing Christ...!$%!@$@#$@$#!!!' his faith is weak to start anyway.

If no one minding the store, my faith in my morality will compel me to keep walking and leave the jewelry and the stereos alone. Others may not be so strong and will take whatever they want. I may consider the store owner stupid but I would not place the blame on him for others' lapses of morality. Blames for giving in to temptation, be it about sex, stereos, or another religion, lies within. Too bad the Muslims are too weak to understand this. The results are these stupid laws, from whipping women who exposed some skin or Christians who uses the word 'Allah'.
This is a step backwards.

@Developereo | Sir i have to disagree. The genesis of the word Allah can be traced back to the time of Prophet Moses PBUH. According to Islam, Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same creator so why stop them from using the word Allah? - This is sheer discrimination from our perspective.

Dr Reza Aslan, explained it very well.

the Koran is in Arabic so its right to call God - Allah but the Bible in Malaysia is either Malay or English, and the Malay /English equivalent should be used for God and not use an Arabic name . this is a deceptive tactic employed by the Christian missionaries to cheat and con Muslim

Is god in the Hindi Bible also referred to as Allah ?
Don't Christian arabs in the middle east call God Allah too?
why Malaysian christian so desperate to use word Allah, they already have Tuhan word in Malaysian vocabulary,
Indonesian always use Tuhan
Not just that, we have no business meddling in affairs of the Almighty.......... religion, first and foremost, is about free will..........

This is a step backwards.

@Developereo | Sir i have to disagree. The genesis of the word Allah can be traced back to the time of Prophet Moses PBUH. According to Islam, Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same creator so why stop them from using the word Allah? - This is sheer discrimination from our perspective.

Dr Reza Aslan, explained it very well.

Don't Christian arabs in the middle east call God Allah too?

Yes. Its sure bigotry on our fellow Malaysian Muslims part.

The word Allah is made up of 'Al-illah' which means 'The Creator'. Allah is not a 'Name'.
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