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All our fighter jets were airborne, says ISPR

Every heard of Satelites ?
of course not, if they had em they could ve provided plenty of proofs Or if it=they do have em, some one forgot to tell them bout NV capabilities. B.C shouldve spent on building tutti khannas instead of useless sats.
Do you really they will sell us there top of the line fighters and weapons? And which will be used against their biggest defence partner, No sir.

India will to go any extent and may sell his @$$ to stop any deal.

Plus i dont think our economic conditions will allow us to buy a 65m dollar jet.
India Cant do S***. They have a habit to Overplay and overestimate themselves all the time. Just because they are a good market and the world loves to sell their Products to a Billion Plus Population Market makes them feel they own the world. And all the Highlight they get is Because of them being some Vedic Super power.
The only reason we cannot buy top of the Line Russian Hardware is Hard cash. Russia wont Sell Weapons on Loan. and we don't have the money to buy upfront. Russia have Sold the best it have to offer to China. If India had any leverage they could have done something about the Su35 and S400 Sales to China.
We are a Poor country and don't have enough money to buy all the stuff. A Single sizeable Su35 Deal will worth more then our whole Foreign Exchange Reserves for the moment :(
If only we had focused on our economy more
Didn't answer my questions though
It was already answered my dear, let me write it for you again. Imagery Analysis carried out in the Ops Room at the planning stage determine the place of attack, the place was marked. Your media confirmed no hits taken, case close....got the question answered?
Pakistan is a joke in front of india.
True capabilities of Indian Armed forces are exposed
Enemy threatened them next day they were bombed by enemy on multiple locations
Enemy captured your pilot
Your PM cried on live media since they didnt have Rafael they lost
Next day Indian armed forces & public backed off and shown that you guys are gutless nation who can torture and attack only unarmed people in your country and that even in groups

I have no concern with india.

AccirdAcc to whom?

Ask indian army where was bipin on the morning of 27th feb.
He added that Pakistan had the footage of this operation.

Will this footage ever see daylight? Or this kind of footage is only reserved to be shared when making defence pacts, selling defence equipment etc? Like we never saw the locked Mirage 2000 in 2008. But we know the image was shared with US counterparts...
Mighty mighty su 30
Its not your fault
Indians were driving you
its not your fault
You were champ but indians let you down
its not your fault
thunder got first kill
its all indians fault
It was already answered my dear, let me write it for you again. Imagery Analysis carried out in the Ops Room at the planning stage determine the place of attack, the place was marked. Your media confirmed no hits taken, case close....got the question answered?
"We are having the aviation, we are having the air defense, we are having the anti-tank domain, which we are negotiating. And that will be positive negotiations," Ghafoor said.

The spokesman declined to clarify which items were on the agenda of talks, but noted that Pakistan was open to various offers. "Nothing is out. Anything and everything, which is possible to be purchased by Pakistan, will be done," Ghafoor said.

The official further noted that Pakistan would welcome Russia’s role in mediating the recently inflamed tensions between Pakistan and India. "We would welcome any third-party mediation, which can bring peace in the region. And Russia is more than welcome," Ghafoor said. According to the spokesman, Pakistan valued Russia's role in the Afghan settlement process and recognized its importance in regional processes.

"We greatly value the relevance and importance of Russia in the region, especially what role Russia has lately played toward the Afghan reconciliation… Russia looks toward balance of power and multipolarity in the world. We value Russia's voice as the voice of reason, and we would love if Russia, being a powerful country, plays its role which enables bringing peace in South Asia and beyond. And we expect that Russia will do it, as the efforts in fact being undertaken by Russia are generating good results," Ghafoor said.

It didn't just happen. There is lot of work, sweat, intelligence, capability & achievements which made us to this day like this. This is not about jingoistic rather our diplomatic success, huge success which came after 27th Feb, 2019. That air battle with India turned out to be more of an evidence in favour of Pakistan that only regional & world powers do understand. Russia's immediate approach to Pakistan & mediation role speaks volume of relations between both countries that I must say, are above level of past.

Pakistan respected the diplomatic norms & so welcomes any friendly approach by any nation. However, recent progress in ties between both nations will now move to next level. A mutual beneficial talks being held & the last development being made on evening of 2th February. Unlike any nation especially India, Pakistan did not make fake claims rather presented the facts with proofs & evidence which are acknowledged by Russia as well. Furthermore, Russia, China & Pakistan are already making a great progress in regard to regional peace & working together to thwart any threat.

In my opinion, these relations will go further on mutual basis.
During dogfight with Indian planes: All our fighter jets were airborne, says ISPR
Yes we have every right to use all the weapon of war at our disposal. It is not a free give away from the US.
@The Eagle a balanced and logical post!

The point is Sino-Pak-Rus axis wishes to make SCO a comprehensive and long term mechanism of Peace and Security in Eurasia. That is why Pak didn't protest/resist Indian enrollment.

However, it is sad that Indians have opted the opposite side. Be it BRICS, AIIB or SCO India was accomodated above its weight. This accomodation hasn't brought any positive outcomes.

Of course, India is a big country and a big market. But this is also more of a hype than life-changing/world changing paradigm shift.

The emerging vectors of Pak State Policy after 20 years of hibernation are telling.

Too early to celebrate, since, Pak Policymakers have a unique talent of messing things up pretty badly. 70 years of experience!

Most important thing however is economy. Amazing that Pak hasn't banned imports of everything except feul and edible oils.

Furthermore, as Pak State slowly announces its natural resources.... expect more troubles from within... the signs are already clear... Zardari League and Nawaz League are going to create big mess. Please, remember Angola, Nigeria and South America.

Having resources is one thing and being able to take advantage of them for advancement of State and People is another.

Multi-dimensional War!

Nobody is going to allow Pak State to become a Great Regional Power of Global Consequence that easily. Neither friends nor foes. Cruel World.

All the best,

I just realized how pissed the Russians would have been if we officially claimed the SU-30 kill.
@The Eagle a balanced and logical post!

The point is Sino-Pak-Rus axis wishes to make SCO a comprehensive and long term mechanism of Peace and Security in Eurasia. That is why Pak didn't protest/resist Indian enrollment.

However, it is sad that Indians have opted the opposite side. Be it BRICS, AIIB or SCO India was accomodated above its weight. This accomodation hasn't brought any positive outcomes.

Of course, India is a big country and a big market. But this is also more of a hype than life-changing/world changing paradigm shift.

The emerging vectors of Pak State Policy after 20 years of hibernation are telling.

Too early to celebrate, since, Pak Policymakers have a unique talent of messing things up pretty badly. 70 years of experience!

Most important thing however is economy. Amazing that Pak hasn't banned imports of everything except feul and edible oils.

Furthermore, as Pak State slowly announces its natural resources.... expect more troubles from within... the signs are already clear... Zardari League and Nawaz League are going to create big mess. Please, remember Angola, Nigeria and South America.

Having resources is one thing and being able to take advantage of them for advancement of State and People is another.

Multi-dimensional War!

Nobody is going to allow Pak State to become a Great Regional Power of Global Consequence that easily. Neither friends nor foes. Cruel World.

All the best,


Indeed we messed up pretty bad but then again, as said, we learnt the lesson though hard way. Pakistan policy change is drastic & current writings are based upon the experience we gained from past. Internal threats are being dealt & process is underway depending upon the new policy where no lacuna will occur, hopefully. Its been decided that no matter what & how the names are big; law will take its course & eventually will deal with all the threats either internally or externally.

Every nation works for its own benefits & interests, therefore, Pakistan has opted the way where national interests will matter first. We have been here from a long journey of sacrifices & losses hence, the gloves are already off the hands because it is the time of "now or never". Our survival depends upon internal & diplomatic practices. Be it political or direct terrorism threats, no stone will be left un-turned. However, these changes can't be made immediately as we have to deal the mess of decades but ultimately, it will come to the day with a stable & politically independent Pakistan. Current Civilian & Military apparatus is well aware of challenges ahead & also do know that how come any friend may turn out to be a foe or at-least being jealous in view of the treasures inside Pakistan especially natural resources, therefore, a logical & gradual path is being acquired.

A peaceful Afghanistan is the key for not just Pakistan progress but whole region. Afghan yard is being utilized by the first world powers only to create hurdle in the region and to keep a check upon developing countries as such threatening policies are no secrete to anyone. The new regional block especially Pakistan China & Russia has not just occurred incidentally rather a thorough & deep study mixed with experience brought these nations to single conclusion to create an atmosphere where every respective nation can earn its own gains without being problematic for others.

India's case is being totally different for which India itself is responsible. A fake serum is being injected into the minds of Indian establishment that almost every neighbor is threat hence, be dealt forcibly which is only possible firstly by adhering to world powers policy and spend more upon forcible way being a threat. Indian mindset was brought to the stage that it can rule the region but so & so parties are a hurdle in its way. Pakistan did object to any platform for inclusion of India just because things can be done in a better way & more beneficial for the people. This policy alone gave India a fake sense of superiority which ultimately exposed Delhi's threatening designs. Either India or anyone else, as long as threats being supported against Pakistan, our resolve for the peace & commitment to our sovereignty developed manifolds which now starting to give us fruits. Due to the same reasons beside many others, most of regional parties are now acknowledging Pakistan stance & we developing relations. I wouldn't ignore the help of friendly & brotherly countries in this regards especially our strengthening relations with Russia.

On the evening of 27th Feb, 2019, Russian MOFA held an urgent meeting with Pakistani counterparts & Pakistan side approached with positive response. This response wasn't just a formal greeting rather, I am sure, both sides agreed & acknowledged either other's commitment for peace as well as betterment of region. I can't go in further details but all the three parties are on same understanding to work closely for mutual benefits which will start to benefit from peace in Afghanistan to the progress at home. I will personally applaud Russian stance & so Moscow's positive approach towards Pakistan.

it's like a beneficial & unbiased "Give & Take" to help each other in these situations.
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