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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

I have helped the greys establish a base right next to India's borders. According to them, there is a crystal in India which powers the humanoids. I'm going to sneak in and destroy India's shield. Bye Bye India
Pakistan, america, iran, china, iraq and north korea alot important for Reptilians.... This nations produce alot negative energy. Be it fear panic, anger, hate etc etc.... The reptilian aka satan using pakistan as a base since pakistan was created.... All pakistan has to do is get rid of reptilians. Just spread love, peace and happiness and see the magic.... Reptilians used many nations before. Like german, japan, iraq and we all know what happened to these nation.... Pakistan has nukes. For Reptilians pakistan is alot important because if pakistan use nukes even by mistake then it will end 140 million pakistanis and plus the target that pakistan used nukes.... It wont be india as india protected by Humanoids.... Pakistan might use nukes on America (america bases around pakistan) and in return we know what might america do.... Reptilians are masters of war. They using America to spread war.... The planet Moon is evil. Thats how Reptilians controls humans and nations.... Pakistan has alot influence of moon. Pakistan has to change. For pakistanis moon is important. Moon is sattelite and frequency of Moon is set by reptilians.... Take a look at Reptilian aka Satan pic.... Check what you see on top left side and below right side and then think of nation that got same sign on Flag....

Reptilians are running america and china ? and india is protected by good aliens ? :undecided:
it is interesting that whenever I met europeans in Australia, mainly British, and we discussed that we gotto do something before Asians may enslave West, they generally come up with an idea that before that happens, better Aliens would eat and finish us :lol:

if we see the news about Aliens, most of this type of news come from British source of media, the British and other PIIGGS economies which are on fall. and more they smell that their fall is close, more they look like praying that before something like this may happen, they would be better off being eaten by Aliens :meeting:

This is real. I have also posted videos.
@Neutralcitezen people who doubt cant meet arcturians.... You need to believe in them. Just dont follow what i told you.... Follow it with heart and believe in them.... Just by following what i told u wont help. Do you know Law of attraction? The cosmic ordering?
@hu songshan good Aliens will protect indian people in india. It wont protect indian goverment.... Have u heard two alien ship went new delhi and met our pm? The military caught it on radar.... But goverment forced them to say it was a bird.... Indian goverment is with america and bad aliens.... But good aliens are with indian people because we following what they teached us (mantras and good energy).... Indian goverment even gave Greys and Reptilians base in Himalaya. Infact india and china gave them base. Our military knows it and it wont let anyone go there.... China and india are together helping reptilians and greys to counter Humanoids. Its a big mistake....

@neutralcitizen are you from america?.... What's going on in Maryland? People are afraid their and American Military making them Fool.... Have you heard whats happening there? UFO's all over maryland and people are alot scared. Its just few hours old news.... Aliens all over world getting desperate now.... This ship over maryland is of Greys. Its not Humanoids....
ISRO why dont you give me a list of steps that I should follow I'm unaware of many of the things you have said.
@neutralcitizen i gave all the list.... it just that i didnt told you about Law of attraction and Cosmic ordering.... You should do the things i told u but u shouldnt bring any doubts.... If u think it dont work then it wont work. It has same Law that Law of attraction and cosmic ordering has.... Remember what u believe u get. Be it bad or good. If u think bad then u get bad and viceoversa....
@neutralcitizen i gave all the list.... it just that i didnt told you about Law of attraction and Cosmic ordering.... You should do the things i told u but u shouldnt bring any doubts.... If u think it dont work then it wont work. It has same Law that Law of attraction and cosmic ordering has.... Remember what u believe u get. Be it bad or good. If u think bad then u get bad and viceoversa....

fine I will go back and try all the things you have listed. I would also like more info. :D
@neutralcitizen sure i will give more info.... By the way are u from America? Have u heard Maryland people living under fear?.... The beltway UFO's scaring them and Guess what? America military thinks Americans are APE.... American military declared that Beltway UFO's are Military drones testing.... Funny isnt it? They testing drones over city on peoples Head.... And guess what? They advice maryland Traffic that avoid looking at their Drone testing while driving.... American military in total panic and they thinks American people have brain similar to APES.... FEMA already ordered multi million Plastic coffins.... Aliens already started warning.... America military has no Answer. It seems Blue beam been destroyed so Military came up with funny explaination by saying Drone testing going on above Maryland peoples head.... Just few hours old news....
"Beltway UFO" has DC Talking | NBC4 Washington
@neutralcitizen sure i will give more info.... By the way are u from America? Have u heard Maryland people living under fear?.... The beltway UFO's scaring them and Guess what? America military thinks Americans are APE.... American military declared that Beltway UFO's are Military drones testing.... Funny isnt it? They testing drones over city on peoples Head.... And guess what? They advice maryland Traffic that avoid looking at their Drone testing while driving.... American military in total panic and they thinks American people have brain similar to APES.... FEMA already ordered multi million Plastic coffins.... Aliens already started warning.... America military has no Answer. It seems Blue beam been destroyed so Military came up with funny explaination by saying Drone testing going on above Maryland peoples head.... Just few hours old news....
"Beltway UFO" has DC Talking | NBC4 Washington

Yes from the usa, no I haven't heard of people living in fear what I know is the media is releasing more and more movies on portraying aliens do to a coming agenda have you heard of it ? also some more info on many things.
@neutralcitizen yes i heard about them.... The biggest reason is global warming.... But only few aliens are intrested in that and there is two part of them.... One is who want to destroy humans to save our galaxy and Earth by Explosion.... The other Aliens want to help humans by giving us technology to counter Global warming.... But the 3rd type wants to Rule Earth.... They are Reptilians. Annunakis are Aggresive race who created slaves.... Planet nibiru now near Pluto.... Nibiru is planet of Annunakis. i got to go now. I come later with latest news....
@neutralcitizen yes i heard about them.... The biggest reason is global warming.... But only few aliens are intrested in that and there is two part of them.... One is who want to destroy humans to save our galaxy and Earth by Explosion.... The other Aliens want to help humans by giving us technology to counter Global warming.... But the 3rd type wants to Rule Earth.... They are Reptilians. Annunakis are Aggresive race who created slaves.... Planet nibiru now near Pluto.... Nibiru is planet of Annunakis. i got to go now. I come later with latest news....

your have heard of zecharia sitchin ?
@neutralcitizen yes i know Zecharia stichin.... i never liked that person. Do you know he worked for 3rd type of Reptilians? There are 3 types of Reptilians as i mentioned before.... The Raptoids who born on Earth alot before humans (ruled dinosaur age).... Then there is most powerful reptilian alpha dracolians who defeated many planet humans.... And then there is the Clever shapeshifter Annunakis who looked like humans and ruled atlantis and destroyed it by bringing sattelite Moon (gravitational force sink atlantis empire).... Infact both rama empire and Atlantis empire faught the Annunakis on moon but got defeated.... Atlantis empire totaly vanished while rama empire survived because good aliens (krishna and Dev indra) saved indian empire.... Its the Annunakis who were in touch with zecharia stichin.... Zecharia stichin was money lover. Annunaki told him a secret and when zecharia tried to publish that secret he got arrested in 2008.... i dont like people who are used by Reptilians to spread negative energy. Jk rowling (lady who made harry potter and also singer lady gaga the evil worshiper) is the example how reptilians using humans to spread evil and Satan words.... They all will end exact way michael jackson and tupac ended (both were satan worshiper). A sudden death....
This page has to be the most funniest on this thread.

You Humanoids have no chance against us greys. Surrender or we will crush you
movie Harry potter took many childrens life by sudden death (reptilians loves kids fear panic energy).... As you know the four born people belongs to reptilians (2 born are ruled by moon and 4 born ruled by dragon head).... Hitler was 2 born.... Many terrorist in 9/11 were 2 born.... 9/11 happened on 2 number.... Obama is four born. RK rowling is four born.... Lady gaga born on rahu's kaal.... They all are negative energy who are on earth to spread negative words.... Remember always that words are alot important. People read bible, Quran, Bhagvad gita, mantras etc etc because words travels in space nonstop and never ends.... Any negative song or movie will make u die sudden death....
Harry Potter and the Reptilian and NWO symbology - David Icke's Official Forums
Harry Potter Books Spark Rise In Satanism Among Children | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
MORE PROOF THAT JK ROWLING IS A WITCH!!! - Page 3 - The Landover Baptist Church Forum
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