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Alien's to attack earth in november this year?

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Aliens from planet Gootan??

Arre bhai mujhe Ghootan si lag rahi hai!! And I'm scared!
I'm heading for the hills!

Now this is balderdash of the highest order! Can the OP provide the official link to NASA that says Gootans or whatever are on their way to Earth? No he can't because this is sci-fi!

Don't reproduce and cut/paste crap from other websites that lack credibility

By the way, I'm an Alien too! Not a Gootan, but a Bhootan! And I'm coming to get you!
I heard million times that Moon was never part of Earth.... Moon was braught here by Aliens (i laughed before hearing this) and Moon is a Sattelite itself.... Moon is older then Earth and Moon plays with our emotions feelings (its confirmed and no secret anymore).... Moon has power to pull Sea water upwards.... (that gives Aliens full control of Earth as we got sea on Earth and Moon is magnet....). Its laughable but if u learn more about it am sure u will change ur mind.... Must Read....
What is the Nature of the Moon?
Keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent!
@Orinhunter don't go much into link. Read who wrote in the link.... They are Ex NASA scientists, ex president, ex defence ministers, ex army men, ex generals, ex scientists, ex astronauts etc etc (note all of them are ex aka former because they cant utter a word when they are not retired because if they do they get sack. Its a secret law they cant break while working.).... Again dont see Link. See who wrote it.... My all links has proof.... Gootan is just one kind of Reptilians who has base inside himalaya and China sea. There are more types of Reptilians.... You should go through my all thread pages to learn about them. There u will find details of it. The details are given by very important people who were that time at top level post....
How do you know about "Gootan"?
How do you know about "Gootan"?
He was abducted by them..........................................and they pricked and probed him...................................and sexually assaulted him..................................then made him wear a saree and slow-danced with him...........................and what happened next is too much too tell on a public forum:police::mod:
@The enlightened i can see you are regular visitor of this thread.... Do a favor. Stay out of this thread if you don't believe NASA and U.N.... Get a life. This was my last reply to you....

Kepler 22b, which is 600 light years away, has been identified as a potential future home for mankind.
It was discovered using Nasa's Kepler telescope which is on board the Kepler spacecraft.
William Borucki, principal Keplar investigator at Nasa Ames Research Centre, said it was a "privilege" to unveil the discovery of the new planet.
“We have now got good planet confirmation with Kepler 22b.
“We are certain that it is in the habitable zone and if it has a surface it ought to have a nice temperature,” Mr Borucki said.

The planet contains both land and water and has a "similar temperature to that of the Earth" of around 72 degrees (22 Celsius).
It is 2.4 times the size of Earth and has a slightly shorter orbit than our planet, of 290 days.
There are now three planets outside the system, known as exoplanets, which experts believe could potentially be colonised by future generations.
In May, French astronomers identified Gliese 581d, pronounced “gleezer”, which is far closer at around 20 light years away.
It is about six times the mass of Earth and is one of a family of at least six planets.
In August, a team from Switzerland reported that another planet 36 light years away called HD 85512b seemed to be habitable.
The planet is in the constellation of Vela, and measures around 3.6 times the Earth's mass.

What proof do we have that there is no life form on it already ?
@A1kaid its the America who knew about Gootans (one of reptilians race).... America came to know when they caught the Greys and the Greys told them all that Reptilians are their Masters. They told them about many Alien races too.... i did posted about them all in my this thread.... Most Aliens didnt attacked us because they the one who created us. They think we dump and dont pose any threat to them (thats true).... But many other reptilians want to rule earth.... The elohim dont want reptilians to take over earth. Elohim is the one who created Gods for humans (Elohim wanted full power over Humans).... You should read my thread. You will find many links in my site that explains about Alien races....
@The enlightened i can see you are regular visitor of this thread.... Do a favor. Stay out of this thread if you don't believe NASA and U.N.... Get a life. This was my last reply to you....
Fine, If you don't wanna hear it, I'm not listening.

Thursday, May 3, 2012
Googling "Gootans"
I'll be honest, I have no idea how Google works. In fact, computers in general baffle me. I can do a few basic things, enough to get by on, but I really haven't the first clue about how it all works. And the whole search engine concept -- whatever its amazing utility -- seems to me like magic.

The "magic" analogy is pretty apt, because it shares with that dubious practice the characteristic of unpredictability. I discovered this when I started checking the statistics on my blog, and looking at how readers had found Skeptophilia. Predictably, many folks found me through Twitter ...................................
Skeptophilia: Googling "Gootans"
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