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Alien's to attack earth in november this year?

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Good thing that they left Pakistan alone :pakistan:
@shamk9 not really.... Have you forgoten what happened in may 2009? Few inchs alien was killed by pakistani people.... i thought may be it was a barbie doll but now i know it wasn't a barbie doll. It was a humanoid (created by greys) alien.... There are so many different types of aliens that its difficult to spot them amoung us.... But the Alien pakistani people killed was easy to spot. Suddenly news dissapeard (like always around world.... Due to goverment pressure). Killing a alien brings bad news for the country....
YouTube - bona (alien)video
********.com - 4 inch Alien Found in Lahore , pakistan 26-5-2009
@sajan are u scientist? Am not scientist.... The scientists are saying Red rain is Blood without DNA. Its proven that The Blood found in rain is not from planet EARTH.... If you are scientist then you should argue them.... Even after pressure from goverment they spoke truth....
Dr Godfrey Louis - Red rain contains microbes, extraterrestrial bacteria that lacks DNA came by meteorite or comet
Mysterious red cells might be aliens - CNN
No mate, im not a scientist. But im sure that the so called red rain has nothing to do with aliens. Because this thing happened in my locality and we were curious to know what was the reason behind this. And even it was confirmed by Centre for Earth Science Studies (CESS) and the Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI) in Kerala that this is a natural occurrence due to the presence of a large amount of spores of a lichen-forming alga belonging to the genus Trentepohlia.


Frames (1) and (2) show the microscopic spores that colored the Kerala rains;

(3) rain samples with (a) spores settled to the bottom, (b) rainwater evaporated, and (c) spores suspended in the rainwater;

(4) Trentepohlia algae grown from the spores.

And i think this evidence is enough for me to convince that this is a natural occurrence.
May be as you says its all a cover up by the gov. But should we believe in conspiracy theories until its proven?
@sajan nothing will be proven until its too late.... Have u heard of Planet nibiru?.... America laughed at it few decades ago (fake laugh). They did its best to cover up and then what happened? NIBIRU shows up (how about that now? NASA Cant hide it anymore).... Atlast NASA confirmed nibiru is Real but it wont effect planet Earth.... To be honest the planet nibiru gravitational force will effect earth alot. Be ready for Earthquakes, volcano eruption, tsunami, storms etc etc (already it started happening and it will get worse as nibiru close in).... NASA already made underground bases to protect president, VIP's etc etc.... You me and all other people left on mercy of God.... Planet nibiru has 3 civilizations.... One is who controls planet nibiru and they dont care about humans (they have technology to effect nibiru path). 2nd is scientists. They want to explore earth and 3rd is spiritual race who love humans and wants 1st race to change path of nibiru so humans wont get effected....
There are many Alien races on planet Earth.... (i will explain it later in my posts).... One of them are from Ashtar. We call them Watchers.... In 1977 before they left Earth the biggest warning came from someone known as Vrilion from Ashtar galactic command.... He warned that countries should stop hating each other. He Warned that one perticular country (america) selling evil (weapons) and sucking up money.... He warned us that earth in trouble if we dont change our self and live in peace. America, russia, U.N Declared that as a hoax (without proving it was hoax).... Later many ex NASA scientists proved it was real warning by someone from Ashtar galactic command.... Must Watch....
Real Voice of an Alien - Video Dailymotion
isro 2222 !!! mate you sound a lot like sheldon from the big bang theory mate . without the iq that is .

Mods is this stupid thread still running?:)
@Jbgt90 anything that makes you happy.... Don't visit my thread if you don't like it.... This was my last reply to you. Now stay out of my thread. Thanks....
NASA did its best to hide planet NIBIRU.... Now planet reached our orbit.... (we can view it) Now what? NASA admitted planet NIBIRU exist.... Than why did they Lie?.... Why NASA made fun of people who claimed NIBIRU existed? Now NASA says NIBIRU won't effect earth.... Do u believe them?.... MUST WATCH....
YouTube - Russian News Report NIBIRU Exists (It"s not Comet Elenin)
NASA warning? Thats funny.... Isn't the same NASA laughed on people who claimed planet nibiru existed?.... Now why NASA warning? It's because they can't hide it anymore. Nibiru is a planet.... How will NASA hide that now? So they took a turn around and changed their previous comments.... Planet NIBIRU gets closed to planet EARTH every 3600 years.... Last time Annunaki came on earth 3600 years ago for Gold.... Gold they use to make Spaceship.... Than they created Humans to be mining workers.... Than ice age came and annunaki left planet Earth thinking now everything will die out.... Then Humans came out of underground bases and survived ice age.... Now Annunaki coming again.... America hate them alot. Specialy MIB (men in black).... MIB told president that annunakis wants Gold and they think we are slaves.... America now taking help of Greys and some races of Reptilians to fight back Annunakis (bad move indeed)....
YouTube - NASA WARNING! Nibiru is coming 2012.
YouTube - NEW! 32º of Insanity 05.16.12 : WISE Telescope CONFIRMS Nibiru a Rogue Planet outside of Neptune
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