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Alien's to attack earth in november this year?

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I always use to think why there are so many different types of Aliens.... Some are grays.... Some are 3.5 feet tall while others 8 feet talls.... While some are beautiful looking human aliens while others are ugly aliens.... i use to think why some aliens got power to read minds while some dont.... Why other superior aliens are hard to catch while some are easy to catch.... Why rosewell female alien looked hybrid.... The Answer of it i found atlast. There are so many types of Aliens from many Planets like sirus, zeta, zeeba, gootan and many more.... Am extremely happy knowing that some of them want to help Humans.... Although many want to harm and rule humans.... What made me happy is that many advance Aliens want to save earth from Gootans and hostile aliens (2 of them will arrive on earth this november).... Am always was confused why so many different types of UFO's we see. Atlast i knew that they all are from Different planets.... My most favorite is TRIANGLE UFO.... its believed the TRIANGLE UFO is of womens who teached Egyptians How to make TRIANGLE PYRAMIDS.... The egyptians than made this womens as GODDESS.... This womens believed to be alot beautiful same like drawings we see of egyptians females.... They have almond shape eyes and beautiful body and long smonth hair.... This Womens (GODDESSES) are far superior then humans.... Although am bit confused.... The Bible, Quran and Bhagwat gita and many more wrote that God would come down and end the bad humans on earth.... As u know TRIANGLE UFO known as ship of GODS AND GODDESSES.... one thing also to be noted that many other aliens thinks we are Cattles.... They eat us. Many human bones found on moon.... This Link clears all my doubts.... Do save this Link. It will be helpful for us to understand which Aliens are good and which are Harmful.... Alien Types, UFO Casebook Files
Please, Please, Please, Mr. Isro2222; Please just give up.
@Fazlu do you think this is funny? Aliens abduction and threat is real.... If u haven't got abducted or haven't seen UFO yet then it doesn't mean its not there.... I understand you won't understand millions of people's pain who been abducted or who lost family member in abduction by Aliens.... Do you know its Believed 5% of world population believed to be abducted and less then 1% came back alive? 4% dissapeared in the name of expriments and MEAT.... If u think this is funny then don't even open this thread (same goes to all who thinks aliens abduction is funny and joke).... i havent seen a American posting any post in this thread. May be they think its funny or they afraid knowing america not super power because Aliens thinks they are cattles.... Alien threat is real and Even NASA SETI and world goverment accepts Aliens do exist.... Please avoid this thread if you dont want to accept that there are Aliens who are superior than Humans.... People here in this thread says they Aint real.... In a way they are insulting people who been abducted or lost life in abduction. People says UFO aint real but they dont explain the proofs of UFO sightings. Avoid reading this thread because truth is Bitter in taste....
Alien abduction insurance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Millions worldwide abducted by aliens | Syfy.co.uk
UFO Alien Abductions
@Fazlu do you think this is funny? Aliens abduction and threat is real.... If u haven't got abducted or haven't seen UFO yet then it doesn't mean its not there.... I understand you won't understand millions of people's pain who been abducted or who lost family member in abduction by Aliens.... Do you know its Believed 5% of world population believed to be abducted and less then 1% came back alive? 4% dissapeared in the name of expriments and MEAT.... If u think this is funny then don't even open this thread (same goes to all who thinks aliens abduction is funny and joke).... i havent seen a American posting any post in this thread. May be they think its funny or they afraid knowing america not super power because Aliens thinks they are cattles.... Alien threat is real and Even NASA SETI and world goverment accepts Aliens do exist.... Please avoid this thread if you dont want to accept that there are Aliens who are superior than Humans.... People here in this thread says they Aint real.... In a way they are insulting people who been abducted or lost life in abduction. People says UFO aint real but they dont explain the proofs of UFO sightings. Avoid reading this thread because truth is Bitter in taste....
Alien abduction insurance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Millions worldwide abducted by aliens | Syfy.co.uk
UFO Alien Abductions
I have had the chance to interact with one such bloke who was abducted by aliens. Said that they had some kind of time machine which he used to go into the future and buy Call of Duty 22. But it requires Windows 17 to run which the dumbf**k forgot to get.
Aliens are scard to attack earth because of our F22s and 11 ACs.... haha :p
@Ulysses Aliens are not attacking Earth due to Good Aliens from Planet Sirus and Zeeba including Zeta.... They fear good Aliens (not humans).... However when the back up arrive (in huge numbers) they will make a move.... By the way F-22 is a toy for Few months Old Alien kids.... America seems alot proud on F-22 (which is grounded now due to Oxygen problem. Google it.)....
@Ulysses Aliens are not attacking Earth due to Good Aliens from Planet Sirus and Zeeba including Zeta.... They fear good Aliens (not humans).... However when the back up arrive (in huge numbers) they will make a move.... By the way F-22 is a toy for Few months Old Alien kids.... America seems alot proud on F-22 (which is grounded now due to Oxygen problem. Google it.)....
What about J20? Heard it was good. And don't forget the MEGATONS
once there were people who laughed at the persons who argued that some other human civilization exits beyond oceans that was against some religions that say earth is stationary and flat .
Who gives a flying f*ck about aliens.
Hopefully the aliens can do the human species a favour by getting rid of those Americans.
I recieved an encrypted message from Klingons for isro2222. Sorry for the delay man. It was not compatible with Windows 7. They had written it on Windows 95 and I had to use compatibility mode.
It says
UFO playing with Sukhoi 27 jet fighter.... Check what happened as soon as it passed by Su-27....
********.com - UFO attack Sukhoi Su-27 fighter 27,07,2002
is anyone from Airforce here? Can they tell which Jet fighter is this near UFO? the UFO seen on radar and the jet fighter chased it but UFO kept playing with Jet fighter at Light speed (going round and round around jet fighter) until lost intrest and vanished....
ppl here may be taking this thread lightly.... but aliens do exist.... we are just orbitting one in a billion billion billion stars... and coz we not seen one alien we think we are supreme.... :lol:

Aliens exits... great work ISRO...like ur thread !!

rather then Aleins I would call them Intelligent beings.. if Earth has them why wont other planets... !! lol
@Timetravel in our galaxy there are many planets which got Life.... A human didn't even landed on Mars and yet claims we are alone in universe.... Although am happy that now Goverment can't hide it anymore.... We were created by Aliens millions of years ago.... Same way Aliens creating more race. Am afraid of the bad aliens who want to harm humans. According to them we are Cattles. What they build millions of years ago we still havent built it.... i wish good Aliens would Help humans.... Although i doubt they will give any super weapon as they knew humans (mostly america) Can't be trusted. A super weapon humans will use on humans.... i think thats the reason Good Aliens avoids giving Humans anything that humans might misuse it....
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