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Alien's to attack earth in november this year?

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Recently same thing have been seen in china.... Tanks in cities.... Same thing in india too i think in new delhi.... in both cases we blamed military coup.... Am confused.... What american, chinese, indian tanks doing in cities? Something is going on.... When obama came as new president then he told he dont know about aliens.... But now reporter asked him same question about will he tell people about aliens then obama said that depends how aliens are like.... Even he not sure how gootans would react.... Tanks movements around major cities around world really scary.... i think it just for precaution? May be to check how gootans would react. If they react good way then no need for tanks but if they react strangely i wonder what the hell tanks will do....
Am dissapointed and worried that gootans took over a part of himalaya and india china can't do a thing.... Although i hope india china dont make any stupid move.... What is dissapointing is that zeebans couldn't enter gootans area in himalaya.... This proves gootans are no underpowerd alien race.... Am happy knowing gootans been seen in patroling ship which had purple lights and design around ship.... Its not a battle ship. Take a look below link.... Its a shocker....
How do i ignore some user's posts? Like never wanting to hear from the troll that keeps this thread going?
This news is not funny guys....... The comments below the news are funny....... :lol:

They are "among us"...and possibly are responsible for the "dumbing down " of our younger generation.....What do you think??
Warning shots by gootan ship over california and neveda.... A gootan ship sneaked in breaking zeeban defence and gave warning shots.... Zeebans are protecting cities while gootans took large part of mountains as their base.... So i believe zeebans cant enter gootans area while gootans cant enter zeebans area (cities).... One gootan ship sneaked in though....
My biggest fear is why UFO's seen over every major dissaster like Earthquake (around world), nuclear leakage (in japan), volcanos (in italy), Tsunami in (indonesia japan) etc etc?.... Are the gootan searching ways to harm humans by nature? Why UFO base on himalaya near plates? (Earthquake zone) Why UFO base inside sea? (tsunami?) what Aliens doing near largest volcano?.... Why nowadays there's alot Earthquake happening? Every now and then we get news of Earthquake? Are gootans doing experiment? Kind of Test how to eliminate humans at one go?....
there is no other superior creature other than human.
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@Audio india tested agni V Missile and china said agni V is nothing.... In a way they saying agni V dont exist. Putting head inside ground and saying agni V dont exist will only make china feel better.... It won't save them (vice o versa).... Aliens exist. If we say they don't then it will only make us feel happy.... World goverment knew aliens exist and world goverment working together. I wish this aliens and UFO's are fake but they do exist.... Ask powerful countries like usa, russia, china, india, brazil etc etc.... I might be funny but am sure they aint....
UFO in China Closes Airport and Prompts Investigation - ABC News
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