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ALERT : Pakistani Jets Fighters bomb posts inside Afghanistan

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India should learn from pakistan about destroying terror camp in foreign land.
And to those HATE Mongers anti Afghanistan people, GET A LIFE!!

Pakistan and Afghanistan are NOT enemies, we are brothers in every aspect, TTP's attacks or NATO/Afghan Army's attacks doesn't represent the Afghan people at all.

How about you get some dignity and self respect?

Afghan Pashtuns would never accpet a Punjabi as their brother. They hate Punjabis. They view Punjabis as dark skinned and inferior. They say Punjabis have dirty blood.
I just heard the news that Pakistan has attacked NATO troops... can someone confirm this please?
How about you get some dignity and self respect?

Afghan Pashtuns would never accpet a Punjabi as their brother. They hate Punjabis. They view Punjabis as dark skinned and inferior. They say Punjabis have dirty blood.

You seem to have some sort of an educational degree in BS>
How about you get some dignity and self respect?

Afghan Pashtuns would never accpet a Punjabi as their brother. They hate Punjabis. They view Punjabis as dark skinned and inferior. They say Punjabis have dirty blood.

:rofl::rofl: punjabis dark skinned! dirty blood!!!! you should change your country flag please!
How about you get some dignity and self respect?

Afghan Pashtuns would never accpet a Punjabi as their brother. They hate Punjabis. They view Punjabis as dark skinned and inferior. They say Punjabis have dirty blood.

that may be the case brother but being a muslim i dont think we should fight .remember U have to be above all differences to spread love (i know it sounds cheesy but its the truth)
How about you get some dignity and self respect?

Afghan Pashtuns would never accpet a Punjabi as their brother. They hate Punjabis. They view Punjabis as dark skinned and inferior. They say Punjabis have dirty blood.

Umm, I have visited Peshawar and tribal areas many times, I have never experienced the respect even from my own brother the respect people there gave me.

So please GET A LIFE :)
I think its fake news.. secondly its very hard for Pakistan Airforce to go for strike inside Afghanistan and offside from Pakistan BECAUSE Americans are standing out there secondly... Pakistan's Forces are not interested in any kind of conflict between Afghanistan and Pakistan. But if this gonna happen.. THATS TOTALLY AMERICAN FAVOR GAME! if pakistan go for strike inside Afghanistan....

About Indian Terrorists/Agents/Consulates in Afghanistan, Thats foreign office work to talk with US about these terrorist camps so called CONSULATES.
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Truth teller is none other than Pure Aryan, so you understand why he has issues with every other non pure human being
few minutes ago i saw news, there was no mentioning PAF attack .

Rather the news was NATO and Afghan forces collectively have violated and killed 1 Personnel while 3 are injured and the ISPR has called on a flag meeting with NATO so that the incident will not happen again
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