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AL wants - an asian highway or a transit for India?

The top secret news you have posted above must be known only to the RAW agents. I wonder how have you come to know this secret. You must have a friend in the inner circle of RAW. By the way, can he tell us exactly when the Indian forces will be coming to BD? We must be ready before then.

Someone said me from Dhaka that Indian troops are already in Dhaka via Moitree Express. They come from Benapole, get down at Dhaka, take another train to Akhaura and then cross the border to enter India. I wonder why you have not yet noticed this dangerous phenomenon. But, is it true?

Boss I find it still hard to understand why would India want Bangladesh.... I dont think India would have such a conspiracy just to get transit lines that it would fund an entire government. Bangladesh does not have resources or something which actually are needed by India. Some people lay the claim it is because of land but dont you think that Bangladesh is already overpopulated.
There are more than 150 million brave Bangladeshis with less intelligence than yours. It was same in 1971. So, do not worry about our country, they will fight India. Intelligent people are like Hindus, they do not like to see bloods. I do not expect any better from you except talking big.

We can see who are repeating 1971-styled deception to fool the people in the name of Islam. For them the election result will be same also in the next election - no Parliament seat. Remember, BNP will never again tie up with the fundamentalists, who are following Moududi doctrine of weakening the State mechanism so that Muslims can live in a single country called India. Moududi was against the Partition of India.

My reply directed to you not to our 150 million population. For 150 million, my comment was they are not naive. But it was clever ploy by you to associate others to your level. General public just busy in their livelyhood and its people like you who took that opportunity to confuse people by singing indo-awami deception tune - people will fight and “JUJUR BHOI” etc. But deception trick failed to mention that india already threatend with military intervention and awami stooges already stripping away fabrics of our sovereignty - piece by piece.
If and when there is nothing left of sovereignty and independence (just like Bhutan), there will be nothing left to fight for. Thats the war india has imposed on us using Awami stooges. Welcome to the mordern era warfare, war without shooting a bullet.

Your fixation in twisted version of history and hate towards Muslims, that can be matter of completely different discussion. But we already seen how far short your understanding of history is.
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Boss I find it still hard to understand why would India want Bangladesh....

Indian does not want Bangladesh. What india wants is market of 150 people and control of Bangladesh economy. India wants Bangladesh energy resources. India wants to use Bangladesh territory to effectively control indian north east. Indian want access to Bangladesh port etc. So for that to happen india need stooge govt like Awami league to be in power who are willing to sell away and deliver these to india. India wants Bangladesh just like Bhutan without sovereignty aka vessel state
This is gross mis-representation of real history and reality of 1975. In 1975, india was not as strong as today and world geo politics was under different order. Beside that realty Indian intervention was requested by some Awami leadership (loyal to Sheikh Mujib) but india for its own interest in Sheikh Mujib elimination stayed away from intervening. Why Tajuddin was propped up by Indians to challenge Sheikh Mujib leadership would answer some these questions. It was Chinese intelligence who exposed Indian plot around Tajuddin. My source was none other than Sheikh Mujib principal secretary who had direct relation and link with then indian PM and other leadership.

So before you present your brand of naive and ignorant history be mindful about that.

Since the 1/11, Moeen govt and now awami stooges are moving Bangladesh towards Bhutan/Sikkim status. Here we are exposing who and how Awami stooges are selling our sovereignty and moving Bangladesh towards that status.

India after peelkhana massacre massed strike force close to Bangladesh border and threatened with military intervention to save Awami stooge regime. And you are asking us to look the other way in order to divert attention from indo-Awami plot? Let readers be judge of what you are up to?
I agree to your assumption that I am naive in understanding Indian doctrine and strategy. In fact, I am less intelligent than your pet dog. But, can you tell me how Indian intervention could have revived Sk. Mujib to life after already being killed? About Pranab Mukherjee's statement, he himself refused after this news that he ever said those things. There was an 'you tube video' of his interview.

About the other news clip of indian troop movement after the Pilkhana mutiny. Please note one thing, when Gen. Moeen ordered 100,000 troops out of cantonements and to the districts immediately after the 1/11, India also ordered more or similar number of troops to move to the east probably from Madhya Pradesh.

Military generals always act like this. War or no war, whenever Pakistan moves a division to Indian front, India will immediately reciprocate with a bigger force. So, how do you evaluate this thing?

By the way, was it possible for India to revive Sk. Hasina to life after she was already killed in a supposedly military coup after Pilkhana mutiny? Please note that India needs at least 60 days preparation to move its troops across the border. No Indian general will be that stupid to attack a country with only two hours' preparation, even if ordered by the PM.

Another point, why do you think India can suddenly cross the INTERNATIONAL BORDER and attack an independent country? India does not probably think BD to be a small LADDU, grasp it and eat it. Moreover, India is part of world community, it has to think of international reaction and its position in the world community. I believe that Indian politicians are not that naive as you are thinking of them.

Indians are not as impulsive as Yahya Khan or Khaled Mosharraf was. This is why they did not attack in 1975, and not that it was comparetively weak then. In fact, comparing to those days, BD is much stronger today. Indians do not eat cow meat and eat more ghee than us. They have better MAGZ. Please do not fool yourself and others by always talking about a fake 'Tiger attack.' No one then will take you seriously.

However, we must be vigilant about the AH so that India cannot get an undue advantage from this arrangement. I personally believe a route that enters BD from India and enters Burma from BD is the best for all three countries.
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Indian does not want Bangladesh. What india wants is market of 150 people and control of Bangladesh economy. India wants Bangladesh energy resources. India wants to use Bangladesh territory to effectively control indian north east. Indian want access to Bangladesh port etc. So for that to happen india need stooge govt like Awami league to be in power who are willing to sell away and deliver these to india. India wants Bangladesh just like Bhutan without sovereignty aka vessel state

See but we do not need a stooge government for market of 150 million people. We have billion people where foreign companies market their goods. So are stooge government to them.

What do you mean by controlling Bangladesh economy? I did not actually get it....

Nothing wrong if India needs help from Bangladesh to control its north east. Economic and political dynamics are always in mutual co existance. this can be taken up with Bangladesh easily and one do not need to make a stooge government for this sake.

What is wrong with using Bangladesh ports. A simple treaty for give and take can be worked out for that. And taxes will not be that huge that Indian government is not in a state to afford them. To cripple an entire nation for using a port will never be effective nor it would be economically feasible to do so. In such a case profits would be low then the investments.

So what is the point?
The top secret news you have posted above must be known only to the RAW agents. I wonder how have you come to know this secret. You must have a friend in the inner circle of RAW. By the way, can he tell us exactly when the Indian forces will be coming to BD? We must be ready before then.

I have posted the statement of india foreign minister for military intervention and news of indian strike forces prepared close to Bangladesh border. All from indian source. One does not have to have connection with RAW, some intellegent research can find it. But your motivation is to mask these with deception.

Here are statements of india foreign minister for direct military intervention.

Threat of direct indian military Intervention

Proof of this came during a closed-door meeting of a motley group of about 50 Congress leaders hailing from different states earlier this week. Addressing them in the capital’s Mavalankar Hall, foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee disclosed a conspiracy was afoot to destabilise the elected governments in Bangladesh and Pakistan. He let out a hitherto unknown fact to the audience: "I had to go out of my way to issue a stern warning to those trying to destabilise the Sheikh Hasina government in Bangladesh that if they continued with their attempts, then India would not sit idle." In other words, New Delhi had conveyed it was willing to take counter-measures in the Great Game, including the possibility of direct intervention.

www.outlookindia.com | The Hidden Emirate Of Anarchistan

Here is the news of india strike forces being prepared:

Wary of coup, India moves paras

New Delhi, March 1: India has kept its special forces ready to counter possible fallout in case a coup is attempted in Bangladesh, sources told The Telegraph.

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I agree to your assumption that I am naive in understanding Indian doctrine and strategy. In fact, I am less intelligent than your pet dog. But, can you tell me how Indian intervention could have revived Sk. Mujib to life after already being killed? About Pranab Mukherjee's statement, he himself refused after this news that he ever said those things. There was an 'you tube video' of his interview.

About the other news clip of indian troop movement after the Pilkhana mutiny. Please note one thing, when Gen. Moeen ordered 100,000 troops out of cantonements and to the districts immediately after the 1/11, India also ordered more or similar number of troops to move to the east probably from Madhya Pradesh.

Military generals always act like this. War or no war, whenever Pakistan moves a division to Indian front, India will immediately reciprocate with a bigger force. So, how do you evaluate this thing?

By the way, was it possible for India to revive Sk. Hasina to life after she was already killed in a supposedly military coup after Pilkhana mutiny? Please note that India needs at least 60 days preparation to move its troops across the border. No Indian general will be that stupid to attack a country with only two hours' preparation, even if ordered by the PM.

Another point, why do you think India can suddenly cross the INTERNATIONAL BORDER and attack an independent country? India does not probably think BD to be a small LADDU, grasp it and eat it. Moreover, India is part of world community, it has to think of international reaction and its position in the world community. I believe that Indian politicians are not that naive as you are thinking of them.

Indians are not as impulsive as Yahya Khan or Khaled Mosharraf was. This is why they did not attack in 1975, and not that it was comparetively weak then. In fact, comparing to those days, BD is much stronger today. Indians do not eat cow meat and eat more ghee than us. They have better MAGZ. Please do not fool yourself and others by always talking about a fake 'Tiger attack.' No one then will take you seriously.

However, we must be vigilant about the AH so that India cannot get an undue advantage from this arrangement. I personally believe a route that enters BD from India and enters Burma from BD is the best for all three countries.

As I and most Indians know outlook is reputable magazine. Threat Indian foreign minister issued was not an interview to single journalist but in front of 50 some congress leaders. And changing story when situation changes make you believe Indian foreign minister? Wow, did not know your dedicated trust on Indian govt and ministers.

Moeen was best Indian stooge india ever had period. 100k troops move by Moeen was in favor of Indian interest around 1/11 and Moeen power grab. There is nothing Indian had to worry about other than be happy.

When Awami stooge govt invited Indian intervention, issue of international border suddenly became less relevant. That’s what Awami stooges did. India has good experience sending troop across international border to Srilanka, Bhutan, Sikkim and Kashmir with such “friendly invitation”. So do your research.

No one expect Indians to be impulsive just the opposite. And neither was 1/11 or peelkhana massacre and events around it; both events were long drawn out and per planned. So get your fact straight.

Hasina may be chief Indian stooge now but she is not the only one. I should not remind you about existence of RATS and others. Fact that Moeen another loyal Indian stooge was in charge of Bangladesh army made Indian move much easier and stooge redundant. So if one stooge goes there are many others. Looks like you have no clue about intricacy of political and geo strategic maneuvers.

Let me give one small example of how indo-awami strategy is working. Awami stooges prevented BDR from using any arms even when under attack and that made way for Indian BSF to occupy Bangladesh territory. It has happed few weeks back in Sylhet border and no one can deceive people with lecture bits.
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The top secret news you have posted above must be known only to the RAW agents. I wonder how have you come to know this secret. You must have a friend in the inner circle of RAW. By the way, can he tell us exactly when the Indian forces will be coming to BD? We must be ready before then.

Oh EW, I am not sure if you can arrive in time for the action, all the way from Tokyo;)
You may not be able to come at all because of the sea blockade and the skies over ruled by the Indian Air Force:cheesy:
So I guess we shall have to deal with the situation on our own:azn:
Boss I find it still hard to understand why would India want Bangladesh.... I dont think India would have such a conspiracy just to get transit lines that it would fund an entire government. Bangladesh does not have resources or something which actually are needed by India. Some people lay the claim it is because of land but dont you think that Bangladesh is already overpopulated.
Do not fret at our bickerings IS. We love to talk our a** off. This has got nothing to do with India.
If it was not India here, it wud be something else. Now you know why th Mobile Phone operators doing roaring business in our country.
Do not fret at our bickerings IS. We love to talk our a** off. This has got nothing to do with India.
If it was not India here, it wud be something else. Now you know why th Mobile Phone operators doing roaring business in our country.


Nice one sir. :lol:
Oh EW, I am not sure if you can arrive in time for the action, all the way from Tokyo;)
You may not be able to come at all because of the sea blockade and the skies over ruled by the Indian Air Force:cheesy:
So I guess we shall have to deal with the situation on our own:azn:
I guess he still can if Dam-Dam Air Port or Hawra Station is surrounded by his metaphoric Tokyo.:cheesy: Oh one more thing, RAW issues special pass for 'Jamai adar' as a pay back by AWAMYS and identity issue never comes to the lime light while crossing the border wearing dhoti ( Khek! Khek!!):bunny:
I guess he still can if Dam-Dam Air Port or Hawra Station is surrounded by his metaphoric Tokyo.:cheesy: Oh one more thing, RAW issues special pass for 'Jamai adar' as a pay back by AWAMYS and identity issue never comes to the lime light while crossing the border wearing dhoti ( Khek! Khek!!):bunny:

I thought you are a big Mullah, but now I find you very humorous too. You already know that even the great Bangali poet Rabindranath Thakur (you don't like him, do you?) also wore typical high level Muslim dress in his pictures and photographs. When the Indians have already discarded their Dhoti and have opted for Pajama, then how do you expect them to see me in Dhoti. I never wore one before, so Dhoti Khuilla Poira Jaibo.

Relax M_saint (are you not really a Christian?), who do you call RAWAMY? Better we do not follow any partisan line. By the way, any new astrology about the future?
I guess he still can if Dam-Dam Air Port or Hawra Station is surrounded by his metaphoric Tokyo.:cheesy: Oh one more thing, RAW issues special pass for 'Jamai adar' as a pay back by AWAMYS and identity issue never comes to the lime light while crossing the border wearing dhoti ( Khek! Khek!!):bunny:

You have got the point. There is a saying what talks like duck, acts like duck and walks like duck, it is a duck. This duck instead of selling Aflek insurance selling indian deception.
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Indian does not want Bangladesh. What india wants is market of 150 people and control of Bangladesh economy. India wants Bangladesh energy resources. India wants to use Bangladesh territory to effectively control indian north east. Indian want access to Bangladesh port etc. So for that to happen india need stooge govt like Awami league to be in power who are willing to sell away and deliver these to india. India wants Bangladesh just like Bhutan without sovereignty aka vessel state

So if India wants a friendlier govt in BD its a problem? I dont understand what do u mean India does not 'want' Bangladesh but wants its ports etc. So is China doing the same to Pakistan....oh I get it...Chinese are trustworthy...and so are the Pakistani's..even if they nuked India one day without reason....

what sovereignty should BD have? Let Chinese troops on their soil and India to be quiet...does India also have any rights in this or its just a villain to be hacked.
So if India wants a friendlier govt in BD its a problem? I dont understand what do u mean India does not 'want' Bangladesh but wants its ports etc. So is China doing the same to Pakistan....oh I get it...Chinese are trustworthy...and so are the Pakistani's..even if they nuked India one day without reason....

what sovereignty should BD have? Let Chinese troops on their soil and India to be quiet...does India also have any rights in this or its just a villain to be hacked.

Before India wants a friendly govt, its own govt itself must be friendly towards BD. A friendship is formed by respecting each other. When India learns to respect, BD will surely reciprocate it. A big DADA attitude and taking away our wealth by erecting dams across the border one after another surely does not bring a sense of friendship in the minds of BD population.

Try not to be too 'Chalak' when dealing with your neighbours. However, it is not altogether minus for BD. We are becoming nationalists because of continuous Indian bullyings.
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