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AL wants - an asian highway or a transit for India?

India Targeting Bangladeshis Opposing Transit

In blatant infringement on freedom of speech on Bangladeshis, India is targeting Bangladeshis who opposing indian transit. Indian high commission recently denied visa to Dr. Jaforullah who not only prominent personality and Awami League PM former advisor, he had also been visited india at invitation of former indian PM Rajiv Gandhi. What alarming is that india using awami stooge govt facilities and spying on Bangladeshis who are suspicious of Indians and their anti Bangladesh activities.

When Dr. Jaforullah went to Indian HC for visa, indian (most likely intel officials) official “Kumar” pulled the file on Dr. Jaforullah speech describing danger of indian transit. This indian officials showed extreme hostile attitude and took dictatorial tone with Dr. Jaforullah. It’s worth mentioning Dr. Jaforullah was suppose to attend an healthcare conference and travelled india more than 100 times before.

Hasina's Delhi visit may win greater market access for Dhaka

India is set to unveil a package of unilateral concessions to give greater market access to Bangladesh products during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's visit here.

Officials here said Sunday that India is likely to prune the negative list of goods as far as import from Bangladesh is concerned as well as cut duties on certain importables from that country.

India may announce an increase in the quantum of garments to be imported from Bangladesh from 0.8 million pieces a year, as agreed upon earlier.

The concessions on the trade front is going to be the most important development from the point of view of Bangladesh which has over the years been insisting on narrowing the trade imbalance titled heavily in favour of India.

The goods India proposes to take off its negative list for Bangladesh and the duty cuts to be offered are being negotiated by the two countries and they will be without any condition of reciprocity from Bangladesh, Delhi officials say.

The orders for trade concessions as also India's decision to grant transit to Bangladesh's trade with Nepal and Bhutan are understood to have come from the highest quarters in India as officials believe it is for the first time that while Congress is in power in India and Awami League rules Bangladesh at the same time.

There is realisation in the Indian government that given the close contacts between Congress and Awami League since long, this is the proper time that relations between the two countries now ruled by them should be taken to a new height through mutual accommodation.

The imprint of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, an economist of international repute, on the tone and tenor of relations with Bangladesh will be clear particularly with regard to India's unilateral concessions as he has been a passionate votary of India's neighbourhood diplomacy through economics.
Hasina's Delhi visit may win greater market access for Dhaka
Joint conspiracy ? Why not ask your government that question before accusing anyone else? .... its YOUR government that agreed to join. It had the option of not joining the network. If you feel, GoB acted against national interest by not ratifying, impeach, Hassina.

Now, if you are ready to listen, give me a ear.

GoB, really did not have a choice. ESCAP had clarified that some patch of the road (Cox-Myanmar) was missing and sub-standard. Myanmar also said it was not interested in putting in money in this route (they said it was too costly ).

Now for BD it was catch 22. Either not join the ESCAP-Highway or Join it and try for ammendment. Again, GoI somehow has played its card really well. India, for some strange reason is listed as a "effected party" in the Cox-Myanmar route. So for any ammendment to be proposed by BD, WOULD NEED acceptance from India and Myanmar.
And India would obviously not give away its advantage.

So, GoB has in reality two choices. Keep off the highway or Join & agree with the Tamabil route as proposed by ESCAP (Your Comm ministry is right... for your proposal to be even considered would need india and Myanmar's acceptance , which is not going to happen).
Before signing the intention to join the ESCAP highway, the PM said that the route changing proposal cannot be placed to ESCAP before it is signed. But, after signing the intention she started to say that there cannot be any changes of route, and she asked people to google-search to know about the already final route.

Could it be that SH was not even aware of the difficulties of changing the route after signing it? She is very stupid and talks nonsense sometimes. This time she is better than the last term. Even then, she was telling people in February to produce electricity from (the static) waters of lakes. You can understand her intelligence now.

The ghee-fed Indian (read Hindu) politicians have very tactfully placed our beef-eating stupid PM into a catch 22 situation. However, Indians also have failed to see the other side of the story. There will certainly be a strong opposition to this Tamabil route, and the opposition Party will ride to power on this popular sentiment. They will either then abrogate or delay any implementation of Tamabil route only to force India and Burma to re-align their positions.
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Before signing the intention to join the ESCAP highway, the PM said that the route changing proposal cannot be placed to ESCAP before it is signed.

But, after signing the intention she started to say that there cannot be any changes of route, and she asked people to google-search to know about the already final route.
Partially true. You could have tried. But, you would have needed Ind/Burm agreement to the changes proposed by you. Both would have disagreed. It would have been only a motion she could have tried. Sadly, she preferred to be blunt.

The ghee-fed Indian (read Hindu) politicians have very tactfully placed our beef-eating stupid PM into a catch 22 situation.
Mate, keep your racist comments on bay, if you want Indians to debate. Its really that simple.

Again, if you have issue with your PM, impeach her, instead of name calling hindu's, ghee-fed indian's, etc... Shows childlike mentality.

However, Indians also have failed to see the other side of the story. There will certainly be a strong opposition to this Tamabil route, and the opposition Party will ride to power on this popular sentiment. They will either then abrogate or delay any implementation of Tamabil route only to force India and Burma to re-align their positions.
Maybe. Dollar crafts our destiny. Zia is human afterall, ya know ;)
India Targeting Bangladeshis Opposing Transit

In blatant infringement on freedom of speech on Bangladeshis, India is targeting Bangladeshis who opposing indian transit. Indian high commission recently denied visa to Dr. Jaforullah who not only prominent personality and Awami League PM former advisor, he had also been visited india at invitation of former indian PM Rajiv Gandhi. What alarming is that india using awami stooge govt facilities and spying on Bangladeshis who are suspicious of Indians and their anti Bangladesh activities.

When Dr. Jaforullah went to Indian HC for visa, indian (most likely intel officials) official “Kumar” pulled the file on Dr. Jaforullah speech describing danger of indian transit. This indian officials showed extreme hostile attitude and took dictatorial tone with Dr. Jaforullah. It’s worth mentioning Dr. Jaforullah was suppose to attend an healthcare conference and travelled india more than 100 times before.


I cant read bangla .... but obviously can make out your commentary.
Tried googling : "Dr. Jaforullah" + "transit" .. could locate a single result -- Your post.

BTW: Can you lend me that magical globe like thing that allows you to see past... Man, what a experience, seeing Indian intelligence officer snubbing the doctor.
Before signing the intention to join the ESCAP highway, the PM said that the route changing proposal cannot be placed to ESCAP before it is signed. But, after signing the intention she started to say that there cannot be any changes of route, and she asked people to google-search to know about the already final route.

Could it be that SH was not even aware of the difficulties of changing the route after signing it? She is very stupid and talks nonsense sometimes. This time she is better than the last term. Even then, she was telling people in February to produce electricity from (the static) waters of lakes. You can understand her intelligence now.

The ghee-fed Indian (read Hindu) politicians have very tactfully placed our beef-eating stupid PM into a catch 22 situation. However, Indians also have failed to see the other side of the story. There will certainly be a strong opposition to this Tamabil route, and the opposition Party will ride to power on this popular sentiment. They will either then abrogate or delay any implementation of Tamabil route only to force India and Burma to re-align their positions.

Dont take AL so easy bro. I dont think there will be any road transit within this tenure of AL government. They are just testing Indian nerve now. India not going to allow BD vehicle to Nepal and Bhutan. Didnt you see their cold feet yet? So obviously Indians are not going to get the Asian highway or whatever you want to call it. There is some good prospect in Rail transit and it might start operating soon.
Dont take AL so easy bro. I dont think there will be any road transit within this tenure of AL government. They are just testing Indian nerve now. India not going to allow BD vehicle to Nepal and Bhutan. Didnt you see their cold feet yet? So obviously Indians are not going to get the Asian highway or whatever you want to call it. There is some good prospect in Rail transit and it might start operating soon.

Testing? .... i wouldnt call it that, were i you.
South Asian Media Net

BD main Opp party resents ‘transit’
Friday, December 11,2009

DHAKA: The country’s main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) has opposed the government’s move to join the UN-sponsored Asian Highway, saying it would provide “transit” to India for its northeastern region. resolution passed at the fifth national council meeting here reiterated its stand, which had been adopted when the party ruled the nation (2001-06), that India stands to gain at the expense of Bangladesh, reports the New Age.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has initiated moves to join both the Asian highway and the Asian rail network that would connect Bulgaria in Europe to Bangkok in Southeast Asia, a move that reverses what it considers the ‘isolationist’ policy of the government of her arch political rival, Begum Khaleda Zia.

Bangladesh is in talks with the Indian railway authorities to improve the rail infrastructure and make it compatible for the transnational network.

By another resolution, the BNP asked the government to “expedite diplomatic efforts” to prevent India from building a dam on Barak river at Tipaimukh, 200 km upstream of Bangladesh.

Zia had made this demand in a letter to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that was sent a few months back.

India says it will not draw water from the Tipaimukh dam and states that it is only for power generation. It has repeatedly assured that it will do nothing to jeopardise Bangladesh’s interests.

Both are delicate issues in Bangladesh-India bilateral ties that are expected to come up during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit next month to New Delhi.

Another resolution passed by the BNP was asking the government to resolve the maritime boundary “in consultation with neighbouring countries”.

Maritime boundary is emerging as an important issue in South Asian region with all the littoral states in the Bay of Bengal rushing to explore hydrocarbons.
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