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Al-Qaeda HQ 'based in Pakistan'


Sep 23, 2006
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A letter found when al-Qaeda's chief in Iraq was killed said the group's leadership was based in Waziristan, Pakistan, the Washington Post reports.
The December 2005 missive is said to be the first to emerge from what the US military calls a "treasure trove" after Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's death in June.

It was reportedly sent by a member of Osama Bin Laden's high command, who said he wrote from Waziristan.

Bin Laden is suspected of hiding along the Afghan-Pakistani border.

If accurate, the letter would confirm the location of the al-Qaeda leadership at the time it was written, the newspaper said.

'Wish to advise'

The missive was uncovered from Iraqi safe houses at the time of Zarqawi's death in a US air strike, according to the Washington Post.

A 15-page English translation of the Arabic document was released last week by a US military counter-terrorism centre, the paper reported.

I am with them and they have some comments about some of your circumstances


The author said he was writing from al-Qaeda headquarters in the restive border region, where Taleban and al-Qaeda fugitives have been active.

The paper said the letter was signed by "Atiyah," whom counter-terrorism officials believe is Atiyah Abd al Rahman, a 37-year-old Libyan who joined Bin Laden during the 1980s.

"I am with them," the letter says.

"And they have some comments about some of your circumstances."

The letter described the difficulty of direct communications between Waziristan and Iraq, and suggested it was easier for Zarqawi to send a representative to Pakistan than the other way around, the Washington Post reported.

It also warned Zarqawi that he risked removal as the leader in Iraq if he continued to alienate Sunni leaders and rival insurgent groups, the paper said.

The "brothers wish that they had a way to talk to you and advise you, and to guide and instruct you; however, they too are occupied with vicious enemies here," Atiyah reportedly wrote.

"They are also weak. And we ask God that He strengthen them and mend their fractures."

Counter-terrorism officials reportedly deemed the document authentic.

'Laughing hijackers'

The report comes a day after the release of a video purportedly showing the ringleader of the 9/11 attacks.

British newspaper the Sunday Times posted the video, which has no sound, on its website.

Dated January 2000, it shows ringleader Mohammed Atta and fellow hijacker Ziad Jarrah talking and laughing, and speaking to the camera.

The Sunday Times said the video was made in Afghanistan for release after their deaths.

Its about time Pakistan should withdraw there support from wests war on Islam. What are we gainning from it ? P
Pakistan has Sacrificed more then 600 of its own soldiers for the sake of western war on Islam and still that is not enough , we still face Accusations daily from the west. we have enough of our own problems . Its time our rulers should bow to Allah instead of west....
Pakistan has Sacrificed more then 600 of its own soldiers for the sake of western war on Islam and still that is not enough , we still face Accusations daily from the west. we have enough of our own problems . Its time our rulers should bow to Allah instead of west....

more like 800 soldiers have died fighting this mercenary war on behalf of the west.....yet there are only complaints and nothing more.....this document published to malign pakistan stinks of poor MI-6 forgery...i hope people remember the documents found in Iraqi ministry of interior implicating George Galloway in Oil corruption....based on which telegraph published articles defaming him....and were nailed in the Law Courts for defamation....when it turned out that documents were fake.
its time for us to end our support for Al-Qaeda and stop providing them safe haven in our country.

We should not give the West even the slightest excuse to attack us.
its time for us to end our support for Al-Qaeda and stop providing them safe haven in our country.

We should not give the West even the slightest excuse to attack us.

i agree with Lahori paa jee but not because it will stop the attack but becasue its the right thing to do .iam sorry i fail to see how al-qaida is a islamic organisation :coffee:

Now i must go and kick my own butt i just agreed with Lahori paa jee;)
Its about time Pakistan should withdraw there support from wests war on Islam. What are we gainning from it ? P

And its about time we should shout butter cookies butter cookies butter cookies :P :P

kyon Neo

i think you guys (Mods ) are still sleeping good job shabash keep sleeping :D :angry:
And its about time we should shout butter cookies butter cookies butter cookies :P :P

kyon Neo

i think you guys (Mods ) are still sleeping good job shabash keep sleeping :D :angry:

What is up with you? It had been better if you had PM me.

Send me one. ;)
And its about time we should shout butter cookies butter cookies butter cookies :P :P

kyon Neo
Jana Jee,

We don't shout butter cookies at this forum! :P

i think you guys (Mods ) are still sleeping good job shabash keep sleeping :D :angry:
You clearly missed the new rules announcement recently postes by Asim.
Go read it. :sick:
I think the forum is doing great now!
Jana Jee,

We don't shout butter cookies at this forum! :P

You clearly missed the new rules announcement recently postes by Asim.
Go read it. :sick:
I think the forum is doing great now!

Yes yes yes

This forum is doing very well
Know we have people bashing the west and making idiot claims like "we should align with islam and not the west" and "we should fight the US" and from the other side you hear idiots saying "Pakistan should do more, were not doing enough etc.."
Yes yes, shabash mods where doing very well if that also includes the surge of indiots on this forum saying "LCA is a super fighter, arjun is a super tank etc etc"

The old days of this forum where much much better
Thats my opinion
we should align with islam and not the west

care to explain how its it wrong?, I think you have an acute case of MES (Moderation enlightment syndrome)
care to explain how its it wrong?, I think you have an acute case of MES (Moderation enlightment syndrome)

Do you care to explain what we would achieve by aligning with ISLAM?
Because we have ourselves tried to align ourselves with arab we even made a proposal to the OIC for free trade agreemetn and open border pact to the oic and geuss what it go denied if we cant do something as simple as that then what would we achieve by aligning with ISLAM?

Yeah yeah I know look at Saudi arabia and hwo they turned toward ISLAM and look at them know :lol:
i agree with Lahori paa jee but not because it will stop the attack but becasue its the right thing to do .iam sorry i fail to see how al-qaida is a islamic organisation :coffee:

Now i must go and kick my own butt i just agreed with Lahori paa jee;)

At last we have an agreement on something. But inshallah i will convince you on other issues as well.
Jana Jee,

We don't shout butter cookies at this forum! :P!

Yes i know Neo we cant stooped to their level.


You clearly missed the new rules announcement recently postes by Asim.
Go read it.
I think the forum is doing great now!

yes i dint but where is Asim he has no time.

And what you mean by new rules u mean according to new rules you can allow some1 with multis and u can allow some1 decieving us under a sacred text :angry:
and you will allow such a person just to rais the participation :angry: if is it so thn to hell with such rules.
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