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Al-Qaeda HQ 'based in Pakistan'

Pakistan has Sacrificed more then 600 of its own soldiers for the sake of western war on Islam and still that is not enough , we still face Accusations daily from the west. we have enough of our own problems . Its time our rulers should bow to Allah instead of west....

Well dont think these extremist elements are enemies of the west only.taliban and AQ are equal threats to your nations integrity and peace as it is to anybody elses.

Where pakistan got it wrong?Its how they chose to fight it.Joing hands with US/UK to fight them on their behest is not going to send the right signals to the tribes,on the other hand if Pakistan had taken up the fight without the bullying of US things would have been much better.

As of now it looks like Pakistan is not convinced abt the dangers of Taliban or AQ but where left with no choice but to fight them after American threats.Thats the wrong signal,and thats why i hated mushi when he said he joined the WOT because he had no other choice.
Well dont think these extremist elements are enemies of the west only.taliban and AQ are equal threats to your nations integrity and peace as it is to anybody elses.

Where pakistan got it wrong?Its how they chose to fight it.Joing hands with US/UK to fight them on their behest is not going to send the right signals to the tribes,on the other hand if Pakistan had taken up the fight without the bullying of US things would have been much better as of now through out Pakistan.

As of now it looks like Pakistan is not convinced at the dangers abt Taliban or AQ but where left with no choice but to fight them after American threats.Thats the wrong signal,and thats why i hated mushi when he said he joined the WOT because he had no other choice.

Here are the choices

A. Keep fighting the tribes and incurgence, which will make them want to fight more and cause many casualties

B. Make peace with them and let them on there own adapt the law of the land and fight to taliban

If you picked A then I can 100% garentee u that You are a westener or Bhindi
Asia Times has a very interesting commentary regarding the Taliban in Pakistan-Afghanistan.
The author (who says he's based in Peshawar) speaks about another Taliban, basically a bunch of warlords and clerics that
call themselves the Taliban but don't take orders from Mullah Omar and co.
Dear All,
I hope you all will be doing good, as far as my reply to this topic is "This is an engineered evidence" to put more pressure on Pakistan and nothing but a bull ****, the west always creates fake excuses and evidence against muslims and Islam,i have 4 words for the reply MUSLIMS PLEASE WAKE-UP, There is no alqaeda or taliban in Afghanistan, these are locals trying to out through karzai regeim and the western forces out of afghanistan, the same is on our side of border, like north waziristan where the poeple liked the way talibans were ruling afghanistan and they want them back thats why they are ready to back them all the time with money, weapon or figting all together againtst NATO and karzai regeim, and about AQ, it is nothing but a hype and an invisible monster that the west and USA used to haunt and black mail rest of the world specially Islam and muslims, let me know if i am wrong....... waiting

Having hard time in ramzan away from home :(

Take good care of yourself guys and Allah Hafiz

Warm regards
Here are the choices

A. Keep fighting the tribes and incurgence, which will make them want to fight more and cause many casualties

B. Make peace with them and let them on there own adapt the law of the land and fight to taliban

If you picked A then I can 100% garentee u that You are a westener or Bhindi

You didnt hell understand what i wrote.Read it again.
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