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Al-Qaeda, Afghan and Pakistan Taliban join forces?

Mine away...

...on your lands.

See what that does, btw, to your own pashtu population. They'll LOVE you for that consideration.

Oh, if you intend to do so, you'd better plan to leave troops there too. Unobserved minefields are simply ammo supply points waiting for harvest.

The only time that they'll explode absent 24/7 coverage is under the feet and vehicles of your men.

The only thing that you forgot to mention very conveniently is the cross border movement that will be reduced significantly and that's what matters.

Sure. Whatever you say but your comment strikes me as a mindless and thoughtless knee-jerk reaction that would maim and kill a lot of innocents whom cross daily while supplying the taliban with all the mine weaponry they might ever want.


...mine away.

On your side of the border.

Good luck.

It should be expected that Afghan Taliban operating in Afghanistan opposite Waziristan or those that use Wasiristan as a base of ops will defend their rear bases against the PA.
Well Talibans may it be forign, or from neighbouring countries like Afghanistan etc are same zits , that appear on your face now and then , its better they are in one location

It will be easy to corner then in one regions , and neutralize them once and for all - we take out 10,000-20,000 talibns , and their strength will be like 4-5% and likely they will die out
TTP gets Afghan Taliban support

By Mazhar Tufail

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani militants based in South Waziristan Agency committed the terrorism acts in the past couple of weeks or so with the help of the Afghan Taliban, The News learnt here on Saturday.

“Leaders of various militant groups active in Pakistan under the banner of the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have succeeded in winning support of the Afghan Taliban for committing terror acts in Pakistan,” a source in the security forces disclosed on condition of anonymity.

“They have mounted the deadly attacks in Peshawar, Bannu, Rawalpindi and Lahore with the help of Afghan Taliban,” he said.

The source said the top leaders of outlawed Lashkar-e-Jhangvi have established links with the Afghan Taliban and all its operatives who have been operating in the Punjab have reached South Waziristan or Afghanistan to evade arrests as the law-enforcement agencies have launched a crackdown on such elements in the Punjab province.

“Initially, this group was involved in sectarian violence and has been targeting people belonging to a particular religious sect but now it is targeting the security forces,” the source said.

According to the source, the security forces have, however, launched the operation - codenamed Rah-e-Nijat - in South Waziristan with full determination to eliminate the terrorists from the restive tribal region. He said majority of the troops participating in the operation have an extensive experience of warfare in mountainous terrain and have earlier been fighting terrorists in Swat, Malakand and elsewhere.

“As directed by the army chief and other commanders involved in the military operation in South Waziristan, the security forces will exercise utmost care to avoid collateral damage during the operation. The commanders are very optimistic about the completion of the operation well before the end of the stipulated time and its positive outcome,” the source said.

The Pakistan Army launched operation against the extremists in South Waziristan Agency on the night between Friday and Saturday. According to military sources, 1,000 to 1,500 militants are present in South Waziristan and the operation has been launched after three-month siege of the militants.

The political administration of South Waziristan has, however, said that over 4,000 to 5000 terrorists are present in the area with most of them hiding in Mahsuds-inhibited area.

South Waziristan is the nerve centre of the TTP and the main source of terrorism across Pakistan. It is from here that TTP renders support to other terrorist groups operating from the nearby Khyber, Bajaur, Orakzai and Mohmand agencies.

“The root of the terror is in South Waziristan where this group is present. It is a must to root out this terror and curse,” the source said.

After the death of Baitullah Mahsud in a drone strike on August 5, TTP is being led by Hakimullah Mahsud with the assistance of Waliur Rehman and Qari Hussain, who runs a suicide training camp in Kotkai area of the region.

According to the source, in the last three months, the TTP militants intensified attacks on security forces deployed in South and North Waziristan agencies, including five suicide missions in Razmak area, kidnapping of 15 security personnel, killing three of them, over 300 rocket attacks and 78 improvised explosive device (IED) attacks.

“Given all of the recent terrorism acts in various parts of the country, a final showdown against Taliban and their al-Qaeda Uzbek allies in South Waziristan has become an absolute necessity,” the source said.

The source said no doubt the country’s security forces were faced with a far stronger enemy in South Waziristan than one they have confronted and overcame in Swat.
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