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Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool

[--Leo--];3000712 said:
on which product KRL is working on?

post from just the last page..

when you were posting this one you must have been on same page!!



dear, no offense, but just trying to tell you that if you can take some time and check such things yourself, you are sure to learn a lot more then what you will by asking!
we are all herer to share and discuss but before asking something, try and check a few pages that they might have what you are looking for. asking straight questions will limit your knowledge while when you look for this yourself, you will learn a lot more interesting things!

i hope you take it as a brotherly message and nothing insulting.

best regards!
No it will not, you should be happy and share this "discovery" with DRDO and IA to use only APFSDS agist AK. Now go to sleep and yeah happy dreams.

How will that one inch of explosive cut a tungsten rod travelling at 1600m/s ?
I saw it in some trail video... some time back... It was missing targets by quiet some distances.. both wile stationary aswell as moving.
Besides the gun, the FCS and gun stabilization system is also important.. suspension also matters in this case.
Al Khalid turret is small so I doubt It can handle the recoil of a 52 cal. gun and shoot accurately enough....(ARDE Gun on Arjun is 52 cal.).. rather It should go for 50 cal. gun as is the case with Newer Chinese Type-99 tanks... Leo2A6 I must say is very accurate while in stationary mode... while T-90 has shown better accuracy while on move.. (If you see the Saudi tests where T-90S beat all the others in flying colors).

Either your ego has been hurt big time or you are playing a plain fool deliberately. Let me answer you any way

The gun in original MBT 2000 is NOT based on 2a46m but a Chinese indigenous modification called ZPT-98, two versions, 48 cal, 50 cal, chrome plated and autofretaged allowing better accuracy than 2a46-m series, higher gun pressure and increased shell speed resulting in less time to reach the target with more accuracy. Ever heard of ISFCS-212 (Image Stabilized Fire Control System) fire control system? This system is purely developed for Chinese third generation MBTs and equips their type-99 series with powerful computer and stabilization characteristics mated with third generation stabilization techniques, despite its impressive performance during trials. Pakistan opted for her own FCS and gun development where French helped us in employing an automatic target tracking mechanism supported with their FCS and thermal imagers (catherine FC, Matis), signifying the corporation with France and Ukraine that were a blessing in disguise.

AK turret is bigger than anything Russia has produced so far so there is not point in saying it cannot handle the recoil of 52 cal, for your information, AK prototypes have been tested with upto 52 cal guns (125/ 120 mm both versions). Enlarged turret, which has given enough room for a complete panoramic surveillance with hunter-killer capability by allowing separate laser range finders, thermal imagers for both gunner and commander, ever notice the large turret in latest t-90MS? The weakest point of T-90 is its lack of 360 degree surveillance capability which was pointed out by Indians repeatedly until Russians came up with a new development. Lastly, Saudi tank gunner also achieved 100 % accuracy during AK trials, you can find the information on it in this very thread. Now take some rest from raising useless points.
Either your ego has been hurt big time or you are playing a plain fool deliberately. Let me answer you any way

The gun in original MBT 2000 is NOT based on 2a46m but a Chinese indigenous modification called ZPT-98, two versions, 48 cal, 50 cal, chrome plated and autofretaged allowing better accuracy than 2a46-m series, higher gun pressure and increased shell speed resulting in less time to reach the target with more accuracy. Ever heard of ISFCS-212 (Image Stabilized Fire Control System) fire control system? This system is purely developed for Chinese third generation MBTs and equips their type-99 series with powerful computer and stabilization characteristics mated with third generation stabilization techniques, despite its impressive performance during trials. Pakistan opted for her own FCS and gun development where French helped us in employing an automatic target tracking mechanism supported with their FCS and thermal imagers (catherine FC, Matis), signifying the corporation with France and Ukraine that were a blessing in disguise.

AK turret is bigger than anything Russia has produced so far so there is not point in saying it cannot handle the recoil of 52 cal, for your information, AK prototypes have been tested with upto 52 cal guns (125/ 120 mm both versions). Enlarged turret, which has given enough room for a complete panoramic surveillance with hunter-killer capability by allowing separate laser range finders, thermal imagers for both gunner and commander, ever notice the large turret in latest t-90MS? The weakest point of T-90 is its lack of 360 degree surveillance capability which was pointed out by Indians repeatedly until Russians came up with a new development. Lastly, Saudi tank gunner also achieved 100 % accuracy during AK trials, you can find the information on it in this very thread. Now take some rest from raising useless points.

Nabil, then why didn't Saudi Arabia procure the Tanks ?
BTW, received this interesting Article from SomeBozo regarding the Saudi deal for Al-Khalids, the evaluation/testing of the tank and its overall performance:

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: (PNS) - A 23-member Royal Saudi Land Forces evaluation team headed by Maj Gen Ahmed Bin Saeed Al-Shehri visited Pakistan for evaluation of indigenously manufactured products of Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT).

The evaluation team was warmly welcomed by the Chairman HIT, who gave them an exhaustive briefing on the capability of HIT and its potential for marketing sophisticated weapon systems suiting the dictates of modern warfare.

The Saudi team showed keen interest in state-of-the-art and pride of Pakistan Armour, Al-Khalid tank and APC Saad, and carried out intensive in-house technical evaluation and trials.

During the arduous trials under most inhospitable environments, the roaring Al-Khalid, a marvel of tank technology performed astoundingly well. It is for the first time that a Main Battle tank (Al-Khalid) attained 100% hits at a distance of 4,000 meters and set an unprecedented record in tank technology.

Al-Khalid also fired while moving, on a moving target at various ranges upto a distance of 3,000 meters and achieved 100% results. The lethality and accuracy of the weapon stations of Al-Khalid, its high power to weight ratio and manoeuvrability demonstrated in the most hostile terrain speaks volumes of its agility and combat capability to challenge any tank of the world.

Saudi Master Gunner, Subedar Major Yahya Bin Ahmed Atif achieved the rare feat of hitting a bulls eye at extreme ranges with 100% accuracy and achieved record firing results with a few days training only, indicative of user friendliness of Tank Al-Khalid.

The delegation was highly impressed with the performance of tank Al-Khalid and APC Saad during arduous trials. The new generation, APC Saad of Pakistan Armed forces has also been totally manufactured in Pakistan with a vision to meet the demands of 21st century battlefield.

Pakistan is rightfully proud of its engineers and technicians who envisioned, designed and manufactured such combat multipliers, giving its Armed Forces the power punch and capability to face any challenge to its national security.

Defense Cooperation & Sales – IX

ive posted s.a and peruvian reqiurements earlier on this thread
nabil , is there a jpg version of this pdf you posted? Like the scanned HIT brochure by bezerk.. which has been circulated every where on the internet

Can you explain this in further details sir.:coffee

you mean something like this

its type 90-IIA
Massive era is suicidal
no i want the picture of AORAK era on AK

or any bt the tank should be in service with PA

the turret of this new mbt-3000 looks good

expecting such or atlay kinda turret on.AK2
Hi, I would tend to disagree with your statement. Kindly please look at the new Chinese MBT 3000 design. The entire front turret is ERA.

China's Norinco New MBT-3000 Tank ~ ASIAN DEFENSE


My friend , ERA helps in defending a tank be reacting with projectile and creating an opposing blast to neutralise the impact effect of projectile... But in modern world tanks use more of Chrobam, composite armouse , mesh plating etc. There are several incidents in which when projectile hits tank ERA reacts however slightly weakens the main armour of that place ... which is dangerous at the other hand with so much much era on the above MBT 2000 near by tanks can get destroyed due to massive explosion of ...
Hi, I would tend to disagree with your statement. Kindly please look at the new Chinese MBT 3000 design. The entire front turret is ERA.

China's Norinco New MBT-3000 Tank ~ ASIAN DEFENSE

it's an export variant of MBT 2000 with an increase in engine horse power that's what i see... Where as era u say well ERA is useless if tank is not equipped with a better primary armour .... Even Tandem RPG 29 can destroy ERA or any tandem charge ... i cant go deep in .. read tandem charges...
it's an export variant of MBT 2000 with an increase in engine horse power that's what i see... Where as era u say well ERA is useless if tank is not equipped with a better primary armour .... Even Tandem RPG 29 can destroy ERA or any tandem charge ... i cant go deep in .. read tandem charges...

Hi, not to get personal, but are you an expert in tank design? You seem to be great at critiquing stuff. Is your background engineering, more specifically in armoured vehicle design?

I have visited Taxila and the tank rebuilding plant; Pakistan builds the best stuff, within what its limited resouces allow it to.
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