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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

KIZILELMA successfully completed the System Identification Test

View attachment 912739


This man (kemalist monkey troll ) is literally a loser last days. He was mocking KIZILELMA a few months ago, I really wonder how can he have courge to show his ugly face in public.

**Tipini ziiktigmin kemocusu. Kemonun da resimde tipi kayık cehennem odunu. PR içinde arkayı düzenlemiş amele.



Finally, another declassified missile type: KAGEM
Uav-launched loitering-strike mini uav
Ohaa... There is nothing left as ammunition in Turkish army for this beast.
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Does Turkey have anything equivalent to the AGM-114R9X "Ninja Bomb" in its arsenal for targeting a single person, with no explosives and relying purely on kinetic force and sharp for minimum collateral damage and for targeting individual in operations? Would seem quite useful against the PKK.

For that we have MAM-C which is good enough.
The ANKA UAV program continues to dominate the African continent. Angola is also preparing to become an Anka-Aksungur user.





@dBSPL it is 3 gen figter... 😄

Master of Drones...






Last but the best...

early 90's TAI project

early 90's TAI project

The last sentences of the program are as follows: "This UAV is the beginning of TAI's determined activities in the field of R&D. TAI believes that in the future, it will further develop its R&D activities and research and develop all the systems that the Turkish armed forces will need in the future. TAI: the symbol of a high-tech breakthrough in the Turkish aerospace industry. "

Yes, they did.

1992, year of first flight and airworthiness tests of UAV-X1

2023, as the countdown to the first flight of the 7-ton Anka-3 continues

This man (kemalist monkey troll ) is literally a loser last days. He was mocking KIZILELMA a few months ago, I really wonder how can he have courge to show his ugly face in public.

**Tipini ziiktigmin kemocusu. Kemonun da resimde tipi kayık cehennem odunu. PR içinde arkayı düzenlemiş amele.

Ohaa... There is nothing left as ammunition in Turkish army for this beast.

This KEMALIST is underestimating the WILL and STRENGTH of Turkish Superiority..

If Turks put their mind into something (engineering wise), they complete it and EXCEL at it..

This Kamalist must have been dropped on his head as a baby, hence why he is talking RUBBISH..


Ismail Demir: BAYRAKTAR TB3 SİHA’mız, TCG ANADOLU üzerinde operasyonlarına başlamaya hazırlanıyor.”

Bayraktar TB3 is preparing to start its operations on TCG ANADOLU.

We did not see it but it all have fly:mad:...
Mashallah Turkiye is building a high tech military

Turkish armed forces in 2026
This KEMALIST is underestimating the WILL and STRENGTH of Turkish Superiority..

If Turks put their mind into something (engineering wise), they complete it and EXCEL at it..

This Kamalist must have been dropped on his head as a baby, hence why he is talking RUBBISH..

Sizleri gördükçe milliyetimden utanıyorum. Gerizekalının birini elestirirken fırsattan istifade ülkenin kurucusuna ve banisine de hakaret edip aşağılamak gaflet ,delalet ve hiyanetinde bulunuyorsunuz. Bu kafayı hangi tarikatte yaptıysanız hocanız başta olmak üzere size bela okuyorum.
View attachment 921739

The future is in the sky
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Another classical display of TURKISH SUPERIORITY MASTERS..

Give a Turk a bamboo stick, he will make into a residential tower.. that's how YOUR SUPERIOR TURKISH MASTER operates..

The Turkish MASTER mind works in a brilliant manner..

Fist picture of TB3..

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