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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

No, I meant the actual developed ANKA, not the one in the picture. I should have been more clear, I apologize.

Burak bekdil is a main stream columnist in hurryiet and says this about Anka:

The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon – not to mention its Persian name
No. It is not indigenous at all. The Turkish columnists in hurryiet and todayszaman have several times said that the landing gears, flight computers, engine, ....is imported.
The image intensifier of aselsan flir is imported too.

I'll wait for a Turkish member to confirm or deny this before making a judgement.
Engine is not ingenious (made in Germany), but works for developing new ingenious one have started.
Also, one of the details that they use in the aselsan's camera is also imported from US.
That is what Mr Bayar said, answering the same question on one of the Turkish TV channels.
No, I meant the actual developed ANKA, not the one in the picture. I should have been more clear, I apologize.

The engine and the automatik landing and take off system iof anka a is imported. The serial version of anka b after 2014 will domestik.

TEI is Developing A Domestic Engine For the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ANKA...Attach FileA contract has been signed between the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) and TEI in order for the development of an authentic domestic engine for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ANKA. The signature ceremony of the project which will contribute to the innovation and technological development oriented targets set down in Turkey’s 2023 vision, has been realized with the participation of Undersecretary for Defense Industries Mr.Murad Bayar, TEI Chairman of the Board Mr.Aziz Atlanel and TEI General Manager Mr.Akın Duman on December 27,2012. The engine, which will be developed in conformity with aviation and military standards through modifications in order to meet the requierements of ANKA platform, is planned to be completed within 4 years, including qualification and certification tests.The project includes the design and development of the hardware and software of the engine within the frame of standards required by aviation, its production, the tests in context of military standards and aviation standards, the realization of technology projection, type certification, the creation of a technical data package, training and maintenance. In context of the project, development, type certification and Design Organization Management Approval works will be carried out in parallel. The engine will be developed to be compatible with the mechanic, electronic interface of the ANKA platform and generate 155 hp force. The engine to be developed, will be able to meet ANKA’a performance and electricity needs at high altitudes and will have a spare digital engine control unit. At the end of the project, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle engine will have been developed which is suitable for the qualification and certification requirements of ANKA platform, whose logistic support and maintenance needs are covered by TEI. While bringing the project into existence, cooperations with domestic companies and institutions will be made and by means of that, with domestic supply and engineering network, specialized human infrastructure will be developed.This project is a strong step taken towards developing an aircraft engine in Turkey on piston engine basis, the development of test and analysis capabilities, the development of specialized personnel and gain of critical technology. The knowledge, experience and human force, which will be achieved as output of the project, will form an infrastructure for different engine development, design and modification projects serving the 2023 targets of Turkey, in coming years.*


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Engine is not ingenious (made in Germany), but works for developing new ingenious one have started.
Also, one of the details that they use in the aselsan's camera is also imported from US.
That is what Mr Bayar said, answering the same question on one of the Turkish TV channels.

Which camera? Are you talking about the Flir camera?
Engine needs a serious work and it will ve done eventually, others are not so complicated(camera, landing gear etc.) they're probably left out with the purpose of not wasting time.

Its the first ever one, of course it will have some imported parts, making it completely indigenous is the second aim, its how thats usually works, you first do and then remowe the flaws.
Which camera? Are you talking about the Flir camera?

I am talking about: ASELFLIR-300T
i didnt troll at all!! ;) i just brought up a discussion ... thats all ....

this is trolling:

by @Hyperion :cool:

We trust our technology and an rivalary country that is 35 years ahead of current own technological level or not, is not our issue. If you have technology enough, It means You have a strong rival called Turkey in this field. Otherwise, Turkey will proceed alone in Muslim World. With or Without Iran, Turkey with strong competitive products, will always be somewhere around this playground. We don't need a magic spy which skip us to raise a next level. We just need hard-working engineers which creates own magic.
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can someone please tell me how did i troll?

@Sinan ..... show me a post where i trolled?

so if i ask "can anka fly?" its trolling now?

There has been 35 pages that are full of documents and video clips showing Anka tests on the ground and in the sky; but you come up here, ignore all those documents and video clips and ask that troll-smeling question; worst of all, you play the innocent while everybody else here think it is actually you WHO fooling herself rather than Turks here.
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Anka UAV unaffected by Thielert takeover


AVIC International's acquisition of Thielert Aircraft Engines will not impact on Turkish Aerospace Industries' (TAI's) Anka unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) programme, IHS Jane's has learned, contradicting widespread media reports.

The Chinese aerospace giant revealed the takeover of the ailing German engine manufacturer - the company was declared bankrupt in 2008 - in late July of this year and later announced its intentions to shift the focus of the business to private aircraft and away from UAVs. AVIC funded the acquisition of Thielert through its newly established German company, Technify Motor GmbH (TMG), which will take over responsibility for Thielert's operations.

source: Anka UAV unaffected by Thielert takeover - IHS Jane's 360

Personally I don't believe what the Chinese company says, and I'd like to remind you of the big ship they sailed through Istanbul bosporus and later refitted the AC. But as long as we're not affected by the take over I guess it's western countries problem :)
Any info on which parts of Anka were developed by PAC?
Are you serious?

...Just...move on. That's the only advice I can give you.

Any info on which parts of Anka were developed by PAC?

none. Pakistan is producing some parts but it hasn't developed any parts for the Anka.
Are you serious?

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan, which has for much of the past decade has sought to acquire unmanned aerial vehicles (UCAV), a platform used by the US in Pakistan despite numerous protests by the government, has started export of drone parts.

On Monday, officials at the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), Kamra handed over the first batch of parts created for the Turkish UAV (ANKA) to the Turkish Aerospace Industry (TAI) in a ceremony held during the International Defence Exhibition and Fair (IDEF) at Istanbul, Turkey.

After the signing ceremony, President and CEO of TAI Muharrem Dortkasli expressed his satisfaction on the skill and knowledge possessed by PAC, Kamra for undertaking such assignments.

Dortkasli expressed that many more collaborations would be undertaken in the future as well.

Pakistan has been seeking access to drones and has experimented in indigenously constructing drones.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...builds-parts-turkey-drones.html#ixzz2hhgHRiqp
I dont know why but Burak Bekdil have serious ******** about Turkish Defense Industry,according to him ANKA was never going to be OPERATIONAL,a small quote from one of his article about his ignorance;

After the Prophet Omar conquered al-Quds

First prototypes of course had foreign systems for tests & training when our guys producing Turkish made ones i guess he has no idea about prototype 005.
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