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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

Stupid, just stupid waste of payload. B737 Peace Eagles are entering service, we could've used them, we could have used gunships, attack helicopters and anything with a datalink antenna to commandeer these planes or to create data stream between them and the HQ.

Putting a SATCOM antenna in every fvcking flying platform in the air is just amateurish. These aren't supposed to be strategical assets, we'll have ANKA TPs in the future to take over that duty, one of them could support 5 Anka-S'

To think of every unit in the AO as a standalone operator is for amateurs. We should be thinking in long term, we should be thinking in large scale. Instead we're making the same stupid mistakes Iranians are making.

Just great.

You know why I'm angry? because we have numerous tactical UAV producers in Turkey but the Army is prioritizing other needs. We aren't buying lots of tactical UAVs even now and I think it's a time when we need UAVs in the air the most. It tells me a story.

It tells me that the army is leaving this business to the airforce and main workhorse of the airforce in this field will be MALE class UAVs as it always have been. If we don't make a division of labor between different types of MALE UAVs we won't reach the maturity to operate with more advanced X47B style UCAVs in the future. This is why I'm angry.

you can't just put all the fancy stuff into one plane

Predator, Reaper, Global Hawk, Heron, Eitan all have satellite link communications.
Predator, Reaper, Global Hawk, Heron, Eitan all have satellite link communications.

Only the RQ-1 Predator and the Heron of all those UAVs are comparable to Anka-S, brother :)
The rest of them belong to different classes and are designed for different roles.
Baykuş;4289533 said:
Only the RQ-1 Predator and the Heron of all those UAVs are comparable to Anka-S, brother :)
The rest of them belong to different classes and are designed for different roles.

I know but even these two have SATCOM (although @LegionnairE argues that heron doesn't).
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I know but even these two have SATCOM (although @LegionnairE argues that heron doesn't).
I'm not arguing, I'm stating a fact. It runs by DATALINK.

The question is why in hell general atomics put a SATCOM antenna in a low-end MALE class UAV that is run by a piston engine. It's because US military is deploying these birds around the globe in places they may not be able to send other platforms to pick up DATALINK signals. But for Turkey or Israel that is not the case.

For us it's dead weight. ANKA body will require a fvckload of modifications to carry around the SATCOM antenna. I'm arguing that it's not needed.

After GÖREN project we'll have gunship platforms in the AO that can support data transfer and even assume direct command over the ANKA and Heron UAVs in range. T129 will have the same capability, they both have DATALINK antennas.

SATCOM was planned only for ANKA-TP which will be a HALE UAV just like the Global Hawk in the next decade or so.
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I'm not arguing, I'm stating a fact. It runs by DATALINK.

The question is why in hell general atomics put a SATCOM antenna in a low-end MALE class UAV that is run by a piston engine. It's because US military is deploying these birds around the globe in places they may not be able to send other platforms to pick up DATALINK signals. But for Turkey or Israel that is not the case.

For us it's dead weight. ANKA body will require a fvckload of modifications to carry around the SATCOM antenna. I'm arguing that it's not needed.

After GÖREN project we'll have gunship platforms in the AO that can support data transfer and even assume direct command over the ANKA and Heron UAVs in range. T129 will have the same capability, they both have DATALINK antennas.

SATCOM was planned only for ANKA-TP which will be a HALE UAV just like the Global Hawk in the next decade or so.

The payload sensors communicate with the ground control station in real-time, using either direct line of sight data link, or via an airborne/satellite relay. Like the navigation system, the payload can also be used in either a fully pre-programmed autonomous mode, or manual real-time remote operation, or a combination of both.

IAI Heron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think we might need in syria and Iraq, so...
IAI Heron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think we might need in syria and Iraq, so...
It's probably talking about an export version. Neither the herons Turkey have nor the ones Israel have has the satellite communications antenna. Ground data terminals can be even carried by light vehicles such as Cobra, If we are to invade Syria or Iraq I'm sure as hell we can bring in some data terminals. It simply isn't worth delaying the project.
The payload sensors communicate with the ground control station in real-time, using either direct line of sight data link, or via an airborne/satellite relay. Like the navigation system, the payload can also be used in either a fully pre-programmed autonomous mode, or manual real-time remote operation, or a combination of both.

IAI Heron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think we might need in syria and Iraq, so...

Actually, it seems like both the Predator and the Heron have the option to operate through a satellite relay in order to extends its range. I would question though if we would need it for our ANKA-S, since they aren't designed for long endurance missions where they might have to travel such great distances from the ground station as the ANKA-TP will be able to do. Both ANKA variants are going carry arms, as far as I've understood, and therefor I can only come to the conclusion that the ANKA-S might be used for missions within our borders whilst the ANKA-TP would go beyond those limits. Optionally, the ANKA-S might be operated via aircraft that function has mobile control stations or as datalink relays if they would need that extra range.
It's probably talking about an export version. Neither the herons Turkey have nor the ones Israel have has the satellite communications antenna. Ground data terminals can be even carried by light vehicles such as Cobra, If we are to invade Syria or Iraq I'm sure as hell we can bring in some data terminals. It simply isn't worth delaying the project.

Well look, if Anka is to have SATCOM, it doesn't mean every single one will have it.
They will use SATCOM only on those ones that will be deployed abroad. Otherwise some other useful payload may be used. So it is a good thing to have the option.

And it doesn't necessarily mean an "invasion". As you know Anka-A and Anka-S are reconnaissance aircraft. We need to keep an eye on these two countries. We already use them in Iraq, especially northern parts of it.

Baykuş;4290149 said:
Actually, it seems like both the Predator and the Heron have the option to operate through a satellite relay in order to extends its range. I would question though if we would need it for our ANKA-S, since they aren't designed for long endurance missions where they might have to travel such great distances from the ground station as the ANKA-TP will be able to do. Both ANKA variants are going carry arms, as far as I've understood, and therefor I can only come to the conclusion that the ANKA-S might be used for missions within our borders whilst the ANKA-TP would go beyond those limits. Optionally, the ANKA-S might be operated via aircraft that function has mobile control stations or as datalink relays if they would need that extra range.

Anka-S will be the unarmed version. And that's the "big" difference between S and TP.
They have different roles, S is for reconnaissance and TP is basically the armed version for attacks.
We will need both of them abroad.
So we will need them to have SATCOM if we want to use them abroad.
Like right now, if Anka had SATCOM we could watch over all Syria and Iraq.
Pay attention to Anka P5. Aft section with two air intake looks different. Wings look wider as well. Optic buried into the head section...

Anka P-3
Well look, if Anka is to have SATCOM, it doesn't mean every single one will have it.
They will use SATCOM only on those ones that will be deployed abroad. Otherwise some other useful payload may be used. So it is a good thing to have the option.
Well look, even though we heard very little about ANKA-S it's extremely likely that it'll still be propelled by a centurion 2.0 diesel engine. We all know that ANKA-A had problems with this engine, it was unable to make it to 30.000 feet. If we are to build ANKA-S with the option of SATCOM it'll mean we're going to have to sacrifice from whatever payload we have on the plane. It'll mean we're going to have to choose an inferior FLIR and I don't like compromises. ANKA-TP will not just be an armed version it'll fly above 45.000 feet so obviously it'll be propelled by TEI's next turboprop engine. If it happens my way ANKA-TP will be able to bridge connections between other UAVs in the area that doesn't have the same communications array.

We can rely solely on ANKA-TP for long range-long endurance spying missions and the two models together can be used for "hot" missions over the battlefield.
I've seen that, looks like it was added later. Should've fvcked the RCS of the plane as well as the rate of climb, range and the service ceiling. You probably don't give a sh.t about it because you're surrounded by desert but we don't have the same luxury.
Pay attention to Anka P5. Aft section with two air intake looks different. Wings look wider as well. Optic buried into the head section...
Obviously they are tinkering with the engine to make it able to climb to 30.000 feet. Those air intakes will feed the engine with more air. But mistake was made when choosing the engine. I think we should standardize Rotax engines instead.

+never mind the egyptian camel expert
I've seen that, looks like it was added later. Should've fvcked the RCS of the plane as well as the rate of climb, range and the service ceiling. You probably don't give a sh.t about it because you're surrounded by desert but we don't have the same luxury.

Why to install satcom if it reduce range? :cuckoo:
The bulge hardly influence platform performance, rcs? really?
Why to install satcom if it reduce range? :cuckoo:
The bulge hardly influence platform performance, rcs? really?
Every object in the universe has some mass, SATCOM antenna is no exception :D
Extra weight equals everything that I've listed above

It may not be a stealth platform but RCS still means something, more bulky the fuselage more the RCS. It's not a decisive factor but its still a factor :)

ANKA'yı bir ülkeye daha sattık
yeni haberGiriş Saati: 22.05.2013 13:30
Güncelleme : 22.05.2013 17:52
Mısır'ın çok beğenip sipariş verdiği mill insansız hava aracı ANKA'ya Suudi Arabistan'da talip oldu.

Dünyanın silah alımına en çok kaynak ayıran ülkelerinden Suudi Arabistan, Türkiye ile savunma sanayiinde önemli bir anlaşmaya imza attı. Artık milli insansız hava aracımız 'ANKA' Suudi Arabistan ordusu için de üretilecek. Suudi Arabistan'ın, lazer güdümlü füze CİRİT ve milli tank ALTAY için de istekli olduğu ve görüşmelerin sürdüğü belirtildi.

Suudi Arabistan Krallığı Veliahtı, Başbakan Birinci Yardımcısı ve Savunma Bakanı Prens Salman Bin Abdülaziz El-Saud, Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül'ün davetlisi olarak Türkiye'ye resmî bir ziyaret gerçekleştirdi.

İlk resmi ikili ziyaretini Türkiye'ye yapan Veliaht Prens Abdülaziz El-Saud, beraberinde kalabalık bir bakan heyetiyle geldi. Çankaya Köşkü'nde yaklaşık 1,5 saat süren görüşmelerin ardından iki ülke arasında savunma sanayi işbirliği anlaşması imzalandı.

Anlaşmayı Türkiye adına Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu imzalarken, törende Başbakan Yardımcısı Bekir Bozdağ, Milli Savunma Bakanı İsmet Yılmaz ve Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarı Murad Bayar da hazır bulundu.

Yeni Şafak'tan Aynur Ekiz'in haberine göre, ABD'den 33.4 milyar dolarlık silah satın alan ve bu nedenle dünyanın en fazla silahlanan ülkeleri arasına giren Suudi Arabistan ile Türkiye arasında son dönemde üst düzey askeri ziyaretler hız kazandı. Genelkurmay Başkanlarının karşılıklı ziyaretleri neticesinde Suudi Arabistan, milli insansız hava aracı 'ANKA'ya talip oldu.

Suudi Arabistan Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Hüseyin Bin Abdullah Al Gobail'in ziyareti sırasında netleşen görüşmeler dün neticesini verdi. İki ülke arasında yapılan savunma sanayi alanında işbirliği anlaşması kapsamında artık 'ANKA'lar Suudi Arabistan ordusu için de üretilecek.

Arap Baharı'nın ortaya çıkardığı istikrarsız ortam ve İran ile Körfez bölgesinde devam eden çatışmaların üzerine bölgede Suriye krizinin de patlak vermesiyle Suudi Arabistan hızla silahlanmaya başladı. Dünkü Çankaya Köşkü'ndeki görüşmelerde Suriye krizinin de gündeme geldiği ve bu konuda atılacak adımlar üzerinde de görüş alışverişinde bulunulduğu öğrenildi.

Tamamen Türk yapımı insansız hava aracı ANKA, TÜYAP Fuar ve Kongre Merkezi'nde düzenlenen 11. Uluslararası Savunma Sanayi Fuarı (IDEF'13) katılımcılarından Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayi AŞ'nin (TUSAŞ) standında sergilenmişti. ANKA,görücüye çıktığı fuarda birçok ülkenin dikkatini çekti.

Türkiye ile milyar dolarlık bir anlaşmaya imza atan Suudi Arabistan ile ROKETSAN'da Türk mühendisler tarafından tasarlanan aktif lazer güdümlü füze CİRİT ve milli tank 'ALTAY' için de görüşmelerin devam ettiği öğrenildi.

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