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Akbar's fort symbol of subjugation of Hindus,want the imposing structure to be replaced : VHP

Greek's record ended with Maurya. Chinese records only show glimpse of a few kingdoms in mid AD.

I'm not trolling or play dumb like @ashok mourya just stating a fact.

These are not mythological figures. Whole genelogy of Indian empires has been constructed from Indian texts. Even some kingdoms(janmejaya onwards) from mythological texts (similar to your bamboo annals) have been confirmed to exist by archeologists.

Had you been someone of importance, i may have wasted my time explaining the concept of chakravarti and other related concepts; but you are noboby.Not even someone of marginal importance. You are a Chinese fisherman who trolls internet board and is unable to even show a semblance of grasp over rudimentary logic.

You are a useless fisherman and could be construted as lowest on ladder of social power, both in your homeland China; and your place of work Canada. I would not waste a hour or so to explain Indian history to some low life Chinese troll, when he is in a deadend job on the lowest ladder of society and has no capacity to influence my country.
I agree. Though we should not let them so loose, as sooner or later they can cause a lot of damage. There should be atleast some action against them,we have a live example of pakistan. They are learning this the hard way.
If some elements doing anti nationalist work they should be dealt strictly who ever it may be.To the topic the building may be converted to night shelter for poor instead of demolition.
So devout Muslim can do atrocities? Is it written somewhere?

In memoir he think about himself as true muslim. I guess he needed to justify killing. But he was mostly interested in wealth

"My wazirs informed me that the whole amount of the revenue of India is six arbs; now each arb is a 100 krors, and each kror is a 100 lacs, and each lac is a 100,000 miskals of silver." Timur

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These are not mythological figures. Whole genelogy of Indian empires has been constructed from Indian texts. Even some kingdoms(janmejaya onwards) from mythological texts (similar to your bamboo annals) have been confirmed to exist by archeologists.

Had you been someone of importance, i may have wasted my time explaining the concept of chakravarti and other related concepts; but you are noboby.Not even someone of marginal importance. You are a Chinese fisherman who trolls internet board and is unable to even show a semblance of grasp over rudimentary logic.

You are a useless fisherman and could be construted as lowest on ladder of social power, both in your homeland China; and your place of work Canada. I would not waste a hour or so to explain Indian history to some low life Chinese troll, when he is in a deadend job on the lowest ladder of society and has no capacity to influence my country.

Your interpretation of history is constructed around mythology, there were no written record of any sort. Archeological work validate established academic findings. There was never an Indian empire so to speak. There's nothing to validate.

Go on your personal attack. This is so typical of PDF Indians. When you guys lose a debate, you resort to making absurd reasoning, play dumb, lie and deny, personal attack.
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Mughal never was Indian, Muslim conquer India subcontinent build all kind mosque to worship their Allah and not build temple to worship Hindu god.
Indians are utterly humiliated by their 800 years of subjugation to Islam and 200 years of colonialism under Anglos. China was ruled by barbarian Mongols for only 100 years before they were exterminated by Ming dynasty and later Qing dynasty. Manchu Qing was a close cousin of Chinese by blood and culture. They were annexed and culturally annihilated by warlords and Republic of China.

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