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Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani

i think if you check my post from 12-19-2008 i did not totally agree with the idea that this terrorist was not from pakistan.

We all know that the mumbai attacks are a set up......but do you really think that RAW-BJP are that stupid that they would hold a indian national as a terrorist and think they would not be found out?
How hard would it be for RAW to recruit a pakistani national from the many pro indian terrorist gangs running around FATA.
Feed the poor fool a plan to attack mumbai to avenge the killing of muslims in india and bingo a pakistani terrrist attack.

As soon as i found out that the terrorist who had his photo on every front page was the only one that lived it started to look like a false flag exercise.

How exactly do you know that the Mumbai attacks are a set up?

If you can believe that they were stupid enough to use Hindi words when they wanted to prove him Pakistani, why any other stupidity would be unbelievable?

Kasab is only one part of it, there are also the details of the other 9 terrorists, the phone intercepts with the likes of Lakhavi and so much else.

If Pakistan government takes this seriously and follows through on the investigation, you can get rid of a hell lot of terrorists.
But one thing is very strange:-- I will say some thing is wrong
that When Bombay attack was carried out.Indian media shows only two guys and one of them was Ajmal Kasab and later it was he was presented Pakistani.Then again and again that picture was on the all media.
This picture was in everybody mind due to excessive coverage.After Bombay drama was finished,it was claimed that one person is capture alive and then he is nominated as Pakistani.
Here question is this why his picture was released during attack why other were not shown.
Why other attacker face were badly damaged and he was only who was captured alive.

the picture was taken by a photographer .how was going back home from work when the attack happened he was at the vt station .

watch this vid u can see the repoter taking pictures of terrorist
(in the vid go to 1:58)

CCTV Footage of Mumbai CST Terror Attack - UNCUT video

YouTube - CCTV Footage of Mumbai CST Terror Attack - UNCUT video
NADRA have only got record of those who register themselves with NADRA. there are ppl in pak who still havent registered themselves lik kasab and his family. under such situation it takes u more time to investigate about the nationality of any person. i would say it was gud that GoP didnt simply accept him as pakistani rather looked into every minute detail. atleast now we are sure he is a pakistani otherwise many of us would have been sayin that Pak came under US pressure.

That is exactly the mole i am talking about in our system. Every Pakistani citizen should have some sort of registration within the national data base of the country and the GOP needs to make sure of that, if not then such situations will likely arise in the future as well.
Only if the world would take it that way, which i am afraid its not going to happen, even before he his identity was confirmed as a pakistani, India was accusing us for sponsoring terrorism, now that we have confirmed that he is indeed one, what do you think is going to happen, normally actions of such one asshole result in an embarrassing situation for the whole Nation/Country.

That only happens if the general perception is that the a****** in question is supported by the powers that be in the country.

There are a lot of idiots in the world. No one associates their actions with the nations.
Whats with all these apologies, have we completely lost our mind?
Whats next, should we smoke pot, hold hands and sing happy songs together?? :crazy:

Kasaab is a non state actor, a terrorist who gave up his rights to b called a muslim or a Pakistani the moment he commited this horrific crime in Mumbai.
Let India deal with him, torture or even hang him because thats what he deserves!

But there's no need to apologise for a criminal.
Did India apologise for the killings of Malegaon or the innocent cricket fan guy who came back wrapped in a bodybag? :disagree:

I just apologised for being rude..thats it....its not that i feel ashamed for defending my country..:enjoy:
Only if the world would take it that way, which i am afraid its not going to happen, even before he his identity was confirmed as a pakistani, India was accusing us for sponsoring terrorism, now that we have confirmed that he is indeed one, what do you think is going to happen, normally actions of such one asshole result in an embarrassing situation for the whole Nation/Country.

Muslims are already profiled in the West, not much worse can happen there.

However Vinod is correct, we can ensure the image of Pakistan improves by ensuring that we investigate such crimes and justice is meted out to the perpetrators.

Do some PR, make sure that Western media organizations are informed about the trials, can possible attend parts of them, report on then, and definitely be present when the verdict is read out.

We need to take the right steps to project ourselves as a moderate and sincere nation in the WoT, no one else is going to do that for us.
And of course the GoI continues with its nonsense, now apparently questioning the Pakistani process.

‘Pakistan does opposite of what it says’: Pranab

Updated at: 1900 PST, Wednesday, January 07, 2009

NEW DELHI: Indian external affairs minister, Pranab Mukherjee Wednesday said Pakistan does the opposite of what it says.

Talking to an Indian TV channel, he asked: “Is the village of Kasab not located on Pakistan’s map?.”

“I want to ask Pakistan if it reviewed the evidence in connection with the Mumbai attacks and how Pakistan reached the final conclusion only within 24 hours of receiving the evidence,” Mukherjee added.

He also questioned Pakistan’s arriving at a final conclusion without lodging an FIR.

‘Pakistan does opposite of what it says’: Pranab

Who the hell does he think he is?

Pakistan's laws and legal system are for Pakistanis to implement and interpret, and the investigation will be done by us and charges filed the way we think fit.

I have said before as well, so long as the GoI continues with this arrogant BS and belligerence, long term peace and reduction of tensions will not be possible.
And of course the GoI continues with its nonsense, now apparently questioning the Pakistani process.

Who the hell does he think he is?

Pakistan's laws and legal system are for Pakistanis to implement and interpret, and the investigation will be done by us and charges filed the way we think fit.

I have said before as well, so long as the GoI continues with this arrogant BS and belligerence, long term peace and reduction of tensions will not be possible.
here is his full interview

The battle of words escalate between India and Pakistan. In an exclusive interview to TIMES NOW, Union External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee slams Pakistan for not acting upon the 26/11 dossier of proof handed over to it by India.

Here is an excerpt of Pranab Mukherjee's interview to TIMES NOW's Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami on a day when Pakistan took the propoganda campaign against India to a whole new level.

Arnab: What is the reaction from Pakistan after the dossier has been sent there as evidence?

Pranab: Pakistan's reaction to the dossier is unfortunate but it is not unexpected. Pakistan has always done that. They say something and they do just the opposite. They have been in denial mode constantly from day one. That is precisely the question I have been asking the Pakistan authorities; Have you studied the dossier and examined it? Whose job is it to conduct and investigate? It is the investigation agency's. The information which we have handed over to the political authorities of Pakistan was expected to be handed over to their investigating agencies. They would judge it and thereafter they would take follow-up action from the leads they would get from their investigations.

Arnab: They used it and describes it as information.

Pranab: But most respectfully I would like to submit that whenever an offence or a crime takes place, the first thing that the police or investigating agency requires is an FIR. On the basis of that information report, they carry on investigations and come to conclusions by collecting and collating other material facts to support or to disprove the information which they have received. This is the procedure. But as I said, this is not unexpected of Pakistan because they have been in denial mode from day one. Otherwise how can they come to conclusions within 24 hours.

Arnab: Are you saying that Pakistan pre-judged your evidence politically?

Pranab: That is exactly my point. They did not look into it. We have given them some numbers. We have given them some names. We have given them some connections and they should investigate. I will give you three contradictions from the leadership of Pakistan. Take the case of Kasab, the only surviving terrorist captured by the Mumbai police. His father says that he's his son. Have Pakistan authorities investigated on this? Does the village not exist on the map of Pakistan? Was it not shown on screen? The man spoke before a television camera.

Arnab: Why would you go by a press report ?

Pranab: I am not going by a press report, but some of the people who have seen it. After all what is happening on Pakistani television or what is happening on Indian television can be seen by both sides. Therefore, these are matters to be investigated. Secondly about Masood Azhar. How can a responsible person like the defence minister of Pakistan say that he is under house arrest? He should either be in police custody or Judicial custody. After a couple of days they say that he is not visible.

Arnab: Are you only going by what they said or do you have any evidence to prove that Masood Azhar is in Pakistan?

Pranab: It is not my job to prove it. Pakistan is committed as per international law practice that he is a hijacker. His release took place on the demands of hijackers who hijacked a plane from Kathmandu, took it to Kandahar. To save the lives of the passengers, the Indian authorities decided to hand over this person who was in police custody here, under trial. Therefore, if he is available in Pakistan, Pakistan should have taken action against him. Why should the request come from us?

Arnab: The comment that is coming from the government is like - Given the sophistications and military precision of the attack, it must have had the support of official agencies in Pakistan. Is the fact that you believe that the attack had the support of official agencies in Pakistan only and inference or surmise or can you really back it up?

Pranab: We are not delaying this matter in the court of law. These are the arenas of the court of law. Evidence has to be examined and cross examined. Facts have to be analysed and after all it is a battle between the prosecutor and defence and thereafter the court will come to a conclusion. Essentially, we are dealing with the political authorities. They have committed that they will not allow their territories to be used by terrorists. But if we find that terrorist attacks taking place are by elements of Pakistan, what should I tell them? Should I go and prove it in the court of law or should I tell them as per our information your land is being used by terrorists who prevent it. Fulfill your commitment. This is exactly what I have been telling Pakistan authorities from day one. On the 28th of last month when the Pakistan foreign Minister Qureshi was here I requested him to fulfil the commitment which has been given at the highest level.

Arnab: We have heard the reactions from the Prime Minister as well as Pakistan, what is next?

Pranab: A former Prime Minister of Pakistan wrote in a letter to the then President which was published in her book after her death. Qureshi used the exact same phrase that there is no state line in Pakistan. Everything is in cycle. You talked of completing the cycle. When state sponsored terrorism started, it emanated from Pakistan. One of their leaders said that India cannot be divided in open confrontation therefore inflict injuries, a thousand cuts and let India die. And from this thesis 1989 onwards they carrried on indulging terrorist activities on the border, in Jammu and Kashmir and it is going on till date. Therefore, if we find that an attack which has been done, apart from the evidence which we have given; the satellite phone, the evidence and material available on the boat which the terrorists used, other evidence and interceptions, all these clearly demonstrate and is expected that Pakistan will act on it. But instead of acting on it, they are in denial mode again. They said that their leader were killed in terrorist attacks, nobody denies that. Benazir Bhutto was killed in a terrorist attack but how is it that the Pakistan government demanded that the investigation should take place by UN investigative agencies? They do not have faith and confidence in their own agencies that is why they requested an external agency to investigate the matter. The government does not have confidence in their own machinery and it expects others to have confidence in them.

Arnab: Are you saying that you believe that Pakistan's democratically elected government, which is not even a year old believes in the same policy of bleeding India through a thousand cuts?

Pranab: I do not. What the Pakistan foreign secretary said is that the magnitude of the planning, the ferocity and the intensity of the attack clearly demonstrates that it was well planned, well rehearsed and without the backing and support of a section of the officials it could not have materialised.

Arnab: Do you mean the army or the government?

Pranab: We use the phrase 'elements from Pakistan'. It is for the investigating agency to find out which agencies are responsible and that is exactly what has been stated. If somebody accepts terrorism as an instrument of the state, then how can you deal with it?

Arnab: Yesterday the Pakistan foreign office said that if this goes on like this we could go to the UN.

Pranab: I am not going to justify what the foreign office said. They are in denial mode from day one. I am not enamoured with what the Pakistan foreign ministry said. From day one they have been contradicting each other. What is the gospel truth in what they say? Why am I to accept it?

Arnab: Pakistan has laid emphasis on particular comment of yours where you said that all options are open. You said it on 2 or 3 occassions and they said that was really an indication that India was planning to launch a military strike on them?

Pranab: And that is why they they will have to induge in hoax calls and that is why they will have to mobilise their armed forces and that is why they will have to create hysteria in Pakistan about an impending attack on Pakistan? It is nothing but a crude tactic of diverting attention of the international community against this. Therefore, the issue is not war hysteria or impending war. The issue is that a dastardly terrorist attack has taken place on Mumbai. We have evidence from which we have come to the conclusion that Pakistani land was used, Pakistani elements were invovled and we are asking them to fulfil the commitments which they made. We are asking them to do exactly as party to the SAARC anti-terrorism mechanism, as a state party to the special protocol of SAARC adopted in 2004, various international commitments including UN resolution, to implement it and not just to play games. These are things to be expected. When I said that all options are kept open I did not use the word 'war'. Why should they interpret it as war? Whether it is war or not is totally irrelevant. When is said 'all options' it is inclusive, not exclusive.

Arnab: Would you say that today?

Pranab: No, I am not saying anything. I'm just straightening it out. We have never created war hysteria. We have never mobilised forces. We have not kept our air force alert. From where did they get this information. It is just to hoodwink international opinion.

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We should demand they hand him over and publically flog and execute him. Why give them the pleasure.
We should demand they hand him over and publically flog and execute him. Why give them the pleasure.

doesnt really matter bro. they should keep him. he is only gonna bring us more trouble. indian press is gonna start blamin us for not doin justice even if we hang him

His full interview is worse than the snippets - 'denial mode' seems to be his favorite phrase, without actually explaining how.

Arnab tripped him quite well when he asked him whether he knew if Azhar was in Pakistan, and he said that he had no idea, but he wanted Pakistan to act against him - tying himself in knots there.

Nor did he answer Arnab's point that the GoP cannot be expected to act on the basis of media reports when it came to determining Kasab's identity, though it would seem from the announcement by the Pakistani FO today that Pakistan was indeed investigating his identity all this time.
And of course the GoI continues with its nonsense, now apparently questioning the Pakistani process.

Who the hell does he think he is?

Pakistan's laws and legal system are for Pakistanis to implement and interpret, and the investigation will be done by us and charges filed the way we think fit.

I have said before as well, so long as the GoI continues with this arrogant BS and belligerence, long term peace and reduction of tensions will not be possible.

Pakistan was cornered here with One Lie, Reports were there Kasab's family stays in Pakistan name of village is known. But Pakistan wanted to listen from India. Pakistan was in state of Denial.
Pranav is with in rights to say so he was speaking to Domestic media India was the aggrieved Party its citizens were brutally murdered I tend to think the Mumbai terrorist had support of Pakistani state agencies mainly ISI.

Mr Manmohan Sing is not a person who speaks without substance.
I do not. What the Pakistan foreign secretary said is that the magnitude of the planning, the ferocity and the intensity of the attack clearly demonstrates that it was well planned, well rehearsed and without the backing and support of a section of the officials it could not have materialised.

Does he mean the Indian foreign secretary?

All of his arguments are completely speculative. The PA has discovered extremely sophisticated defences, training manuals and tactics in FATA. To have similar sophistication replicated in the Mumbai attacks is not unusual given what is happeing in FATA.

His full interview is worse than the snippets - 'denial mode' seems to be his favorite phrase, without actually explaining how.

Arnab tripped him quite well when he asked him whether he knew if Azhar was in Pakistan, and he said that he had no idea, but he wanted Pakistan to act against him - tying himself in knots there.

Nor did he answer Arnab's point that the GoP cannot be expected to act on the basis of media reports when it came to determining Kasab's identity, though it would seem from the announcement by the Pakistani FO today that Pakistan was indeed investigating his identity all this time.

What is he denying can u explain
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