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Air Force comparison ( Turkey - İsrael - Egypt )

Turkish military have evolved in terms of strategy and modern warfare. Turkey can defeat india any day any time in aerial warfare.
SU-30mki were neutralized by Pakistani airforce 70 F16s since last 1 decade. How are they suppose to take on 230+ F-16s with better BVRs.
India would be a bunch of wimpering cowards if they were facing TuAF
Can you provide some information on Egyptian and Israel future plans?

Yes once your future plans starts taking shape things will change but for that comparison I wanted to know about Israel and Egypt future modernization plans if you know....

İsrael will have 50 F-35I until 2024
İsraeli Air Force is interested in acquiring an Israeli version of the F-15EX , dubbed the F-15IA
İsrael buys 2 KC-46 air refueling Tankers until 2025

-- ARROW-II/III Ballistic Missile Defense Systems
-- 150 km DAVID'S SLING Air Defense System
-- 3 PATRIOT Air Defense Systems


Egypt buys 54 RAFALE Fighter Jets until 2026
Egypt buys 24 SU-35SE Fighter Jets until 2023
Egypt buys 2 Airbus A330 MRTT air refueling Tankers
Egypt has already 44 MIG-29M2 between 2017 and 2020
Egypt is in talks with İtaly to buy 24 EUROFIGTER Fighter Jets

-- S-300V4 and BuK-M2 Air Defense Systems
-- IRIS-T SLM Air Defense System

Turkey planed to have 100 F-35A Fighter Jets to replace 44 F-4 and 35 F-16 block30s
but since 2015 , The US is blocking transfer of F-35s to Turkey

-- F-16 AESA Radar modernization by 2023
-- MIUS jet engine powered UCAV by 2025
-- TFX air superiority Fighter Jet by 2029
-- 4 HAVASOJ stand off jammer Aircrafts until 2027
-- SIPER high altitude Air Defense System by 2023
-- HISAR-O medium altitude Air Defense System
-- S400 Air Defense System

İf Turkey would have 100 F-35A Fighter Jets , then would become the strongest air force in the region

maybe Egyptian RAFALE Fighter Jets with METEOR Missiles can upper hand over Turkish F-16Cs between 2024 and 2029
but in 2029 Turkish TFX air superiority Fighter Jet and MIUS UCAV will dominate the region
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Turkish military have evolved in terms of strategy and modern warfare. Turkey can defeat india any day any time in aerial warfare.
SU-30mki were neutralized by Pakistani airforce 70 F16s since last 1 decade. How are they suppose to take on 230+ F-16s with better BVRs.

Sad thing is that Turkey and Israel, even Egypt has more F 16 than Pakistan.
Pakistan despite all the heavy balls lifting of the Yanks still didn't get no rewards.

All that laying flat after one phone call, or in the case of Bajwa without a call, comes to noughts.
Be it "I am a Commando " Me kissi se darta warta nahi hoon" to Bajwa, everyone in between and before just drowned Pakistan in pity and sorrow.

Even sadder part, despite learning harsh lessons, Bajwa still not stopping.

He is trying his harder that Shahbaz can flee to the UK, so the path is clear for the corrupt Sharifs to come back to rule and loot Pakistan again.

Thanks to Imran, Bajwa's plans have failed now.
But even Imran Khan is aware of lurking dangers , he has warned his comrades of coming troubles after Eid.
Imran knows, Bajwa didn't like him blocking his plans for Sharifs revival.
Expect Imran to explode and spill the beans of what Bajwa had been doing in the back ground to hand over Pakistan to the corrupts again.
İsrael will have 50 F-35I until 2024
İsraeli Air Force is interested in acquiring an Israeli version of the F-15EX , dubbed the F-15IA
İsrael buys 2 KC-46 air refueling Tankers until 2025

-- ARROW-II/III Ballistic Missile Defense Systems
-- 150 km DAVID'S SLING Air Defense System
-- 3 PATRIOT Air Defense Systems


Egypt buys 54 RAFALE Fighter Jets until 2026
Egypt buys 24 SU-35SE Fighter Jets until 2023
Egypt buys 2 Airbus A330 MRTT air refueling Tankers
Egypt has already 44 MIG-29M2 between 2017 and 2020
Egypt is in talks with İtaly to buy 24 EUROFIGTER Fighter Jets

-- S-300V4 and BuK-M2 Air Defense Systems
-- IRIS-T SLM Air Defense System

Turkey planed to have 100 F-35A Fighter Jets to replace 44 F-4 and 35 F-16 block30s
but since 2015 , The US is blocking transfer of F-35s to Turkey

-- F-16 AESA Radar modernization by 2023
-- MIUS jet engine powered UCAV by 2025
-- TFX air superiority Fighter Jet by 2029
-- 4 HAVASOJ stand off jammer Aircrafts until 2027
-- SIPER high altitude Air Defense System by 2023
-- HISAR-O medium altitude Air Defense System
-- S400 Air Defense System

İf Turkey would have 100 F-35A Fighter Jets , then would become the strongest air force in the region

maybe Egyptian RAFALE Fighter Jets with METEOR Missiles can upper hand over Turkish F-16Cs between 2024 and 2029
but in 2029 Turkish TFX air superiority Fighter Jet and MIUS UCAV will dominate the region
What js Egypt going to do with this Sunday bazar of fighter jets?
What js Egypt going to do with this Sunday bazar of fighter jets?

the real question is how is the Egyptian Air Force able to operate its fleet of mixed origin for network centric warfare ?

USA : F-16 , E2C
France : Mirage-2000 , Rafale
Russia : MIG-29M2 , SU-35SE

Russia : S-300V4 and BuK-M2
Germany : IRIS-T SLM

Russia : Rezonans-NE 3D early warning Radar
France : Ground Master 400 early warning Radar
Next decade Turkish Airforce will have 200 F16 with Viper upgrade level the block52+ will not be upgraded, all old models will ne upgraded with Turkish Aselsan AESA radar, it seems the radar have diameter like the F35. Egypt will have in terms of number/quantity of fighters but Turkey will do it with quality. Israel will be for now number 1. After that project air force will concentrate to TFX after that Israel will be number 2.

It is in phase 2 so they are testing the radar, in 2023 first Turkish Viper will be delivered. Even the the mission computer and systems will be changed in the Viper project. From radar to sensor package are we talking about.

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Next decade Turkish Airforce will have 200 F16 with Viper upgrade level the block52+ will not be upgraded, all old models will ne upgraded with Turkish Aselsan AESA radar, it seems the radar have diameter like the F35. Egypt will have in terms of number/quantity of fighters but Turkey will do it with quality. Israel will be for now number 1. After that project air force will concentrate to TFX after that Israel will be number 2.

It is in phase 2 so they are testing the radar, in 2023 first Turkish Viper will be delivered. Even the the mission computer and systems will be changed in the Viper project. From radar to sensor package are we talking about.

Before Turkey can make AESA or even PESA Turkey needs to develop mechanical scan radar first. I believe given 10 to 30 years time, Turkey can make first mechanical scan radar, followed by PESA 40 years from now and AESA 50 years from now. Just my estimates.
Before Turkey can make AESA or even PESA Turkey needs to develop mechanical scan radar first. I believe given 10 to 30 years time, Turkey can make first mechanical scan radar, followed by PESA 40 years from now and AESA 50 years from now. Just my estimates.

What you need to know about the balance of power in the Middle East


Fighter Jets :
238 F-16 and 44 F-4 .... ( 100 F-35 was blocked by The US )
AEWC : 4 Boeing E-7T
Strategic Transport Aircraft : 10 Airbus A400M
Air refueling Tanker : 7 Boeing KC-135
Stand off Jammer Aircraft : NO
Air Defense System : HISAR-O and S400
Radar Electronic Warfare System : KORAL and REDET

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Future Weapons

-- TFX air superiority Fighter Jet
-- MIUS jet engine UCAV
-- HAVASOJ stand off jammer Aircraft
-- SIPER high altitude Air Defense System

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Fighter Jets :
224 F-16 , 76 F-15 and 50 F-35 on order
AEWC : 2 Gulfstream G500
Strategic Transport Aircraft : NO
Air refueling Tanker : 7 Boeing 707 and 4 KC-130H
Stand off Jammer Aircraft : 3 Gulfstream G500 SEMA
Air Defense System : PATRIOT and David's Sling
Radar Electronic Warfare System : NO

Future Weapons

-- 2 Boeing KC-46 Air refueling Tankers

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Fighter Jets :
218 F-16 , 44 MIG-29M2 , 24 SU-35 and 54 RAFALE on order
AEWC : 8 E2-C
Strategic Transport Aircraft : 2 IL-76MF
Air refueling Tanker : NO
Stand off Jammer Aircraft : NO
UCAV : Wing Loong II
Air Defense System : IRIS-T SLM and S300VM
Radar Electronic Warfare System : NO

Future Weapons

-- 2 Airbus A330 MRTT Air refueling Tankers

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Hmmm..why are we comparing the airforces of three friendly nations????
It is in phase 2 so they are testing the radar, in 2023 first Turkish Viper will be delivered. Even the the mission computer and systems will be changed in the Viper project. From radar to sensor package are we talking about.

only F-16 VIPER has Electronic Warfare Suite

but 60 Turkish CCIP modernized F-16C block52s have Aselsan SPEWS-II Electronic Warfare Suite

-- Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
-- Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) Suite
-- Deceptive RF jamming
-- Intelligent control of chaff/ flare dispenser systems

with Aselsan AESA Radar , Turkish CCIP modernized F-16Cs will have everything for VIPER configuration

Aselsan AESA Radar
Link-16 System
Self-Protection Electronic Warfare Suite (SPEWS II)
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG)
Modular Mission Computer
Advanced interrogator/transponder
Integrated precision navigation
LCD Color MFDs
Improved AVTR System
Multifunctional Information Distribution System
High speed Anti-Radar Missile Targeting System

and with AKDOGAN long range air to air Missiles , Turkish F-16Cs will able to match with Greek-Egyptian RAFALEs armed with METEOR Missiles in BVR combat
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Egypt buys 4 Ground Master 400 early warning Radars with range of 500 km

on the other hand , Turkey has developed 600 km Aselsan EIRS early warning AESA Radar

Aselsan EIRS is a new generation S-Band AESA Radar
EIRS has the ability to detect and track aircrafts, fighter jets , ballistic missiles, anti-radiation and cruise missiles and low RCS targets from very long ranges

and the domestic Aselsan AESA Radar will be as capable as the APG-83 radar in the F-16 Viper

-- non-co-operative and automatic target recognition
-- featuring protection against radar frequency jamming
-- electronic support and electronic attack functions
-- extended-range search, track while scan modes and weather detection
-- multiple target tracking
-- providing mid-course guidance for missiles and battle damage assessment
-- ground surveillance applications
-- the design features synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
-- ground moving target indication/tracking (GMTI/T) modes, along with air-to-ground ranging
Tubitak-SAGE EHPOD electronic warfare Pod for Turkish F-16s

EHPOD will enable the F-16 Fighter Jets to protect itself against air defense systems during attack, defense and joint operations

The Indigenous EHPOD is a new generation electronic jamming system that is capable of smart jamming through its internal DRFM (Digital RF Memory). This system is designed in a way to feature listening, sense of direction, jamming, deception and noise capabilities

during test trials

Aselsan KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System to jam and deceive hostile radars from 150-200 km away
( only Turkey in the region and in service )


Airborne Stand off Jammer Aircraft

İsrael : 3
Turkey : 4 ( between 2023 and 2027 )
Egypt : NO

İsraeli Airforce has 3 Gulfstream G550 SEMA


The HAVA SOJ will be able to detect, identify , deceive and blind enemy communication systems and radar (air defense, early warning, etc )

The HAVA SOJ system which has superior technological features than the KORAL Land Based Remote Electronic Support/Electronic Attack (KARA SOJ) system will combine many electronic warfare capabilities on an aircraft.
There is no other system with this quality known in the world

Turkey has started integrating of ASELSAN Remote Electronic Support/Electronic Attack Systems into Bombardier Global 6000 type Aircrafts

Can Turkey upgrade all of PAF’s F-16 to block 52? Or even better F-16V standard?
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