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Ahmedinejad: Iran goes nuclear

Too much chat but less work from iranians... i m tired of them :)

I don't blame you brother. You know them Iranians. They chat and chat all day and in their cigarette breaks they enrich uranium and put satellites in orbit. If I too had stepped on my heritage and tried to mimic westerners in every shape and form possible, and I still couldn't do those things, I'd be tired of them too. But no worries my friend. Time has way of rectifying past mistakes. Just stick around...
bozorgmehr...what questions? But! first I need to ask you why is your Iranian govt so deceptive? Why so many lies? why so many false statements?
Too much chat but less work from iranians... i m tired of them :)

Doesn't that apply to Turkey and their "south Korean tank with a Turkish name" and their "Italian attack helicopter and Turkish name" and your "Chinese artillery rockets" with a Turkish name?
This just look like fearmongering to me where is the proof iran is now nuclear ? where are the nuclear tests ? so ahmedinjad said it makes it true ? lol he is always saying something odd even UN said iran is still many years away from getting nukes.I will believe it when I see iranians detonate a nuclear device just like every other nuke power to prove their nuclear status.
This just look like fearmongering to me where is the proof iran is now nuclear ? where are the nuclear tests ? so ahmedinjad said it makes it true ? lol he is always saying something odd even UN said iran is still many years away from getting nukes.I will believe it when I see iranians detonate a nuclear device just like every other nuke power to prove their nuclear status.

He said we can build a bomb if we wanted to. He never said we have nuclear bombs or that we're intending to making them.
This just look like fearmongering to me where is the proof iran is now nuclear ? where are the nuclear tests ? so ahmedinjad said it makes it true ? lol he is always saying something odd even UN said iran is still many years away from getting nukes.I will believe it when I see iranians detonate a nuclear device just like every other nuke power to prove their nuclear status.

yet you believe Israel is a nuclear state:azn:


Some members here are getting excited on Iran becoming nuclear but IMO nuclear Iran would be a problem for Pakistan and the region.
1. A nuclear Iran will minimize Pakistan’s potential role of leadership in the gulf region.
2. It will destabilize the Persian gulf and Arab states will follow suit. There would be nuclear race in the region.
3. Iran is the biggest exporter of terrorism (Shia based). It will try to destabilize—which it is doing already—Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain, Yemen, and Northern parts of Saudi Arabia. Iran tries to play regional leader and nukes will give it a great deal of leverage.
4. Pakistan will be sandwiched between different nuclear powers from all sides: India, China, and Iran.
5. A nuclear Iran will also destabilize Pakistan by supporting and abetting Shia groups in Pakistan and that will spawn a radical Sunni response. There would be no end to sectarian violence. We all know that the Sunni-Shia violence in Pakistan is in fact the proxy of Saudi Arabia and Iran.
6. Most importantly, Iran is an unstable state where majority of the population is against the current authoritarian and theocratic regime. IT can blow up any time.

IMO United States should have already taken out Iran’s nuclear program. IT is delayed and may be Iran is now months away from becoming a nuclear state. I would strongly support America, or any other power for taking out Iran’s nuclear program through strategic strikes and operations. It will be in the interests of Pakistan and the region.

1. A nuclear Iran will minimize Pakistan&#8217;s potential role of leadership in the gulf region. <----- lol! I don't think you are Pakistani.. You are a Turk... No Pakistani in his right senses will make such ignorant comment... :partay::lol:
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