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Ahmedinejad: Iran goes nuclear

Yeah that is true. We are not each other enemy either. It's just that there are some misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up. We both are Muslims nation and our ties can improve if we sit down and sort things out.

Our, their & Turkish government have started the Train route, hopefully it will bring us a little closer. The gas pipeline project will be signed in May i guess.

We need to clear the misunderstandings, we don't really have any big issues with them. Sitting down on the table will hopefully clear the air out. We can benefit a lot from Iran if we improve our relationship.:agree:

I agree, there is no reason why we should not have good relations. One issue that should be cleared up should be this Baluchistan issue. The Iranian government has evidence that some (rouge) elements of the Pakistani Government is helping Jundullah. This is a serious matter and i am sure it will be dealt with.
the reason why iranians dont like the talibans i guess is that its the pushtun monopoly which are sunnis, and they are more oriented towards pakistan then iran, if they had been shia comprising the other ethnic minorities than like hizbullah iran would have been gladly supporting and arming them against the US occupation, and they would not have been labelled as wabbies and terrorists by them!!

LOL Wow the love showed By these Wahabi Talibans to Pakistan is visible in most Graveyards in Pakistan i would prefer to stay away from that love.

But some people want to take credit for everything more power to you but just for a second step back and go through the names of dead killed by these terrorists and tell me how many were shais and Sunnis you will be surprised to see the truth.so i am going to ask you ok we shias wants to see these wahabi pigs roasted and fed to dogs what do U think people who aren't hails and their relatives have been killed by these wahabis wants to do to them show love for them or make excuses like you are.

Most here pretend to be Patriotic yet make every excuse in the book to support Talibans which on is it either Talibans are good and Pakistan Army is wrong or ? if Any of you for a second think when that suicide bomber or terrorist who has planted a bomb to kill innocent civilians in Pakistan and any where in world is going to stop himself from going ahead with that heinous act cause most killed will be Sunnis think again but on the other hand peoples continue to fight for these cowards cause they think they have something in common tell me or show me where in Islam be Sunni or shia you are allowed to kill.
God almighty has refused to accept these people (you are not Muslim if others are not safe from you)people continue to do so what wrong with this picture.
Who is Jundullah?

friendship with Iran is not only Pakistan's interest now that I think of it. Iran wants to eradicate Israel, but Israel and India are close allies... So that's where Pakistan comes in o.o sorry but I'm still learning about Iran and its relations with other countries so I might not make much sense.
No offense to Iranian members here but the Iranian regime is the carbon copy of Taliban or the other way round. The only difference it that it is based on Shia'ism while Taliban are Deobandi and Wahabi.

Let me get this strait you think the Government that investing heavily in Iran future and defense and is stand up to the west cause of its double standard is same is school blowing Talibans.:hitwall:

Dude put your hate a side and should be asking why aren the other governments in Middleeast doing the same as Iran.

Why does Iran keep provoking western anger, defying the Security Council, inviting sanctions and risking devastating Israeli attack when it could simply buy fuel rods from Europe that cannot be used for nuclear weapons?

Thirty-one years ago, Iranians overthrew the hated, U.S.-backed monarchy of Reza Shah Pahlavi. The revolution was led by an exiled Shia cleric, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and an old university friend of mine, Sadegh Ghotbzadeh. This historic uprising was ignited by Iranians’ anger at being misruled by a western-installed despot who mocked Islam, allowed his thieving family to loot the nation and spent billions on U.S. and British arms when his people went hungry and illiterate.

The dreaded U.S. and Israeli-trained secret police, Savak, kept the Shah in power through a reign of terror and torture. Iranians later blamed the U.S. and Britain for engineering and financing Saddam Hussein’s 1980 invasion of Iran which cost one million Iranian casualties.

In the 1970s, Washington offered to sell the Shah’s regime 31 nuclear reactors. Israel reportedly offered to swap medium-range missiles with nuclear warheads for oil. But after the revolution, Iran was declared a “terrorist regime” when Khomeini demanded Mideast oil money go to its people rather than U.S.-supported monarchies, and championed the Palestinian cause.

Nuclear power has become Iran’s key national issue. Ali Khamenei, Iran’s current spiritual guide, claims Britain and the U.S. are determined to deny the Muslim world modern technology in order to keep it backwards, weak and forced to buy western arms and exports. Imperial Britain did the same to India, keeping its colony economically backwards for two centuries.

For most Iranians, developing nuclear power means breaking out of their western-imposed technological ghetto and modernization. It’s a matter of profound national pride and defiance: Iran was repeatedly invaded by Britain and Russia, its governments were overthrown by western powers and its oil exploited. Nuclear technology offers independence and weapons for self-defence, if Tehran so chooses.

To western dismay, most of the current Iranian protest movement’s leaders back its nuclear program. If Ahmadinejad were replaced, Iran’s nuclear efforts would continue unless the U.S. and Britain managed to achieve their strategy of imposing a new, compliant royalist regime in Tehran.

In the Iranian view, if France and Britain, and neighbours Russia, Israel, Pakistan and India (now with U.S. help), can have nuclear arms, why can’t Iran at least boil water for tea using nuclear energy?
Who is Jundullah?

friendship with Iran is not only Pakistan's interest now that I think of it. Iran wants to eradicate Israel, but Israel and India are close allies... So that's where Pakistan comes in o.o sorry but I'm still learning about Iran and its relations with other countries so I might not make much sense.

Jundullah is a wahhabi Baluch terrorist organization that operates from Pakistan. So far they have killed nearly 400 innocent civilians. They are funded by America and Saudi Arabia.

Iran is not saying that the Pakistani government officially supports them, however the Iranian government believes that certain elements within the Pakistani government support Jundullah. For example, Rigi, their leader was arrested by Pakistani police officers, but he was released by the ISI.
cheetah..A nazi sympathizers is talking Good about jewish Firepower (i wonder who jews would wanna use that fire against more Iran or Nazi )to scare a Proud Yes Proud Muslim Nation And you are calling them jealous really are you for reall.
At least they have the guts to stand up to the rest of the world can you say that about your beloved Arabs.

you still didn't get it research about Nazi and come back talk to me about Nazis..secondly I am talking about F-16s fire power whether it be in hands of Jews or Pakistan or Taiwan I am discussing new platform against old obsolete platform there is nothing about jews or Nazi or anything involvement in it don't act amateurish..read your own and your friend's previous post jealously reflects to its core...and grow up jews have firepower just as we all accept united states to be super power..there a big difference is refusing and denying google it if you don't know their meanings..you have taken discussion out of context you guys started i am simply replying and than you put your "talk went wrong" upon me..standing up and looking in the eyes in one thing that don't make them woohoo guys! when something good is being offered to Iran wise is to accept it and this way you can eliminate the hostility between west and Iran but Iran chose to be all negative i don't call it brave act come out of the state of suspicions..

Jews hate Nazis am i wrong .
Fire power wise very clearly what i said because of your hate you are refusing to read it and understand it.

Simply put it if u dont think we in pakistan should pretend Indians dont have a bigger airforce then ours or there navy isnt bigger then ours and yes that means more firepower if you so far agree with me I suggest dont tell Iranians to worry about israels Firepower i am sure they are well aware of the situation.

when something good is being offered to Iran wise is to accept it

Please do share with us whats being offered to them. (Tehran has offered to swap its low-enriched uranium for fuel rods from Europe and Russia. But Iran says the swap must be simultaneous, while the U.S.-led western powers demand Iran hand over its uranium first, then get the fuel rods at some later date – if it behaves.)

accept it and this way you can eliminate the hostility between west and Iran but Iran chose to be all negative i don't call it brave act come out of the state of suspicions

Having a back bone and standing up for your rights is wrong in your eyes or You mean they should be obedient dogs like the rest of middle east.

do share with us all what do u think about the regimes in middle east or we are not going to talk about that:rofl:

And its pretty obvious from your posts thats your concern isnt about Irans stands against west or israel its your hate for the shias dont shoot around the bush:rofl:.
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Jundullah is a wahhabi Baluch terrorist organization that operates from Pakistan. So far they have killed nearly 400 innocent civilians. They are funded by America and Saudi Arabia.

Iran is not saying that the Pakistani government officially supports them, however the Iranian government believes that certain elements within the Pakistani government support Jundullah. For example, Rigi, their leader was arrested by Pakistani police officers, but he was released by the ISI.

you iranians are funny creatures.... i must say. you cant say anything and blame us before you give us proves. u just play indian stooges and play blame game just like them!! what if pakistan claims that the baloch terror organization BLA is aided by iran or iran has a hand in them somehow?? every thing which is not shia you call them wahabbi but what you call the extremist hizbullah??? you just like them because they are shias and support ayatullahs
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you iranians are funny creatures.... i must say. you cant say anything and blame us before you give us proves. u just play indian stooges and play blame game just like them!! what if pakistan claims that the baloch terror organization BLA is aided by iran or iran has a hand in them somehow?? every thing which is not shia you call them wahabbi but what you call the extremist hizbullah??? you just like them because they are shias and support ayatullahs

I just gave you proof, can you read?
I just gave you proof, can you read?

We have proof that your Mullah's are one of the major sources of sectarian conflicts in Pakistan for nearly 2 decades causing thousands of civilian deaths. Khomeinie is on record saying that he wanted to turn Pakistan (a historic sunni region) into a Shia state. Who arms the shia terrorist groups in Pakistan? Ideological differences aside, Iranian Mullahs are no different than the Wahhabi mullahs at mental level. Iranian regime still doesn't allow construction of Sunni mosques in Tehran, just like the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia. They both hate each other and both want to convert the other party to their ideology, and that's more like the purpose of their existence whilst the piss poor countrymen have no food on the table and die of hunger.

At the end of the day leaving the Mullah's aside, we're all muslims and Islam tells us to work for social justice and moral uplifting of people. We have a lot more in common and we should support those who work towards good for the people and leave the Mullah's aside.

Btw, if the news is true than congrats on becoming a nuclear state.
We have proof that your Mullah's are one of the major sources of sectarian conflicts in Pakistan for nearly 2 decades causing thousands of civilian deaths. Khomeinie is on record saying that he wanted to turn Pakistan (a historic sunni region) into a Shia state. Who arms the shia terrorist groups in Pakistan? Ideological differences aside, Iranian Mullahs are no different than the Wahhabi mullahs at mental level. Iranian regime still doesn't allow construction of Sunni mosques in Tehran, just like the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia. They both hate each other and both want to convert the other party to their ideology, and that's more like the purpose of their existence whilst the piss poor countrymen have no food on the table and die of hunger.

At the end of the day leaving the Mullah's aside, we're all muslims and Islam tells us to work for social justice and moral uplifting of people. We have a lot more in common and we should support those who work towards good for the people and leave the Mullah's aside.

Btw, if the news is true than congrats on becoming a nuclear state.

Show me the proof.
Cheetah786 neither you nor your friend understand my posts so leave it i am not going to waste my time further on you two think what you like be my guest.

And special thankyou to Firefighter..abi don't ask for the proof the shia violence is enough of proof in Pakistan while Pakistan tried hard to integrate and join hands with good shia community but some element from shia inside and outsiders don't want that to happen because this will abolish violence in Pakistan..
don't try to further drag this conversation with me i will ignore you on the other hand this thread is getting in wrong direction because of you abi/cheetah perhaps mods can close this thread since you and your friend aren't getting our points.
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Cheetah786 neither you nor your friend understand my posts so leave it i am not going to waste my time further on you two think what you like be my guest.

And special thankyou to Firefighter..abi don't ask for the proof the shia violence is enough of proof in Pakistan while Pakistan tried hard to integrate and join hands with good shia community but some element from shia inside and outsiders don't want that to happen because this will abolish violence in Pakistan..
don't try to further drag this conversation with me i will ignore you on the other hand this thread is getting in wrong direction because of you abi/cheetah perhaps mods can close this thread since you and your friend aren't getting our points.

Shia terrorist name one just one victim to shias from last year i will name the shais and Sunnis who lost their life to wahabi terrorist.

No i do not understand your mumbojumbo i asked you clear question and gave you clear answers you keep dancing around your hate and as i suspected you and your friends will ignore the questions asked sorry dude learns to debate.
We have proof that your Mullah's are one of the major sources of sectarian conflicts in Pakistan for nearly 2 decades causing thousands of civilian deaths. Khomeinie is on record saying that he wanted to turn Pakistan (a historic sunni region) into a Shia state. Who arms the shia terrorist groups in Pakistan? Ideological differences aside, Iranian Mullahs are no different than the Wahhabi mullahs at mental level. Iranian regime still doesn't allow construction of Sunni mosques in Tehran, just like the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia. They both hate each other and both want to convert the other party to their ideology, and that's more like the purpose of their existence whilst the piss poor countrymen have no food on the table and die of hunger.

At the end of the day leaving the Mullah's aside, we're all muslims and Islam tells us to work for social justice and moral uplifting of people. We have a lot more in common and we should support those who work towards good for the people and leave the Mullah's aside.

Btw, if the news is true than congrats on becoming a nuclear state.

wow i am unaware of 1000s of deaths caused by shias in pakistan yet the world is aware of 1000000s of deaths caused by wahabi saudi supported terrorist in pakistan and around the world.

Please do share the proof that you have i am looking forward to looking at it and dont tell us osama bin laden is shia.

About the mosques in Tehran i am disgusted with Iranians if they do not allow people to have there place of worship all should be free to have there place of worship no exceptions period.

Masjid al-Haram (Kaaba-Mecca) or Masjid al-Nabawi (Madinah) a Sunni mosque or a Shia mosque? If Sunni and Shia can pray togather at Islams holiest sites why cant they elsewhere?I am not trying to make excuses for the Iranians but i am asking a simple question to us all Muslims.
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Let me get this strait you think the Government that investing heavily in Iran future and defense and is stand up to the west cause of its double standard is same is school blowing Talibans.:hitwall:

Dude put your hate a side and should be asking why aren the other governments in Middleeast doing the same as Iran.

Why does Iran keep provoking western anger, defying the Security Council, inviting sanctions and risking devastating Israeli attack when it could simply buy fuel rods from Europe that cannot be used for nuclear weapons?

Thirty-one years ago, Iranians overthrew the hated, U.S.-backed monarchy of Reza Shah Pahlavi. The revolution was led by an exiled Shia cleric, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and an old university friend of mine, Sadegh Ghotbzadeh. This historic uprising was ignited by Iranians’ anger at being misruled by a western-installed despot who mocked Islam, allowed his thieving family to loot the nation and spent billions on U.S. and British arms when his people went hungry and illiterate.

The dreaded U.S. and Israeli-trained secret police, Savak, kept the Shah in power through a reign of terror and torture. Iranians later blamed the U.S. and Britain for engineering and financing Saddam Hussein’s 1980 invasion of Iran which cost one million Iranian casualties.

In the 1970s, Washington offered to sell the Shah’s regime 31 nuclear reactors. Israel reportedly offered to swap medium-range missiles with nuclear warheads for oil. But after the revolution, Iran was declared a “terrorist regime” when Khomeini demanded Mideast oil money go to its people rather than U.S.-supported monarchies, and championed the Palestinian cause.

Nuclear power has become Iran’s key national issue. Ali Khamenei, Iran’s current spiritual guide, claims Britain and the U.S. are determined to deny the Muslim world modern technology in order to keep it backwards, weak and forced to buy western arms and exports. Imperial Britain did the same to India, keeping its colony economically backwards for two centuries.

For most Iranians, developing nuclear power means breaking out of their western-imposed technological ghetto and modernization. It’s a matter of profound national pride and defiance: Iran was repeatedly invaded by Britain and Russia, its governments were overthrown by western powers and its oil exploited. Nuclear technology offers independence and weapons for self-defence, if Tehran so chooses.

To western dismay, most of the current Iranian protest movement’s leaders back its nuclear program. If Ahmadinejad were replaced, Iran’s nuclear efforts would continue unless the U.S. and Britain managed to achieve their strategy of imposing a new, compliant royalist regime in Tehran.

In the Iranian view, if France and Britain, and neighbours Russia, Israel, Pakistan and India (now with U.S. help), can have nuclear arms, why can’t Iran at least boil water for tea using nuclear energy?

Sir, you have known Sadegh Ghotbzadeh? Wow, amazing.
We have proof that your Mullah's are one of the major sources of sectarian conflicts in Pakistan for nearly 2 decades causing thousands of civilian deaths. Khomeinie is on record saying that he wanted to turn Pakistan (a historic sunni region) into a Shia state. Who arms the shia terrorist groups in Pakistan? Ideological differences aside, Iranian Mullahs are no different than the Wahhabi mullahs at mental level. Iranian regime still doesn't allow construction of Sunni mosques in Tehran, just like the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia. They both hate each other and both want to convert the other party to their ideology, and that's more like the purpose of their existence whilst the piss poor countrymen have no food on the table and die of hunger.

At the end of the day leaving the Mullah's aside, we're all muslims and Islam tells us to work for social justice and moral uplifting of people. We have a lot more in common and we should support those who work towards good for the people and leave the Mullah's aside.

Btw, if the news is true than congrats on becoming a nuclear state.

I don't go to mosque to listen to a sheikh or mullah tell his opinion of the will of God. So it's not a subject very close to my heart. But I do know that Ahl-e Sunna are a much smaller minority in Iran than Shia are in Pakistan. And the vast majority of them are concentrated in the South-east and North-west of Iran. So it could be there are not enough Sunnis in the city of Tehran. The truth is I don't know if and how many Sunni mosques may be in Tehran.

But the way these arguments are used is to imply that there are no Sunni mosques in Iran, period. And that is of course a lie. Not only do Sunnis have their own mosques, but also their own Seminaries (howzeh elmieh). So let's not get carried away friends.
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