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Ahmedinejad: Iran goes nuclear

wrong abi Iran is full of poverty same as Iraq/Pakistan or few other nation! hell if you were prosperous with wealth Iran could have purchased some top notch stuff to protect her skies instead of using those dead F-14/F-5/F-4...you could have procured SAMs long time ago fact is bad policies and not being a trusted partner of any nation has put you people without friends!

I would like to see Iran becomes an active nation to contribute to the world in many ways for now it seen u are all cornered just because of the attitude! Look at Libya learn from them perhaps you'll learn..

you seem to think that the prosperity of a country is measured by how many American fighter planes you have.
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Poverty, you say?

Literacy (Total Population): 77%
Iran compare to other asian countries have got alot of good things and qualities. Level of corruption is low compare to the others, clean hospitals and cities, more organized, good police(relatively), better education, publicantions of books, newspapers etc is really really good, rule of law(despite the political unrest), there is no war in big scale going. so as an average it is a good place to live.
your wrong again abi read what i wrote...
And yes when you claim your country to have enough forex why stick to your enemy's old hogs Fleet replace them with your "Friend Russian stuff" to secure your land and air..and Yes 200+F-16 block 50/52 will rot those F-4/F-14/F-5/f-7s your govt is simply not merciful to your own homeland security just big fat lies and statements nothing else!
your wrong again abi read what i wrote...
And yes when you claim your country to have enough forex why stick to your enemy's old hogs Fleet replace them with your "Friend Russian stuff" to secure your land and air..and Yes 200+F-16 block 50/52 will rot those F-4/F-14/F-5/f-7s your govt is simply not merciful to your own homeland security just big fat lies and statements nothing else!

I read what you wrote and i am reading it again. It's BS. You seem to think that prosperity is measured by how many American weapons you have. Prosperity is measured by how many people can read and write, it is measured by how many people have enough food to eat and it is measured by how many people have access to hospitals. It is not measured by how many foreign airplanes you have!

I'd rather have 10,000 schools instead of 200 F-16s and i am glad my Government does as well.
I read what you wrote and i am reading it again. It's BS. You seem to think that prosperity is measured by how many American weapons you have. Prosperity is measured by how many people can read and write, it is measured by how many people have enough food to eat and it is measured by how many people have access to hospitals. It is not measured by how many foreign airplanes you have!

I'd rather have 10,000 schools instead of 200 F-16s and i am glad my Government does as well.

hi my friend Abi, you maybe the first active iranian member here but your posts are really annoying to me and everyone else and you are heading nowhere with your posts , please start to contribute some positive instead of just playing a "press tv" propagandist here. if you have to share your views with regards to the title of this forum i-e pakistan defence forum, its relations with your country, its economy, its friends, its history etc then your are most welcome. hoping you contribute well here and looking foreward to hear your iranian views, best wishes.
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abi read again and again until you get it let me simplify in the process of talking about the poverty in Iran and other countries i added one aspect of Iranian funding and budget if She had money (i'm sure corruption is within govt) she could have procured purchased weapons for self defense...Think before you leap i am not here to fight with you i am showing u one of the aspects of a nation with funds can get rid of old junk knowing her enemy is superior sometimes asking for help from a partner or friend is better in process you can get alots of things u can learn from all the rants Russia is Iran's best friend is all BS you couldn't get ur S-300 in time with all those rants about Great Iranian oil wells or perhaps non wants to trust Iran any more to sell anything to her i might be wrong though..so yeah read again..
abi read again and again until you get it let me simplify in the process of talking about the poverty in Iran and other countries i added one aspect of Iranian funding and budget if She had money (i'm sure corruption is within govt) she could have procured purchased weapons for self defense...Think before you leap i am not here to fight with you i am showing u one of the aspects of a nation with funds can get rid of old junk knowing her enemy is superior sometimes asking for help from a partner or friend is better in process you can get alots of things u can learn from all the rants Russia is Iran's best friend is all BS you couldn't get ur S-300 in time with all those rants about Great Iranian oil wells or perhaps non wants to trust Iran any more to sell anything to her i might be wrong though..so yeah read again..

Bro, may I ask where are suggesting Iran obtain all this great and advanced weaponry from?
FreekiN my friend...such nice places and building are in Pakistan as well, Just because some nice buildings and places doesn't mean Iran is one Richie rich...And again i would give you an example related to armed forces..."The junk with the air force" could have been replaced over the period of years with Russian top notch migs/su..at one point you tend to boycott west on the other hand you use their stuff and declare yourself Lion!
Go Google there are more lovely places in North Korea perhaps your posting of pics won't bring u guys to senses....literacy rate could be 77% poverty is another thing just because 7 out of 10 people study doesn't mean all of them got Jobs! simple maths...don't stress out urself abi bro reality is govt is not spending as is the right of Iranian people..
You are saying Iran should eradicate poverty by buying 200 F-16s? You keep talking about buying expensive weapons. The money should be spent on improving the nation not buying weapons from other countries. Iran can defend itself, don't you worry about that, we don't need to spend billions of dollars on western equipment. What is more strange is that you are saying Iran is not rich and prosperous because it doesn't have the latest equipment in its airforce.

I am not going to tell you again that prosperity is not measured by how many western weapons you have.
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hi my friend Abi, you maybe the first active iranian member here but your posts are really annoying to me and everyone else and you are heading nowhere with your posts , please start to contribute some positive instead of just playing a "press tv" propagandist here. if you have to share your views with regards to the title of this forum i-e pakistan defence forum, its relations with your country, its economy, its friends, its history etc then your are most welcome. hoping you contribute well here and looking foreward to hear your iranian views, best wishes.

I am glad i am annoying you because that means i am in the right. A lot of Pakistani brothers on this forum have corrected you when you have made ignorant posts about Iran, so don't act as if speak for all of the Pakistani members on this forum. In fact a couple of Pakistani members of this forum have told me that you're not a Pakistani and just a troll.
oh for God sake abi use your brain I'm giving you an example that if your economy was mighty and everyone had happy with smiling faces on waking up and sleep at nights Iran should have been able to upgrade her Armed Forces....Example!!! get it through your head you're impossible...and abi best wishes to Iran with their economy and success not a bit did i point out at your people but your govt don't tell me ur govt is all angels!
oh for God sake abi use your brain I'm giving you an example that if your economy was mighty and everyone had happy with smiling faces on waking up and sleep at nights Iran should have been able to upgrade her Armed Forces....Example!!! get it through your head you're impossible...

How many times do you want me to tell you? We don't want to spend billions on foreign weapons! The money that we have should be spent on Iranian made equipment. We spend about $7bn a year on our armed forces (Less than 1% of our PPP GDP) and that is all that we need. It is not that we don't have money to spend, but that we don't want to spend our money on weapons. We want to spend it on our schools, Hospitals and on our Infrastructure. We have one of the worlds largest forex reserves, if we wanted to, we could afford to buy twenty squadrons of PAK FAs, but we don't.

Another crucial factor is that we cannot buy weapons because of UNSC sanctions.
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