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Ahmed Rashid: "A real meltdown".

So long the Kashmir conflict doesn't end; nothing's gonna happen. I can bet you on that.

We are not going to get Kashmir back. In our quest to take Kashmir, we managed to lose East Pakistan.

How much more territory should we lose for Kashmir?

Its time to realize that we won't get Kashmir back. Its an injustice, but its time to move on.
Its time to realize that we won't get Kashmir back. Its an injustice, but its time to move on.

Inbeforeyougetmanyindianthanksforthatpost :lol:

But no seriously, losing Kashmir doesn't have anything to do with losing EP. You can't just give up on Kashmir like that; thank God people like you don't run the country....
Unfortunately this is so true.

Many Indians behave like Arabs and strongly feel that tiny Pakistan (like tiny Israel) has no right to exist at its own terms right next mighty neighbor India. And if Pakistan has any right to exist, the terms must be dictated by India.

That is a piece of crap. We are a Status Quo state, where as you are an expansionist..We do not want any changes to the present borders..where as you want to expand into areas which you do not have and never did.
We are content with our borders, but are you?
Case in point water issues where India took unilateral approach right from the get go.

Even when the Sindh TAS treaty (water sharing treaty) was signed in the 50s, the treaty is being constantly violated by India perhaps based on the principle of "might is right".

If Indus Treaty water was/ is being violated..then why is that the neutral observer(World Bank) responsible for arbitration in case of dispute.. dismiss your claims?As it did Baghlihar case.
If you think treaty is being violated ..then go to the neutral arbitrator and present your case...we will/always do adhere to World Bank's recommendations.
yes Pakistan is no angel, our hands are bloody with doing bad and nasty stuff in Kashmir.

I hope one day Pakistanis learn to accept India as a big neighbor and learn to use means other than the militants. And to some degree we have. Militancy is drastically down in Kashmir for the last 10+ years.


India learns to accept that it is not good to shove a sharp one into the tiny neighbor and not mess with river heads.

The reason is that the tiny neighbor has 200 million population (unlike Israel's few millions) and things will remain nasty if each of these guys keep on daring each other.

Thanks and peace to all.

Good enough.
You are wrong.. Most Indians dont care two hoots about Pakistan. Its only when incidents like Mumbai 26/11 happen, they get reminded on Pakistan's existence...


You're lying to yourself and you probably know that.

The amount of interest bharatis show in Pakistan's internal affairs -- from everything to economy, poverty, social issues, etc -- is mind boggling. Please quit lying.

You're lying to yourself and you probably know that.

The amount of interest bharatis show in Pakistan's internal affairs -- from everything to economy, poverty, social issues, etc -- is mind boggling. Please quit lying.

Showing interest and caring about something are two different things.
very true...but have you ever thought of reasons ?

yes many times...

But I think most of the indians have one sided approch. they just wanna look and discussed about Pakistan's mistakes but not their owns.
From last 6 to 7 years, I have seen a termendous change in common Pakistanies' approch towards India. This might be because Pakistanies have become more obssesed with their country Pakistan and just wanted to see her back on track. I never been to India thats y, I cant say about ground realities in India but by looking at indian's posts on PDF, CNN and the comments underneath of any Pakistan's related articles, m wondering how many more years Indians are going to take to come out of their past.

anyways, Its always a great pleasure to read the posts of balanced approched ppl from both side.
Renowned journalist Ahmed Rashid

Nothing to see here, folks. It's just Ahmed Rashid trying to sell his book in India and the West.

He's a pro at promoting himself and milking his audience by telling them exactly what they want to hear.
Ah, I see I've exceeded the limits of Indian civility: when cornered by argument Tamizhan ultimately behaves just like the Pakistanis and resorts to attacking the messenger rather than re-evaluating the Indian position.

Is it any wonder, then, that unlike the U.S./Canada situation the conflict that began with India's partition continues into a seventh decade? There are no Indians. There are no Pakistanis. There are only South Indians and Muslim North Indians. Their minds work pretty much the same.

Solomon, it's not that we have any problem in being civil with you.

The problem is that your positions are based on an appalling lack of information.

For example, you were quoting Churchill for your views on Gandhi. Not that I am entirely uncritical of Gandhi, but that is akin to using "Mein Kampf" to form one's views on the Jews.
India learns to accept that it is not good to shove a sharp one into the tiny neighbor and not mess with river heads.

Whoa, do you buy into the fiery speeches saying India is stealing water and causing floods.

No objective party has ever accused India of violating the Indus Waters Treaty.

How can one have a productive dialog, when even seemingly reasonable people like you take unreasonable positions.
Take a chill pill bro.

Our nearly constant state of conflict with India has been nothing but disastrous for Pakistan.

Its time to make peace and move on and focus on start building our country without wishing the destruction of others.

Just because you are shameless and have never lived in Pakistan, does not mean we are all the same as you.

text in bold will surely be the case as long as radical and extremist people like you are not ousted by pragmatic and progressive minded people from both the sides..

and the other part of your comment, it shows how poor your GK is.… half knowledge is worse than ignorance …you proved it again….

This is how you Bharti fascists are, and just because someone soft like Oscar says otherwise, does not make the facts untrue. The majority of Pakistanis dislike India.

And for you to judge me, I spit on you.

You have no idea what my family has been through, and why and how we have contributed to Pakistan.

Keep your pathetic bharti judgements to yourself.

You're lying to yourself and you probably know that.

The amount of interest bharatis show in Pakistan's internal affairs -- from everything to economy, poverty, social issues, etc -- is mind boggling. Please quit lying.

Except the defence geeks and netizens,99.99% indians doesn't care about pakistan,or its military or its internel affairs. Most aren't even aware what lca tejas or agni is!
Except the defence geeks and netizens,99.99% indians doesn't care about pakistan,or its military or its internel affairs. Most aren't even aware what lca tejas or agni is!

Your media says otherwise.
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