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Ahmadinejad roars Iran and Pakistan won’t be scared off

Pakistan relation with iran should be as follows:

1.aggressive trade - self interest first
2. if war breaks out keep out of it, tell population shutup and give them easy to understand reason as to why and make them understand what is interest n brotherhood
3. trade with 90 percent of countries if in our benefit and economy.
4.deal with Arabs n their behavior very hastily if sending terrorist.
5. Pakistan first
it is if adminejad roars his a ss off making gullible paks fall for iran crazy adventures.

First of all - normally i don't reply to uncivilized one liner other than Members club. Second, You are talking about a guest and president of a country to whom we invited. Third, I don't see any direct Arab-Iran war in near future they are fighting through proxies, both sides are capable to do this and doing and Pakistan's help is not required. Four, even hypothetically there is was than Pakistan has more stakes in GCC than Iran at the moment, so we are not that much fool that with one statement we will be fighting against GCC and neither against Iran like we remained neutral in Iran-Iraq war and yes in Future if we have more stakes in Iran than other side than we will be supporting Iran to safeguard our Interests.

Last: Topic is about Iran & Pakistan and their bilateral relations.
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